d. Employees should remember that employees are adversaries and are always there to oppress them E. all needs of the citizens are to be met by the government4 the citizens can do som~ng to improve the lives of people g. Political positions are opportunities for enriching oneself )t political positions are o~,portunities of sharing God’s power of recreating the world 4. citizens are cooperators to uplift the country in their economic life p citizens can urge the government to take active steps to take care of the earth B. Write whether these aye opertttional structures or attitudinal structures. b. philosophy of life g. world view C. Cite an attitudinal stricture of a person which resulted in the progress of a certain community. Make a chart for attitudinal changes among citizens and political leaden that would lead to helping the country move to progress. 1. _____________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ Political Leaders Attitudinal Change Result I. _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________ _________________________________________ 4. __________________________________ C’______________________________________ Pasca~ said, )Aatt a only a reed, the weakest ti nature bitt he it a thitiking r~ed” Another of his quotation is, ‘9We know the truth, not only by reasott bitt by heart.’ ~v tIie~e two e~cpressions we are led to a conclusion nat man has tar greater wortii than any kind of (kzd’c creation. Do the exercises and read the selections to better find out the hetinnhllg and end of nat).
The Essay on The Unknown Citizen Government Poem Life
The Unknown Citizen "The Unknown Citizen" by W. H. Auden, is a commentary on government and the materialism of modern man. The poem is written in the form of an obituary inscribed on a monument built by the government in commemoration of an average, upstanding, and decent community member. Throughout the passage, the speaker lists facts about the citizen's life which he believes prove that the ...
o Do this Activity — ‘What I’m Not” Describe yoursglf by writing what you ar~ NOT. Vor example if tot’ have a curly hair you night write: “I do not have CVPfr hair. Exchange your “I Am Not jesctit,tions with your friends. See if you can fl~ure out who is not described. (School subjects ~uch as Math, Es, gpsh, History, hobbies sports) I aul 00~S~I’~fl* Ir) $JIc*44~ ~ WI~~_aIL (Care em. leisure me, fan, Fly, cornet, unity, etc ‘do not want to he Wba~av~ you discovered a re~ardi lg the ~ wlii ou are otY Do you lcd affr.~~4~gatweW reaming the aspects xQhich you are flOt~ As you go on you ‘vifl ci scover’tIu~e it ings about yourself that wouid matter snore d. employees shnuld remember that employees arc adversaries and are always there to oppnss them e. afl leeds of the citizens ore to be met by the govern,nent 4, the cttizcn~can doaomnet og to improve ttte lives of peoWe .41 political positions are o~’portunities for enricrnng oneself )i. poIitic~ positions are 4potttnities of sharing Ood~ power of recreatins the world citizens ae cooperators to uplift the county in their econnn,ic life citizens can urge the government to take actiqt steps to t~ke cam of the earth B. Write whether these aye opemtional stntcturas or attitudinal structures.
b. philosophy of life – g. world ,dew C. Cite an attitudinal structure of a person which resulted in the vrosress of a certain comflluni ty. Make a chart for attitudinal changes among citizens and political leaders that would lead to wtp~nt the co.’ntiy rw~,e to,~rovtss. ?olitica~ leaders Attitvdinal Change Resn~t S. __________________________________ Pascal said, Man is only a reed, the weakett in nature but he is a thmkin~ reed.” Au’o ther or lii s quotation is. ”We know the truth not o’Ily by reason hut by fieart*’ ~y these two expressions we ar~ led to a conclnsiou that man has far greater worth than any kind of Cod’s creation. Do the exercises and react the selections to better find out the hegimiing aud end I. Do this Activity -.- ‘What I’m Not” Describe yourself by writing what you are NOT- For example if you have a curly hair you rnirht write: “I do rot have a curly hair. Pxchange your ‘9 Am Not -desc~~tionc with 3’ouT friends. See ifyc, Ca,, figure out who is not descrIbed. (Sc!tooIsLIbiectsn[ichas MaTh, ~ng!isI, History, hobbies, sports) (Careers leisure fink. Ianii’y, cOmaiuflity etc.) A..
The Essay on Describe Northups Life Before Slavery Explain How He Became A
Describe Northups life before slavery. Explain how he became a slave, and how he finally escaped Early life. Solomon was born in New York in 1808. His father was a former slave who had been freed by his master in his will. Somehow his father Mistus managed to make sure that his children received an education that was better than the usual for Americans of African descent including learning to play ...
