Water Soluble Vitamins and Fat
The human body requires a large number of vitamins for a number of functions to keep the body alive and running properly. Vitamin D helps balancing hormones and Vitamin C helps with chemical reactions in the human body. Fat-soluble Vitamins and High Nutrient Sources
The fat-soluble vitamins consist of A, D, E, and K; they are found in a variety of foods.
Vitamin A| Celery, basil, chili pepper, mixed vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato, beef liver, watermelon, and spinach| Vitamin D| Cod liver oil, salmon, tuna fish, sardines, whole egg, butter, milk, nonfat, decrease fat, and total vitamin D fortified, and butter| Vitamin E| Sunflower seeds, almonds, broccoli, cayenne pepper, asparagus, bell peppers, soy milk| Vitamin K| Turnips greens, spinach, asparagus, blueberries, green beans, broccoli, cucumbers, cauliflower, tomatoes| (Crandell, n.d)
Functions, Benefits, Risks, and Toxicity of Fat-soluble Vitamins
Vitamins| Functions| Benefits| Insufficiency Risk| Toxicity Risks| Vitamin A| * It helps in Common Visualization and reproduction, cellular growth, and immune system function.| * It assists the Immunity and healthy eyes. * It regulates and keeps healthy bones and teeth. * It aids skin and is well-known as necessary for the reproductive process for both males and females.| Blindness at Night, xerophthalmia, poor growth, dry skin, shrink immune system functioning| Nausea and vomiting, headaches, bone pain and fractures, hair loss, liver damage, interference with vitamin K absorption. | Vitamin D| * It absorbs calcium and phosphorus. * It maintains normal blood calcium.
The Essay on The importance of homeostasis in maintaining healthy functioning of the body
Homeostasis is important in maintaining a healthy functioning of the body. Enzymes within the body are vitally responsible for speeding up chemical reactions and are often referred to as catalysts. In order to work at their optimum, enzymes need a specific constant temperature within the internal environment of the body to function correctly and reduce denaturing. A healthy human body should have ...
* It is also known for the calcification of bone * It also maintains the immune system. | Cancer prevention, skin protection, metabolism booster, anti-inflammatory, and aids lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. | Rickets in Children, osteomalacia in adults: soft bones, depressed growth, and reduced immune system| Poor growth, calcium deposits in soft tissue| