Question 3-1 List the addressing modes of the Intel 8086. Show one instruction example of each. Register: move AX, BX Based: move[BX] +1234, AL Immediate: move AX, 1234 H Indexed: move AL, [SI] +1234 Direct: move cx, [1234 H] Based index: move AH, [BX] [SI] +12 Register indirect: move AX, [SI]Question 3-3 Assembler-A program that converts the assembly language source program to the corresponding machine language programComplier-The program that converts high-level language statements to machine code instructions Loader-A computer program that loads another program into memory all operating systems including loaders Operating System-A system software that represents a group of programs that enables the microcomputer to operate BIOS-Basic Input/Output system/O-input / output -the I/O address space is the place where I/O interfaces, such as printer and monitor ports are Implemented Stack-temporary storage of information such as data or addresses Heap-A common pool of free memory usable by a program. A part of the computer is memory used for Dynamic memory allocation, in which blocks of memory are used in an arbitrary order Source Code-programs written in assembly language Object Code-The machine language output produced by the assembler Real-time Application-the task required by the application must be completed before any other input to the program can occur that will alter its operation Parallel Processing-several simultaneous operating processing units Multi-processing-Using two or more processors in the same computer, or two or more computers connected together, to execute more than one program or instruction at the same time Question 3-5 a. ) B 000 d. ) B 000+ 0200 + 0200 PA = B 200 0400 b.
The Essay on How To Maintain A Computer System
How to Maintain A Computer System Start a notebook that includes information on your system. This notebook should be a single source of information about your entire system, both hardware and software. Each time you make a change to your system, adding or removing hardware or software, record the change. Always include the serial numbers of all equipment, vendor support numbers, and print outs for ...
) B 000 PA = B 600+ 0100 e. ) B 000 PA = B 100 + 0300 c. ) B 000 0200+ 0300 04000400 PA = B 900 PA = B 700 Question 8-1 Minimum Mode-the 8088 directly produces the control signal for interfacing memory and I/O devices. In Maximum mode an 8288 is used to decode these control signals Question 8-3 PLA-Programmable Logic Array PAL-Phase Alternating Language, the dominant television standard in Europe FPGA-Field Programmable Gate Array, a type of logic chip that can be programmed EPROM-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory, is a special type of memory EEPROM-Electrically Erasable Read-Only Memory, a special type of memory EPROM that DRAM-Dynamic Random Access Read/Write Memory-A type memory used in most personal computers SRAM-Static Random Access Read/Write Memory, is a type of memory that is faster and more reliable the more common DRAM FLASH-A bandwidth friendly and browser independent vector-graphic animation ASIC-Application-Specific Integrated Circuit, a chip designed a particular application (as opposed to the integrated circuits that control functions such as RAM in a PC. Question 8-4 Write an instruction sequence to read number 1 from port 0 x 1 A, number 2 from memory 0 x 01234, add these two together and store their sum to memory 0 x 0 ABCD and at the same time output to port 0 x 2 A. Sum = number 1 + number 2 Mov DX, 01 A HIN AL, DX; AL contains number 1 from port Mov BX, [01234 H]ADD AL, BL Mov [ABCD H], AL; saving sum to memory Mov DX, 02 ABOUT DX, AL; output this sum to port 02 AH.