~ put yourcofl regardctw the aspects wht~ you treyct ho r~~t.c~,t~t’ve% reaIczcn~ tile aspects which you are Ut As ott go on yot, will dcsco vernIt~e fbi ogs about ~oursoIr that would matter more o .1 ad’uir~ the human race. rverybody is binning us down, these days. for the mess they saywe have ma~e here and there and everywhere That’s short-range stuff. Over the marching and abundant centuries, we haven’t made any mess. We have done and ate doing a better job than anyone has any rioIit to expect. From the beginning, we found our selves alone in a vast universe, and not only ak,ne but the only living thing Oil this planet which cogld realize its lone-mess. We re~iizcd it, gave it a good clo~ look, and then turned o’Er attention to making something practic~l and uscfut out of an unprecedented situation. First of all, we found Light, a Cod. and we got a sense of direction a goal to standards for revolutionary and kindliness brute strength. found that out practical code deal standards living together. We made the discovery that gentleness were more practictl than in other species has ever and used it as a model and of conduct. We observe our in remarkable degree.
We trustwcrthy one with aT,-other so thot it is the exception, it is news, when we commit a thefl. We are decent 99 ,ercent of the time. when we could easily be vile. With silence and mystery behind us and ahead of us, we make up gay little songs and Whistle them, and our feet keep jig time to them. We look fife and rate in the OlSCUfllON CII ESTIONS eye, anti smile. r like that, and I admire the people who do it. Alone among all lMng things, we have discovered ~eauty, and we cherish it, and create it for eye and car, Alone anlong Wing things we have the power to look al our environment and cri-ticize it and improve it. Pintl4ng it necessary to live together by the millions, we created for ourselves gOvernung systems covering vast geo-graphical spaces. We have conceived the ideal of justice and plan it tot all men. Finding that we have to work to stay alive, we work with ability beyond imagining. Out of the earth we take tbod, and ni-prove that food year by. year;we take heat and light. We . enjoy the myriad products of unpar~]belcd ingenuity. Every Tnolning the necessity for the days work rac~s us. And we go arid id a day’s work. o OU a persistence, a daring and ingenuity impossible to surpass, we rind ways to move easily under the water and through the air.
The Term Paper on The Life And Work Of Frederick Douglass
... abolitionist causes, both through his literary works, and also through activities such as the Underground Railroad, and ... period. Abolitionism was a very important thing in many people's lives, and not only ex-slaves. But, ... were not there. He used wit and good natured cunning to trick local school boys ... to Narrative that includes Douglass's life as a free man. In 1881, Life And Times Of Frederick ...
Now we speculatively eye our neighboring planets. Flow ~half I not admire such a creature? Whenever he comes to an impassable obstacle, an apparently final banier, he goes to work at it and in due lime sur-passes it. If he has limits, I do not see where they are. f do not think he has limits. I think he is a child of the universe who inlteri~s eternity. I think he is won-derful, I am his devoted partisan and lam proud indeed to be one otliiin. a V~at concepts about man are shared in the selection? b. flow did man make use of the gifts given to Em by his creator? c. By reading through the seection which could be appreciated more, the positive negative events in mans environment? ~’by? d. By reading through the selection what can you say about the kind ofman’s sourc or life and the end he is to achieve? “I helicve that man Will not merely endure Lie wilf prevail; FTc is i’nniortal not because lie alone among creatUres has an iiiexhaustib]c voice, but because lie has a soul, a spiril capable of compassion anti sacrifice and e,lduraiieeS – Excerpt from “Mnti Will Prevail” by William Iatilkt’er a) What is in nan that the poet has pinned his hope on? 2. Th4an has btsic rifhts during his life, tight to life.
right to human dignity arid tile tight to develop. All there tights is a philosophy tlpon which mart shoutd base his conduct while scting for himsalfand for others.” 3. From Cod’s teacfii’igs through our church we gained our sense of direction md a goal to work toward. a) What afe some of tin teachings oi yout ch’neh that is helping yuo to hye a good life? 4, Man is gifted with the ideal ofjustice and plans it for all men. o a) When have you felt justice done to 11am,? injustice ?) What goals iii life do now nyc hascdon the clw’clt teacl~ings? a) What actions can you do at home to show that you are proud, you air human? in school? in the comniLmnily? ler your cowl try? for rite global coin ri unity? b) What lcarnings about man guides you to say thaT these aet~ons cont;mdicts man’s Purposes and goal? W?y? 3) fo~Iowing the inc oi least aesistanco 4) seeking only the good of ono% loved otter at the expense of otlters Copy a news item stjpporling your. understanding el nborl you Learned from ftc *ksson. Wntc tills understanding of man and link it to tile news item in the paragraph. Mid, front beLn~ art jniorior kjuid of nta, to what othbr thiTls, can mtn bt oompur~ to~ Draw a sketch or thing which you think can very weI~ be compared to a man’s life.
