To pay tribute Specific Purpose: To pay tribute to my mother Thesis: My mother is the most optimistic person I have ever known. She has a key to happiness, and she readily shares it with others. Introduction: When we are asked to name a person we honor, I have a feeling that many of you think about your parents, or a parent. I choose to talk about my mother, because she made the biggest contribution in my life and who I am now. Credibility: She is not only my mother, but also a best friend, mentor, and spiritual teacher. With her advices she helps me improve myself and motivates me to become a better person.
Audience Interest Statement: In her 50s, she is fitter and healthier than most 20 years old. She lives her life in fullest, knowing how to enjoy every moment of it. Her energy level is very high. Thesis: My mother is the most optimistic person I have ever known. She has a key to happiness, and she readily shares it with others. Preview: Don’t you want to know what it is? We all use different methods to overcome difficulties and to find balance in our lives. [Transition: My mother’s main strategy is to stay active. She has always been very active, all her life. ] I. Be active . ) Up until these days, she participates in every sport event in our small town. b. ) She always walks to work and back in any weather. It takes her about an hour each way. c. ) In summer she wakes up early in the morning and go swimming in the river. Sometimes she does it in winter too. d. ) She also takes a bally dance class, which she talks about all the time. e. ) I remember when I was in high school my classmate Alina said once, I quote “Every time after talking to your mom, and seeing her so energetic, active and glowing; I feel like a 70 years old grandma” End quote.
The Essay on Abortion And Ethics Mothers Life
Abortion Question What would happen if I were to walk into a crowded restaurant and opened fire on the people inside, killing one Well, more than likely I would be hauled off to jail and sentenced for murder. If murder is illegal then how come everyday women are continually having abortions What is the difference between abortion and murder both of them involve taking the life of a living human ...
Next day she bought a gym membership. [Transition: Staying active physically is only one aspect of my mother’s secret. She also doesn’t forget to stay active mentally. ] II. Never stop improving yourself. a. ) She reads a lot of spiritual books and watches documented movies. b. ) She easily makes friends anywhere she goes and has a great impact on them. She enjoys meeting a likeminded people, so she can learn something knew from them too. c. ) She encourages people to get out of their comfortable zone, and explore what’s out there. d. My mother is a stronger supporter of fairness and justice; she will go far to make it right. e. ) Her coworker said, I quote, “She inspires me to do stuff and dream big every day. Her optimism is contagious; I wish I met her earlier” End quote. [Transition: Her secret to happiness is simple and always worked for me too. ] III. The recipe (Story follows) When I came to the states 5 years ago, I had a difficult time adjusting to the new culture. One morning, when I felt like giving up, packing my bags and going home, I called her to discuss my decision. . ) She listened through my crying, sobbing and complains with a great calmness and said, “I will write a recipe on how to go through this tough time. You have to follow it strictly though”. I agreed. b. ) She wrote me a list of books I had to read, daily exercises and meditation to help change my attitude. She always says, I quote “If you change yourself from inside, the world around you will also change. ” c. ) Following the recipe was similar to a boot camp to me. But I sticked to it and it proved itself one more time.
I did not go back and got the most out of my stay. [Transition: After everything said I hope many of you will learn from my mom Conclusion A. It is not money that makes you happy. B. It’s your choice to be free and positive. C. All you need is to discipline yourself and staying motivated. D. I hope to be as great example for my son as my mom is for me. Cred: Advices Int: Fit T: Optimistic key [Transition] d. ) Bally dance e. ) Alina [Transition] c. ) Comfortable zone e. ) Coworker [Transition] Story Conclusion
The Essay on How the Great Depression Changed American Economy
The Great Depression was one of the biggest turning points in American history. Not only did it change the spending habits of U. S. citizens, but it changed how the government controlled the economy. New laws and acts were put into place that helped prevent something like the Great Depression from ever happening again. During the 1920s, America’s economy was extremely prosperous. Businesses were ...