Do you know anyone with cancer more specifically throat cancer? I do and so I wanted to learn more about it. throat cancer also known as cancer of the pharynx can be included in the group of head and neck cancers. 60, 000 Americans are diagnosed with cancer from this group annually. There are more than 500, 000 survivors living in the United States today.
The tumors are often found on the tonsils and at the base of the tongue. Throat cancer; though, can also be found in three regions of the pharynx. The three regions include the nasopharynx, which is the area behind the back of the throat and nose, the oro pharynx, which is the base of the tongue and the tonsil region, and the hyopharynx, which is the bottom part of the throat. Alcohol use, smoking (tobacco or marijuana), and chewing tobacco can cause throat cancer.
Leucoplakia, which is white spots or patches in the mouth, can be considered a risk factor. There are symptoms to throat cancer like any other disease. A persistent feeling of something in the pharynx is a symptom of throat cancer. If you are having pains or having difficulty swallowing, a change of voice, or hoarseness then there is a possibility you could have throat cancer.
Also throat cancer may cause an earache or it might feel like sometimes there is obstruction in your airway passage. There are many ways to treat cancer if it is needed. “Several tests may be performed to diagnose the presence of cancer. An endoscopy uses a thin-lighted flexible instrument to evaluate the extent of the tumor. A suspected throat cancer must be confirmed by removing a small piece of tissue (biopsy).
The Essay on Lung Cancer
Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in our society. During 1995, approximately 2.1 million people in developed countries died as a result of smoking. One tobacco use is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in the United States. Lung Cancer mortality are about 23 times higher for current male smokers and 13 times higher for current female smokers compared to a lifelong never-smoker. ...
This tissue is sent to the laboratory for evaluation and diagnosis” (web).
Treatments for cancer include surgery, radiation therapy (intensity modulated radiation therapy or high dose radiation brachytherapy), and chemotherapy. There are alternate therapies such as naturopathic medicine, nutritional therapy, mind-body medicine, image enhancement, and spiritual support. The best way to see if you have cancer is to consult a doctor. Cancer is not something that should be taken lightly. Throat cancer treatments like many other treatments have side effects and some may be deadly. There is also the chance the surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy may not even help the person.
The best thing that anyone can do for someone with cancer including throat cancer is hope and pray that everything goes well, which is what I am doing right now. Works Cited 1) web) web.