There are about seven or eight basic kinds of dragons. First there is the Western Dragon when most people think of the word “Dragon”, this is it. This dragon has scaly skin that swords cannot break through. A good example of a Western Dragon is the one of “Dragonheart” named Drako. But in myth these dragons are portrayed as mean, blood thirsty, and “evil”. Knights’ eager to prove their faith to their religion, then found that dragon slaying was very profitable soon destroyed these dragons. But these dragons are very smart and an amazing creature.
In talking with someone who read a book built around a dragon; learned that this dragon symbolized a young boy. In a world called Avalon, a place called Pendragon, was being taken over by Christianity, and early beliefs, which involved dragons and goddesses, were frowned upon. The dragon in early beliefs symbolizes the son of a priestess and a Roman solder, who was thought to be powerful later in life, after his mother and father were killed.
Next there is the Eastern Dragons. There are three types of Eastern Dragons; Japanese, Korean or Indonesian, and Chinese. The Japanese dragons have five toes. Korean or Indonesian have four toes. The Chinese dragons have three toes. These dragons have the body of a snake, scales of a fish, face of a camel, horns of a deer, eyes of a rabbit, ears of a bull, neck like an iguana, belly of a frog, tiger paws, and claws like an eagle. These dragons are portrayed as kind, wise, intelligent and smart. These dragons are usually shown with a pearl either in their claws, mouth or under their chin. This pearl is known to be their source of power. In Japan the Emperor would wear a yellow dragon on their robes would be killed. Because the Dragon was the sign of power and no one has more power in that country than the emperor.
The Essay on Nuclear Power Plants
Nuclear Power has its advantages and disadvantages. However it is a lot safer than most people think. The chances of a meltdown or a radiation leak are extremely small. There are many safety features, which make nuclear power one of the safest electricity sources. And every nuclear power plant is protected with thick layers of steel and concrete. Nuclear power is also very environmentally ...
Then there is the Wyvern, which came form Europe. It was probably mixed up with the Western Dragons because these dragons have wings with claws on them and two legs. This dragon is also another sign of power.
Then there is the Faerie Dragons, these dragons only get 1 to 5 feet high and have large butterfly like wings. In legend they are known to carry fairies city to city. They only eat fruit, vegetables, etc. But not meat.
The hydra dragon also has scaly skin that no sward can pass through. They have multiple heads, up to 6-8. In mythology Hercules fought a giant Hydra with nine heads and found the only way to kill and stop the heads from growing back was to burn the stump. Another Greek myth was Jason who killed a hydra dragon for Golden Fleece.
One of my favorites is the Pernese Dragon. These dragons have leathery skin and eyes like an insect that change color depending on the mood of the dragon. These dragons can teleport “in between” when in danger so they won’t get hurt. “In between” is like a void or empty place for them to be safe in. These dragons have riders and are very close to their riders. So if the rider dies, the dragon will go “in between” forever, and if the dragon dies the rider will waste away till they die. These dragons are capable of breathing fire only when they swallow the firestone.
A Sea Serpent is a dragon of the sea, and has been in history since sailors sailed the sea. Sailors of old thought a squid, seaweed, or even the Loch Ness Monster was a sea serpent. These dragons live in fresh water or salt water. Sailor thought any monster with a long body, short neck, and a mouth full of sharp teeth was a sea serpent.