Visual Literacy
The ethnocentric of the Treaty Signing at Medicine Creek Lodge, is representational and nonobjective. According to Sayre, H.M., A World of Art (2010) has two different depictions of the Treaty Signing at Medicine Creek Lodge, where one illustrates a natural illusionistic art compare to convention art. Sayre, H.M., 2010, pp. 38-39, (Fig, 42) John Taylor, (1867,(1) Treaty Signing at Medicine Creek Lodge, subject matter is representational art that is illusionistic, with visual images that places you at the treaty signing. Compared to Sayre, H.M., 2010, pp. 38-39, (Fig, 43) Howling Wolf, (1875-1878, (2), Treaty signing at medicine Creek Lodge, subject matter is nonobjective art that illustrates a conventional representation, that portrays an abstract form.
While both pieces of art depicts the Treaty Signing at Medicine Creek Lodge, as well as the subject matter that portrays the ethnocentric differences from the Anglo American’s view and the American Indian’s view, both pieces of art represents the importance, and significance, of this historical event. Howling Wolf’s, (1875-1878, (2), Treaty Signing at Medicine Creek Lodge, subject matter depicts an honest illustration of the memories that took place on that historic day thru the eyes of Howling Wolf. The colorful palette displays the different tepees separated by the backs of women and men in each tribe, which represents the distinct impression that everyone was captivated by the events of the treaty signing.
The Essay on Allied Powers Treaty Signed War
When armistice was signed, there was a going to be another long and arduous struggle, but this times it was to take place around a negotiating table. After the war the toll was grand: 8 million soldiers died, and millions of the survivors were either physically crippled or physiologically damaged. 20 million more died after the war: 5 million from Famine and 15 million more from the flu epidemic. ...
The colors of each tepee, depicts the diverse attendance of tribes. While the men in the trees depict the honest thoughts of mistrust that Howling Wolf might have thought after experiencing imprisonment. Howling Wolf’s portrayals of the treaty signing from my perspective; says that the men in the trees had twisted their words and created a separation between the tribes. The person in the middle seems to be trapped, while the horse seems to be a symbol of taking away Howling Wolf’s freedom. The drawing shows that all the tribe members were in attendance including the women and children.
Howling Wolf’s recollections of the treaty signing are an honest abstract of conventional and representational art for the American Indians; a symbolic account of historical event. Compared to John Taylor’s, (1867, (1) Treaty Signing at Medicine Creek Lodge, his presentation of the historic event was naturalistic. The subject matter visualized the event that appeared to be occurring in the present. John Taylor’s illustration appears to be centered on the group of Native Americans and the women in the chair along with the tree while, the man extending his arm is giving an interpretation of the treaty. The culture of the Anglo Americans in that era disregarded women’s opinions. However, I believe that John Taylor’s depiction of the treaty signing overlooked the native women present because they were not a significant factor of the signing.
Sayre, H. M. (2010).
A World of Art (6th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
1) John Taylor. (1867).
Fig. 42 John Taylor, Treaty Signing at Medicine Creek Lodge, 1867. Drawing for Leslie’s Illustrated Gazette, September–December 1867, as seen in Douglas C. Jones, The Treaty of Medicine Lodge, page xx, Oklahoma University Press, 1966. Retrieved from John Taylor, Art/101-Introduction website.
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John Steinbeck's Portrayal of Alcoholics Lila L. Anastas has said of John Steinbeck: "Steinbeck the person wanted ... to experience everything and then write about it. He was the versatile author of over thirty full-length books and short story collections, as well as plays, filmscripts, numerous articles, and volumes of letters. He received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1962. In my view, he is ...
2) Howling Wolf. (1875-1878).
Fig. 43 Howling Wolf, Treaty Signing at Medicine Creek Lodge, 1875–1878. Ledger drawing, pencil, crayon, and ink on paper, 8. Retrieved from Howling Wolf, Art//101-Introduction website.