“When you look for truth, do not use your eyes, but look inside yourself, for there lies truth.” The “Truth” Every thought that ever entered our mind is a consequence of our struggle to reach out for the truth. Since our early age we have been thought to believe that there has to be right and wrong and we continuously searched for the “correct” answer. Unlike school’s multiple choice tests, life thought us that there is more than one correct answer. At one point we learned that some questions don’t have answers at all, or they are way too complex for our mind to understand them.
Yet we never stopped struggling to reach out for the ultimate truth. In order for us to become closer to it, we classified the “truth” in many ways. Some of the ways to approach the “truth” are through math and science, art or our personal beliefs that we hold to be the “truth” even though that they vary among individuals. The “truth” in terms of individual’s opinions, thoughts or interpretations is very unique and personal, therefore, it only holds for that person. What one beliefs to be “right” or the “truth” is found within that person and it only holds for her / him . It can not be proven nor disproved by others because one can never reach into another person’s mind.
Faith in God could be seen as examples of what one believes is true. To prove whether a person believes in God or not is impossible, nor the believer could ever prove others the existence of God and his own belief. However, just because the existence of God can not be proven does not mean that God does not exist, for believers it does not need to be proven. They know it is the “truth.” On the contrary atheists believe that God does not exist and that is the “truth” for them. Even though they are minority, their “truth” is not any less valuable. The truth as creation of an individual can also be changed or rejected by him once he no longer believes in it.
The Essay on Truth Ideas Which Reflect Personal Belief
J. Douglas Boyd 11/4/99 Society, Literature, and Truth Period 5 Truth: Ideas Which Reflect Personal Belief When a writer composes a piece of literature, his sole task should be to convey the truth of the subject matter he is discussing, no matter what the medium of his writing may be. A truthful idea for me is authenticated by my own, personal beliefs, but not one idea can be truthful to all. ...
Eyes can not be used when one searches for the “truth” because the truth is what one wants it to be. And no human can ever look at the thing objectively. The things that one sees are defined variables and their understanding and interpretation is assigned from the “inside” where the “truth” lies. Different people will have unique comments on the same event because of their biases, yet they are all right because the “truth” holds only for a single person. Even though that things don’t have an importance for us unless we think and analyse them by use of our inner voice or mind we still need “eyes.” They are our link with the outside world in such a strong way that everything we carry “inside” is based on the things that we previously saw or experienced.
All of our beliefs and thoughts are about the outside world and we would not have any of them if we didn’t “use our eyes.” Our “eyes” help us create and change what we believe is true. If we try to define the “truth” from a different perspective as an ultimate objectivity, or universality that holds for everyone, then our opinions or what we have “inside” could never be the “truth” since one person’s thoughts will never be the same as anyone else’s. The problem rises when people define the “truth” as an objective and that they see, know or understand it while everybody else is wrong. This is a great fallacy because what is objective to one person, for the of individuals, becomes subjective for a group of people. Therefore, no one can be either right or wrong. However, if one chooses to see the truth as an ultimate objectivity, then he must understand that his beliefs on what is “truth” are as wrong or as far from the “universal truth” as anyone else’s.
The Essay on Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15,1452 in the village of Anchiano, close to the town of Vinci. His illegitimately father was Ser Piero, a notary a lawyer and Leonardo's mother was Caterina, a peasant girl (Costantino 9). Born during a time when it was possible to believe that man can do all things, and Leonardo proved the Renaissance correct. Around 1466 he occupied himself to the leading ...
There are two ways of knowing: searching for the “truth” within yourself, and searching the outside world to gain factual sort of information. They art both equally important. The only difference is that those two ways should be used to solve different problems. When it comes down to personal issues a person should refer to him / herself for the “truth” because that is the only place where it lays. However, when it comes for us to make the decisions that concern the other people then we have to see their opinions, their “truths” in order to find a solution. Scientist believe that the “truth” is objective and that is found in nature.
Therefore, they study the nature in order to reach out for the “truth.” They deny to look inside themselves for the “truth” because that way they are turning to their biases that may prevent them from seeing things the way they are. As a result they try to start out as a “clean slate” when they approach a problem. To form conclusions, scientists use the scientific method. First, they state a hypothesis, and then perform a set of experiments. They record the observations, or collect the data. Finally they analyze the data and form the conclusion based on their analysis.
The scientific method is an inductive way of reasoning, where the details, the data, are collected to complete the big picture, conclusion. However, this way of reasoning may lead to wrong conclusion because scientist can the never collect all the data. So it’s said that everything in science is “right” until it’s proved to be “wrong.” There is always a possibility that some data that is left out of analysis may support a different conclusion once it is included. As a result scientists always try to find evidence that disproves the previously formed theories since they could never know if they finally discovered the “truth.” On the other hand, artists praise their freedom of thought and expression. Their work does not follow any sort of rules, unlike scientists’ use of scientific method. They introduce a new outlook on things by presenting them in a different light.
The Essay on Da Vinci – The Genius at the Venetian Las Vegas
While plenty of people are familiar with Da Vinci the painter not as many realize his prowess as a Renaissance man. Perhaps he was the first true man of so many talents that it was hard to peg him as one type of individual. In Da Vinci – The Genius you get a good look at the results of a great mind. You won’t see original works of art but instead you’ll see what has transpired from notes and ...
They don’t tend to ignore their inner voice but instead they use it as their source of uniqueness. Artists find emotions, in their work, far more important than just precise recordings of their observations. Their goal is not to reach perfection and accuracy but to form a sense of appreciation for what is already there. Just like art is so different then science their definitions of what is “truth” are different. Since all art is subjective its “truth” is subjective too.
It varies from one artist to another. Artist don’t tend to make it objective but they see it as a basis of their creativity. By presenting any idea or image, an artist presents the “truth” since that is the way he sees it, hears it, feels it, and understands it. Another artist may present the same idea in a different way yet he can never be “right or wrong” since his views are as “true” as of any other artist. The “truth” is subjective because it holds for an individual not a group.
People tend to see the “truth” as an objectivity and their belief “I see the truth” becomes a fallacy then. This is because opinions could never be the “truth” if the “truth” is defined as an objective since everybody has different opinions. The two ways of knowing are searching for information within yourself and searching the outside world. Scientists use the second way through the use of scientific method, ignoring their inner voice.
While artists use both ways, without tendency to make their “truth” objective.