The Essay on Woman To Man Child Life Poem
Woman to Man by Judith Wright At first glance, the title seemed to have more than one connotation.' Woman to Man;' is the woman giving something to the man, maybe a gift?' Woman to Man.' Maybe the title is trying to compare the two genders? I was slightly confused when I read this poem at first, but it became apparent from the rich metaphors, that it was about the sexual relation between the woman ...
Make this beautiful and submit it to the editor ofyoar school paper or to a newspaper in the cftculation of your locality. Include it with an oxpl4nation througt a poem, essay or short story. It is an accepted fact that not all of us are gifted with rite saint alent gift given to us is different, we should be hat,py. As a man, – twill try my best to iMprove my tatentin S3~P – Wit!, all the blessings gil’en to me by God, I will prove that I wiU use It only far the go~,d so that I cat, continue Cod’s glory. – IETROOUCTION Merely stti~ing to be a person is wanting of man’s noble destiny, Attaining his personhood which means reaching a point where he has attained real freedotn should be l4s goal. Real freedom is the seeking of the ultimgte good. The following exercises and readings will help you develop your personhood and not only your person. A. Directions: Rank the following values in the order of the degree ofimportance you it Wisdom – The ability to discern inner qualities and relationships insight, good 11 Recognition – Being made to feel sigttiflcant and iinportan~, being given special 9J] Morality – The belief in and keeping ofethical standards [~] Physical Appearance – Concern for the beauty of one’s own body ~ Honesty – Fairness or sftaightfonvardness of conduct.
The Term Paper on Men and Women Through Body Languages
Abstract Communication had its verbal and nonverbal understandings, but they also have their misunderstandings. Body language has industrialized itself with different types of language that were brought up by the society. Men and women weren’t use to these body languages towards the similar gender. Miscommunication has been a problem when dealing with these differences. Men and women continue to ...
ititegtity, upti~ttness of character of action Wealth – Abutidance of valuable matenal possession or resources love Affection o.. As a result of admiration or benevolence; warm attachment, enthusiasm or devotion, unselfish devotion that freely accepts another in Power Gaining – Control, authority or influence over others [I] Religious Faith – A relationship with he Almighty with, obedience to Tin, and all activities based on love for Him B. Directions: List down the activities you enjoy doing and where you spend n,o~e time, energy and resources. Then go over the activities and rank the activities in the order of your preference. Review cacti activity that yOLt enjoy and analyze what values seem to be indicated by it. Ten Activities I Enjoy Ranking Values Indicated Answer these questions after the activity above. I. Do *~ou see if the values indicated by the activities you gave preference to niateh with the valves you prioritized in the first exercise~ 2. II there is a difference shown between the values indicated Iron, the chosen activity and the values prioritized, what could be the reason for the difference.2 3.. What significant tearnings, realizations, disdoveries and insights can you draw from this activity? Being a p~rson means trying to achieve the things, attitudes and values necessary to lice a life that is flee or of lessor problems.
It. is the pursuit of attaining good health and attaining enough material gnods to sustain life. WThich of the values mentioned in the first activity would help one attain his being a perscn? I’ersonhood consists of mans visions, emotions~ behavior and relationship with nther& His personhood is attained through transcending desire for material goods, power and recognition hut bo~ng all thoughts, desires, attitudes and actions not only for oneself l,ut for the others in the comm unity and the world who are also recognized as brothers as they are also creat~cI by the same Almighty Father. V,*at values in the first actiwty would help one attain his personhood? Looking at your prioritizing of values, do you think you are on your way to achieve your personf,ooit What do you observe between the actual values present in your ~nctivitie*: Are they h’elr,tul to achieve your personhood? Wliy2 Tree freednni is releasing oneself from the enslavement of the chains imposed by doing what is wrong. Doing wrong is not oxercisistg rue freedom as it heads one to be tied down to the consequences of the evil action. An example would be drinking liquor. With it would result actions which are not done with proper judgement.
