In present-day society humankind faces a problem clashing with violence in children. They are faced with video games and toys that favor violence. Shows and movies display gory scenes of blood shootings and “beat-downs” exploiting the violence issue even further. The news also adds to the problem by reporting scenes of gang shootings and bombings. All these commercial products contribute to the violence in society; however, they are not the major issue that causes the problems in society and should not be weighted so greatly by today’s society.
Violence originates from aggression – the feeling to inflict pain on others. Most violence starts just from little things like one guy pushing the other guy. Then, the other guy does the same and it gets worse and worse. The mass media influences people to put their aggression in physical terms – hitting other people. Just thing about it, what sells better some guy meditating his anger away or a guy holding a gun and blasting his enemies to smithereens?
Americans watch a lot of television and look at on the violence on it. The media shows violence not just on shows but also on news. Everyday people are exposed to violence, just reading the newspaper shows some violent crime occurring in society. The mass media reinforces people to show their aggression by physical terms like attacking a person. It wouldn’t be much of a sell to show some guys engaging in non-aggressive behavior. If it sells, the mass media will be in favor for it and violence is one of the keys to making money.
The Essay on Sex And Violence In The Media Do We Need Control
Sex and Violence in the Media: do we Need Control? The presence of sex and violence has always made truth more difficult to express and harder to understand, especially in mass media. As all the other people in the world, the representatives of the media often face hundreds of problems while trying to achieve success in their profession. This fact is especially true about female representatives of ...
Video games have been a favorite target to the issue of violence. Games such as Quake and Doom were suspects to the shootings at Columbine. There’s no doubt that it is the major contributor. In video games people play the role at the first-person shooter and have the weapons, power, and enjoyment to blasting away other guys with bombs, grenades, machine guns, and knives. Compared to other medias, video games are the only ones that allow you to really “get into the action.” It is a big reinforcer as you get points and money to further your quest to blasting away the big boss.
The United States has tons of violent media that are said to contribute to violent behavior in our youth. Although it does reinforce this behavior, it cannot be banned. Society is ran by commercialism and such a huge market like violent media would be like trying to ban alcohol: it might be bad for you but why ban it. If people wish to stop the violence, they should rather be doing seminars and stating the rights of the United States. Everyone has been given a pep talk about AIDS and look how the rates have declined.
Violence in media is a great problem to society. It is a contributor and reinforcer to put that physical aggression on another person. People should remember aggression could be put out using other techniques like breathing, meditation, pushing a bag, etc. Television needs to tone down a bit with the violence and video games might need to be cleaned up a little. However, these are all big commercial products and would take forever to modify them to “non-violent” terms. Thus, it would be to America’s best interest to get the message out about violence and prevent it from spreading.