The Quantum Theory The quantum theory is the concept that energy is absorbed in a small pocket called a quantum, which in some situations behaves as particles of matter do. While particles, when in motion, exhibit certain wavelike properties. The quantum theory proposed a dual nature for particles and waves, with one aspect predominating in some situations and the other aspect predominating in other situations. This theory posed great conflict within the scientific community.
One of the biggest conflicts were between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. Einstein believed that objective reality should extend to the quantum level while Bohr insisted that his interpretation of the quantum theory was complete. Bohr, Heisenberg, and Pauli’s claim that they had constructed a “consistent account of the atomic world (263) ” is refuted by the Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen Paradox. Through a series of thought experiments the three Bailey 2 scientists, Einstein; Podolsky; and Rosen, came to the conclusion that the quantum theory was incomplete. They believed it was incomplete because “it could not account for parts of reality that have a clear existence independent of any observer (263) .” Another reason that the scientists believed the quantum theory was unfinished was that the knowledge of both position and velocity could not be accounted for thus violating the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Even though Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen had good intentions they could not convince the Bohr and his Copenhagen scientists. Bohr’s main point in the refutation of Einstein’s Paradox was the idea that the velocity of the electron is objective. Bohr believed that velocity is an aspect of the electron. The Copenhagen group perceived the argument as logically perfect but not strong enough to change their views. The group felt that the ideas that Einstein and his cohorts presented were the ones Copenhagen tried to leave behind. Works Cited The Mechanical Universe: Readings in Astronomy, Physics, Cosmology, an Philosophy.
The Essay on Albert Einstein Theories Scientist Light
Albert Einstein was one of a few scientists that change the way we look at the world Today. He was born in 1879 and die on 1955. In that time he made many theories on how the world works. Einstein got married twice once to a class mate and once his cousin. Einstein also like music and he played the violin. Albert Einstein is on of few scientist who had changed the way the world works today. Albert ...
C APCO Press. 1997.