Thought and language is the understanding of human cognition and communication. There are three major links to this process:
1- Biology and Behavior – Language information comes from the auditory cortex for spoken language or from visual cortex for written language. Motor Cortex produces speech. The behavior comes from the association cortex.
2- Psychological Disorders and their treatment – For example- in here they are talking about schizophrenics- which is when thought and language are often disorganized or the tendency of one thought to be logically unconnected or only superficially related to the next.
Schizophrenia usually includes a bewildering assortment of delusions, delusions with persecu-tion, also, in brief, it includes: thought broadcasting, thought blocking or withdrawal and thought insertion. Usually this desease is cured by psychotherapy and medication.
3- Social Psychology – talking about the comparisson of problem solving and individual problem solving – this chapter states that the group solving is faster because they have more ideas and eliminate them until they come to one idea and stay with it – in my personal opinion individual thinking is better and faster – I think it all comes to a personal opinion. Most people do better and faster in group solving – that would be co ndiered team work, but in this time and age, people are too selfish to be sharing ideas, so it is based more upon each individual person.
The Term Paper on Direct Method in Foreign Language Teaching
Direct method Innovation in foreign language teaching began in the 19th century and, very rapidly, in the 20th century, leading to a number of different methodologies, sometimes conflicting, each trying to be a major improvement over the last or other contemporary methods. The earliеst applied linguists, such as Jean Manesca, Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff (1803-1865), Henry Sweet (1845-1912), Otto ...
Is experience always the best teacher? Yes, I have found out throughout time that when O have done something, whether positive or negative, I learn from it. In my case, I was told what to do and what not to do throughout my early years, when I came out on my own, it took me a while to adjust to the “real world” and I learned through my mistakes, ans I am still learning from the mistakes – I think it is a process people should go through to realize what life is really about – when I lived at home everything was given to me and I was told not to do certain things, when you are sheltered or protected you do not learn what reality is about because you are living upon other people’s mistakes and not your own.
This chapter also talks about represnting information so you can think about it. This is handled by cognitive psychology and is derived in 4 parts:
1- Cognitive maps – is a mental representation of famiiar parts of your work. For ex: you enter your house and you know where everything is laid up – so you can find things lights on or off, versus going into someone unknown’s house where if you come in with the lights off you will not be able to find anything and will be stumbling into everything.
2- Images – This are mental represntations of visual information – this is like lookimg at an object and visualizing it, therefore you can describe the object after seeing it.
3- Concept schemas and event scripts – concepts are categories of objects, events, or ideas with common properties.
To have a concept is to recognize the properties, relationships, and features that shape and define and are shared by members of the category in question and to ignore those that are not.
There are 3 different types of concepts:
a) Artificial conept – concepts that can be clearly defined by a set of rujles and properties.
The Essay on Mental Process
Examination of the fives forces of mental models and mindsets and the four styles of creative intelligence unfolds complexity within society and also the simplicity both sets and styles observed once understood. The following paper explains and describes the five forces of mental model and mindsets. This paper also provides information about workplace personal experiences of mental model and ...
b) Natural Concepts – Concepts that have no fixed set of defining features but instead share a set of characteristic features.
c) Prototype- A member of a natural concept that possesses all or most of its characteristics features.
Schemas is the way many concepts can be mentally represented and scripts are schemas about familiar sequences of ecents or activities.
Reasoning, problem solving, and decision making are possible because you can combine, transform, end elaborate mental represntations also called thinking strategies.
First you have formal reasoning which is a set of rigorous procedures for reaching valid conclusions. Then you have Informal reasoning which is an assessment of a conclusion’s validity based on the evidence available to support it. This is guided by heuristics which are mental shortcuts or rules of thumb divided into 3 types:
a) Anchoring heuristic is a shortcut in the thought process that involves adding new information to existing information to reach a judegement.
b) Representativeness heuristic is a shortcut in the thought process that involves judging the probability that a particular example represents essential features of the larger class.
c) Availability heuristic – a shortcut in the thought process that involves judging the probability of an event by how easily examples of the event can be brought to mind.