Theodore Roszak’s “Take this Job And Shove It” deals with the common persons frustrations and anger about their jobs. In this passage Roszak writes about how most people waste their time working in a business that they do not even enjoy or put their heart into. “But our work is more than a pastime. It is our life. It takes up years of the portion we have been allotted on this Earth to work out our salvation. And not many of us work at a true vocation…
.” He states that most people waste away their lives working at a job that they do not enjoy. I think that an interesting point that he brought up was that many of the little mistakes that employees make everyday in their jobs, is because they are thinking about things that make them happy and wishing that they are not at work. I think the most important point that Roszak makes is when he writes about each persons true vocation and how amazing it would be if every person’s vocation was there true “calling.” He believes that every single person has a calling or a gift. Even if this gift it makes the person sweat and work hard, it is still enjoyable for them. “If only that life-giving impulse might be liberated and made the whole energy of our daily work, if only we were given the chance to be in our work with the full force of our personality, mind and body, heart and soul… what a power would be releases into the world!” I think that this quote is a very powerful statement because it is very true.
The Essay on All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy
Why does one have to go to school for at least twelve years? It is said that this is because education is what places one in society. Society tells us that education shows the people surrounding how one should be treated by their actions, which can be created by the amount of education that person has. But academic learning is increasingly replacing play and experiential hands-on education. ...
Imagine what the world would be like if every person did what ever they were passionate about. We would get so much more out of life and people would put so much more into their jobs.