The Essay on Younger Waiter Man Life Older
In the short story, A Clean Well Lighted Place, Hemingway explores his existential beliefs concerning the reasons for human existence. He sets the story during the Spanish civil war and employs three characters to communicate his views. In the story Hemingway espouses his belief that human beings should not deny their desires, arguing that true happiness lies in the individual s ability to live ...
An example would be aiolv.nce. With violence may result hod ily harm or being put to prison. Surely doing wrong limits one~s freedom. Through striving to attain persormlioott, one would be led to attain tine freedom. had the opportunity to travel to a ceriain pl~ovi’lec in Africa. called Nigeria when I was traveling as a Peace Corps. The popu hr saying of the lho tribe was that, if the left hand was washed, the righr hand was also washed. This was etched in my mind and the irea(iji]g I look from that Saying Was that. if you are ~ootl to your ieMcwnieii, show-]ng active concern for thicr,i, you will ~nd the true Tneaning of what it is to be a “an. This belief of nine has been proven not only once hut oil countless times. ‘rho se 4, C o~~ht. whose lives Ii ave been Tnea],ingfu! were those who used to serve their fellownien. Their lives seemed to 5110w that Cod loch thest ned these men to have e xtraord flaw talents, supernatural spirit nth untold wealth. I. What values in the list is shown by tIle selection? 2. lThw have the [men atul woaten in tire selection achieve their t,ersonhoo& S. Why does attttini ng or stdving for personhood leading to real Ercodon,? took at the values enumerated in die first activity.
Under each, write activities which you mve done to practice this value and other activities on the second column yo wi)l do to further Li SC this value. Wrate a paragraph showing a persons or a group’s Explain why you think they !mve attained their personhood. It* easy no he a no-an but bad to live ike one, It lakes rIcan lime to pi nec dIM be can hc a mall not only iii name [1121 ~1l 2. l~inmn this clay on. I will try~ to he a In h~ying to ~o t?rn. continue tile I will lrv one hesh tohe 11011cr son by doing the (otlowiiig: The adolescent’s Mew ~f himself and the v~rtd results from hit telationship vd others. The abtivities give thestudents opportunities to develop an inter rsofla~ relation-ship ancbored in Gods co’~cetn (or men ar1d not oc,l~ of rndi~diars. The kiiiddf IatJonship presented is, the lessoJs are based on tnmsj and ]ovo ofo Cod. .4n iDle Qersonal relationship built .pon love, unity and ptact, rtrengtlmns tIlt srbwTh of ptslon Man is so important that God has shown great love for him os deduced from nattre. what is happening is, the wor!d, iI,rou~h the people who take I. Iwonderiftnan .~I4Pt. t~~” A~Q!_41 2. I wander whether man…~Ld a~n~ A~M hoi, a/nt 4 Iwo raboutmrrnt csrtof*etj______________ I. ~!fl~athave you foun4 out about your perception of 2- flat about man do you find a mystery? bait Mce~td1~~ 3.
lThat about man do you know about? 1oct1 4. Canyou answer the question, flo is an? ~ ~v J/scIghl. There is no neater love than this, th4a Iran should ny down his life for h~ friends” this is the greatest reason for man to have his b~)dy used. hut for him, who uS~ his body for a woflh2ess ca’Jse does not know hat us body is a sign or hope. According to Cod’s teachi’ugs,.our body is spirited, created in the image and ltkenet of Cod, and this body pron,ises goodness. compassion and passion forjustice These ~ miles can be realized if nan coopenites witl~ his divine Maker. The spilt and body of m~ meet as the spi?tual Is itcarnated in the body while the body is spiritualized. The hod, in its form that follows Cod’s wilt has the attitvde of gr~ttitude, praise, trust, peace am puhfled passion, ,i~ila,,ce andjoy. Cods image is mirrored througl~ man. A man who lives a life of goodness artd CCI diality helps us to undentand Cods graces. It is through this n,s.n that we – Gcd~ countenance. The different parts of the body do not function solely for the seW Like the human hand, it is lot merely used for making ttings and working. Noble and great men bad bands that healed, comforted, served and had them nailed on the cross.
