What would I like to achieve, as a University of Phoenix student is a degree in Business Administration. As for as a goal for me I would like to make a much better life for my two kids and me. I’m a single mom and going back to school at my age is scare enough. But my encouragement has been my friends.
I have watch so many of them go back to school in the last past five years. I even have friend now that signed up with the on-line class also. I have watched my friend make a better life for themselves as well as their families. I have made so many excuses why I could not go back to school. University of Phoenix has given me a chance by offering me a class on-line. Now the opportunity has come for me.
I have gladly accepted the challenge. As a University of Phoenix student is getting all the knowledge that out there for me toward my degree. That I might attain everything I have to learn at this school. A major challenge for me has been attending school on-line. It’s alot different then going into a classroom with other student and a professor. To me everything is pretty much self learn.
So what I would like to see happen is more interacting from the professor. So I can know for myself if I doing things right and what at this point that I might need to improve on. Another thing I would like to see happen is me improving my writing skill. Because on my job we have to do alot of documentation on customer accounts. This is something I would like to happen.
The Essay on School level to the University level
The book Enrique’s journey by Sonia Nazario is a tale of migration that won the Pulitzer Prize for feature writing giving consideration to high literary quality and originality in 2003. It tells the tale of a teenager from Honduras who travels into the heart of America illegally, in search of his mother. It is about his Odyssey, where he illegally migrates to the USA in order to see his mother and ...
I have many more desire I would like to see happen while I’m a student attending this school. Is I would like to see my motivation for knowledge increase, my desire to learn, and to make good grades throughout all my courses. I want to be an example for me two kids. I fuss at them all the time about doing their work.
Keeping their grades up. So I know they will be watching over my back. That not a bad thing. Because kids learn by the example of the parents. Hopefully if my son see me doing well in school. He will have the desire to finish school and go on to college.
I also would hope as a student I learn how to balance my family, work, church, social, and my school life so I want feel so overwhelm all the time. Right now my day always feel I don’t have enough time to do all I need to do. So I must find some control. By learning how to make a schedule and stick to it. Seem like every since I have enroll back in school I have had alot of obstacle to come up against me. But as a student I want to feel like I have given my very best.
I want to try and reach the peak of my learning. But doing this I don’t want to self-destruct. Start feeling like none of this is worth it and quit before I finish what I have set out to do. It has always been a dream of my to go to college and get a degree.
I started out take nurse’s class but never finish. So my goal is to finish school and get me a job in this field. To motivate senior who are coming out of high school to continue their education. Also to give adult who I come in contact with the feeling they are never to old to go back to school. So I hope that University Of Phoenix will be a good experience for me. So I can encourage other adult who would like to get and education to a seek University of Phoenix.
So for the learning has been great. The school has provided me with some good material that I’m now trying to use at my work place with my follow peers. I have found out so much about my self when it comes to learning and attaining information. That I am a night owl this is when I do my best learning.
The Essay on To What Extent Should High School Students Be Allowed To
To What Extent Should High School Students be allowed to Exercise Freedom of Speech While on Campus I think that nowadays to deal with an issue of students free speech rights is a tough problem for High School administrators. The matter is that students free speech is protected by the First Amendment. Thus it means that students are allowed to exercise free speech while on campus. But what should ...
My goal is to become a better employee and an excellent student. My next goal that I would like to see happen for me the next two year as a student at your school is for me to learn more about Outlook Express so I don’t struggle so much when my team mates are telling me to look into another folder or my professor is telling me to post a assignment in this folder. I have to call my counselor or help desk because I don’t know what she talking about. I don’t want my professor to think I just plain dum.
Learning how to get all my assignment turn in on time. Become the best student I know how to become. Make my kids so proud of me when I show them my degree. Now in two years my son will be finishing school I will like to be finishing school with him. So as student my goal is to get my degree. I know over the next couple of months thing my seem like the are a little bit overwhelming for me.
But I hope that I want fall behind in my studying. That my professor will continue to be available for me. That my teammate and me continue to work together and always find the right words to encourage one another. As a student I hope my team member know they can always come to me. If I don’t have the answer I will find it out for you. I sometime a slow learning.
But I hope to stay caught up with my assignment. What I have hope to achieve from University of Phoenix is to become a student of excellent.