Word critical argument analysis essay, focuses on three professional essays and how these authors construct their arguments using opinion and evidence.
There are many different ways in which authors can construct their arguments. In the highly controversial topic of legalizing marijuana I found three very different styles of arguments in which the authors backed up their opinions with facts. In my reading of these arguments each writer had there own style. The first essay by Stephen B. Duke, Cannabis Captiva Freeing the World from Marijuana Prohibition, the second medical marijuana laws in 50 states: Investigating the relationship between state legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana use, abuse and dependence, and the third Poll: nationwide marijuana Legalization Inevitable, each essay had a different way in proving there arguments. The authors all used the same tactics in persuading the audience. Arguing why marijuana should be legalized. In the first Essay written by Stephen B. Duke, Cannabis Captiva Freeing the World from Marijuana Prohibition, the author provides you with historical facts to back up his argument.
The Term Paper on Marijuana As A Medicine
Hubert L. Black Sociology 105 Sembach April 10, 2001 Section A Should Marijuana Be Used As A Medicine? If we are think about people who have a serious medical problem that inflicts constant physical and mental pain do we ask ourselves theses questions? How much pain are they going through? What is their threshold? What is its frequency? How doest it effect their life, and are they terminally ill? ...
He starts with how marijuana was used daily in certain cultures and goes through time showing that government abolishment is impossible. He states that government regulating the drug is possible specifically if the ban is lifted. In this argument it shows that the abolishment of alcohol only brought violence, crime and criminal organizations. In this essay it states that in the United States, large criminal organizations maintained by violence and bribery increasingly control the networks that distribute marijuana. By ultimately legalizing alcohol the government could control who it was sold to and the consumer could also rely on the quality of the liquor. By comparing marijuana with alcohol he argued that by abolishing marijuana only causes more problems and creates no way of containment. If marijuana was legalized the government could create sanctions and put control in there hands, creating no need for organized crime. The author used facts in history to support his argument.
In this essay, Medical marijuana laws in 50 states: Investigating the relationship between state legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana use, abuse and dependence, the authors took a survey taken by individuals who lived in states where marijuana was legal and residents of states where marijuana was illegal. Cerda (2011)” We combined abuse and dependence into one outcome, since empirical findings indicate that it better captures the underlying prevalence of cannabis use disorders than dependence or abuse alone. While substance use disorders were originally conceived as a bi-axial syndrome with dependence capturing more physiologic dimensions of addiction and abuse capturing more behavioral consequences, there is now substantial evidence to indicate that abuse and dependence criteria, including cannabis use disorder criteria, represent a uni-dimensional construct” (para. 10).
In this argumentative essay the writer takes the results of the survey and concludes that there is a strong relationship between use, abuse and dependence in states that have made marijuana legal. This argument shows that by keeping it illegal there are less people who use, abuse and become dependent on it. The author used a survey in which took results of states where marijuana was legal and where marijuana was illegal to support his argument.
The Term Paper on Marijuana An Argument For Legalization
Currently, drugs remain high on the list of concerns of politicians, and drugs are considered one of the major problems affecting our country. Stories are on 11: 00 news every night about people being murdered on the streets because of drugs. Many people think that drugs are only an inner-city problem, but in reality, they affect all of us; non-users and users. I believe that the negative effects ...
In the article, Poll: Nationwide marijuana legalization Inevitable, the author doesn’t argue a side either for or against marijuana. This article gives the results of a survey taken nationwide regarding marijuana. According to Kwtx (2014) ‘The telephone survey found that 75 percent of respondents — including majorities of both supporters and opponents of legal marijuana— think that the sale and use of pot eventually will be legal nationwide.”(para. 4) In conclusion he states that the results reflect nationwide marijuana legalization is inevitable. Without picking a side he concluded a survey of what people think will happen in the future either for or against its legalization. Although the poll didn’t reflect the fact that full legalization of marijuana is or isn’t wanted it shows you three fourths of a majority think it is inevitable that it will be legalized. This author used a survey without having an argument to support his article.
Duke, S. B. (2010).
Cannabis captiva: Freeing the world from marijuana prohibition. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 11(2), 83-90. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/910990356?accountid=458 Cerda, m. (2011).
Science direct. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/science/article/pii/S0376871611002742 KWTX. (2014).
Retrieved from http://www.kwtx.com/centraltexasvotes/home/headlines/Poll–Legalization-Of-Pot-Nationwide-Is-Inevitable-253584841.html