The Ways Jesus – used hit hand ‘snot limited to serve ourselves but it can be of service to ~thers, to corn- – ron. to develop fmiendshtips and can bring about reconciliation. Confiicms has this to say, ‘~The most precious sifts which heaven has bestowed on the wise m~n are the ‘uttdamental attitudes of benevolence. gentlenesso and prudence, Alt of these kave their roots in tile heart but their effects sl?ne through the face, are re-veaied in the beaxing of the shoulders and in nIL the members of the body.” – Retold – froni Fine and Faithful ii, Christ” by Bernard llaring I. Whuat should be the correct attitude towards ones being a man? boa~s4~zt4l I,, r~4zu~ni /tk Iiy~ o~.r’ fire ?cauMe.t/4, Wing god lt a/hers- k~4ti4*gdt1O~t &c**htn Xnowing what man is, what is one ofthe noble ways ofusing one’s body? ~caa~o U it air In4nrn~~) jQ ~j4~ Difl r/n C 3. Explain how man’s being body and soul can be understood. 4. flow cart Cod’s image bc mirrored in a man? body function more than for the self alone? S. How can the different parts of the niiito 6. Why does ConfLwius say that the ~reatest gift Ood has gIven marl are beiie-;’olence, gentleness and ~wudence2 Read tbrlo!lowirg concepts that can be sunjmahzcd from the tvilic.s~t~st flnished.
a) Man is created in the im~e and likeness of Cod. b) Mao’s life consists in seeking forthe truth. C) Wten man does good lie 5 bat li,lrilling lila destiny to do good. d) Man is the. greatest of all God’s creatures because he has the faculty to think and has free will. Share with your sealtttate an action of yours which you think explains a concept. You nay do this on two or three concerts. ‘ Enumerate action wlich you t]2nk.are truly fulfilling 300’ being man -_U. 2. En cttons which you dunk are not fu~filling your being man. 3. What makes you think that *e actions in number I are fti!lillhtg yorn being ereated man by Cod? 4. 3Thar ,nekes yutr think than tPtc actions in number 2 are not fulfilling your being created man by Cod? “Man 15 created by God in His image and ~ikeness. Th~ true destiny is to do what is good. When he lives in lrnrsuit of the good for himself and tor others, ho is lzvrng according to the porposc ofNa cw,~tor. Recall ‘TV commercials which do notoshow the troe characteristics of man Recoil TV commercials which truly reflect man’s reason for being created Thougliout the ages man sftdies the meaning of life. They find it impor-tant to discover the n,eanins of life for it is upon this that they base their actions on. Some have concluded that life ends when one leaves the eatth, meaning life is but the material world, Others believe that the earthly lire is just a beginning of the spiritual that is to come after death. Man using his intellect will come to a realization that his life is more than the material world. There are varied concepts of how it is to live a full life. But there is only flue basic guide to know this: air we always in search for the truth? Directions: Examine your feelings about these given mUk on designated columns; SA (Strongly Agree), AS (Strongly bisagrec).
Man lives to fulfill God’s plan for man. Man eats to live. Throughout his life, nan works to fulfill Cod’s will for him. We live our lives to gain achievements. Man can easily do Cod’s will by doing only those things that can make him happy. Living one’s life is the way nan can show his gratitude to Cod. The meaning of life can be found in one’s serving others Seeking Cod’s will in one’s decision will lead one to know the meaning ofhife. Life’s meaning can be arrived at by reading stohes about how Cod showed His love for man. statements then put a check (/) (Agree Somewhat), and SD if you There Seeulls to be an ascending scale of clues iii life, add somewhere iv [his scale. there N a ire – aroba l*ly a h axed ace below which one more or less exists” and above which cite n,or~ or less “lives.” ‘VITji does i r rae an to be a live., to I ive intensely2 I do not know what kife means to other people hut I do know what it means to me. and have worked ovEr a per-.sooa ‘at- *od Of ),?ea S urint’ Take the days as tl’ey COtthe. put a plLts hcsidc [lie liv~ng ltours and minus he~ore the ~tead ones; find out just what ,iiakes the live o ,,cs live and I 1* dead ones die.
