Joe Henderson
TOM: “I Hate School”
there was once a boy named Tom,
every morning he would take a hit from the bong.
He did not want to go to school,
for to him the torture made him drool.
“The pain, the torture” he said,
I would rather stay home and sleep in my bed.
To stay home from school Tom would lie.
In his point of view better to do that then die.
One morning tom got caught by parents.
The discussion, came but they barked like ferrets.
Then one day Tom was forced to go to school,
and then he came back, a mindless, babbling fool.
His anger, his evilness towards the school,
which made him only a puddle from a gene pool.
suffering from the famous school confusion,
Tom has wound up in a mental institution.
All day he is forced down on a table,
getting raped by a psycho named Gabriel.
All night evil cries of torment penetrate the air,
However, Tom does not dare, to even care.
For if he does care all will know,
he could be attacked by the big fat guy named Bo.
The details of the attack got out about the men,
most of them found themselves locked in a den
now the attack that used to be a secret,
Gabriel and Bo all get daily shock treatment.
evil eyes that exist beyond the cold tiled floor,
decided to give Tom the freedom through the door.
School Violence Violent Crime 2
School Violence Parents send their kids off to school everyday hoping that their children will make it home. The school system today is not what it was like fifty years ago, teachers would students for talking too much or chewing gum, but today teachers have to wonder if they are going to get shot for giving a kid a bad grade. Now that might be a little ex aerated but the safety of everyone in a ...
The doctors closing remarks they hissed,
hey kid, USE the toilet when YOU got to piss.
Now that Tom is finally free,
he can get up to study his history.
When he arrived at the place he’d hated,
he just thought of sharing the bed with Jared.
since his joyous trip to the worst of the gools,
that place is not quite as bad as school.
Tom is another example of the “great” repression, for now HE loves to go to school and does not care to seek any redemption.