Is it possible to caLeb the truth of life in such an aital sis’? The port will s,sv no, luLl I aT,, an a rena o tan a i’d only writ p oerrv OTJ al iso a Ts. My TiOTes show od classification 01 II states of being cry which feel r ciii, alive and sN states in whiit’lt I feel I only exist, oTlie se are major st a Ic s, , cc die ss to sat. In adtl it ion find s~-o res ci’ Sc bstate 5 w h icfi axe too chseklit for me rn anjvzt. liii* I I seem to live whet, I an, crefiin~ some- writitw this tariclc, Si, ZTTSTiLrTOC; making a ketch. working Ut, an CC(TT’OTTt!Q theory. building a bookshelf. lOveh. seine poems. 15i01,tres Srd opei-as. ninmny btiibdir,gs and partic,ib~[rly britl~es atltct TTIL as though I were taking tim a,-r*sr’s u,loi,d into 25W Own Wifl?S. The mountains arid The sea and ste
all the old stL~jects of a thousand poets -renew lire ci, riTe. As I,’ the cause oi art. the process IS ,,ot au~oiii:rtic – I hate tire sea sometimes – but. b; and Three. I feel the line ole sisLcI’cc below Tile why,’ I see these rhiz,~s .ovo is fc. rat cr[d in ha ,,st. ~erv rem to nine also is rile love oTie hea’u~ one’ live when I am stimutarcrl by moor con vem,i I ion, p00 d a [-at, maTe n t . *1 Tt’re is sort of vitality in ~trar deatinp in ideas the to me is very real. danger rot-k-ct i,nl, inc. for e Na maple – I feel vent mi,ch alive iTt tIme prcsen( dI(gUTTTuiIW svTnxw. I live when I j’tay – tire feralg* OL,rm dooit at such tlti,inh’s as sw’mtmang, skatinl skiing. Ss,meti,TTct dniviiie a Cal. so,TTctiTnc One lives when One takes food am* ge,,tLhI,L- lrttTigcr, on ;ylTen bun’ 0 In aau*l yy,Ousyytacry So(,nm,g el’ter-r, iojw chile One rves whctr one sleeps. A sour t~v;iltt, ysleep after dat s~,ent out-ofWoo gTVUS one the teelino ci a sitent wltirri! dynamo. lii uric; vivid xlrea,,,s. J ~fln a) anti doing rtidgery oi dish Cs, 3fl 5We ring fly osr to money matters, i live when .1 o~u~h, spontaneonislv and heartily.
o In coiitradislinctiori to these moine,lts ltvi,~g’ I find tI’ese states ~3t I exist when 1 any kind: was!, big ~elters, attending sbaving. dressing baying things. social function – a lea, a dinner, listening Ic~ dull people talk. ~atiug, dvinkinw or sle~~yWg when one is already replete, when one’s Senses arc dulled, arc stares of exiStence, nor tIle. Old, monotonous things — city w&ls, too faniil iar stret ts. houses. Jr 0 nis, fu rn I -ttsce, c?thes -. drive. one to tbc Q)~tefle2 level. Sheer iJgY’ness, such as one secso ‘ii a big*ity 5] any, depresses mc intciisejy I retr~at from life when I become angry. I ?xsr through rows and ‘nistiruier-stttndipgs and in the hlfrd alleys o f”getting e~r:n. So, in a general way, I set life off from existence. It roust be admitted, of course, that “living” is often a meafll stare Quite independent of physical envirotIrtaent or occtipataout. One maY fec]. iii springtiluie for instance, suddenly alive in old. mono- to IotIs S%~7TtW ndwgs. rhe, even d ishw ash-Hg becomes eventful and ynie sings us one shaves But these outbursts arc Oil tile whole aha,oriuiat. the l~ ours euntasr td tl’eve in,o only ”lived a bout 40 of them, or 25 percent oF the total tinyp.
This allowed for sonic ci-eotivc work a Sundays hike. scale genuine hunger. sonic healthy sleep, a little stii,vti?tin~ ceuding, tvio acts ~( pk%y. of a moving piett.ro and eight hours of litre- resting discussion with friends. I tdievk: that I could de!iberatelv ”live” twice as much in the same I 65 hours, if only I Come otiS from nuder tlue clu inks of necessi Iv, I argely Co flOilii C, uvli cli h rid me It may we!! be that the states of being ‘vii ic I’ ret e’a se life in nb also 1c lease it in most Ktniuan bein~c. Oetwral!y spcsk~trg. 0’iCs salvation is bound closely with thor of aY mankind – rite ratio of living growing with that oi the mass of one’s fellow men. V flat makes the difference between Uving an~eldsting? 2. Do you agtee with the authors classification of activities that fall under living and under existing? 4ty? o f~cct’ttnt ‘Ic. e&~cd4 eypfointr.~4 Y4 3, ~or your own life, enumerate the activities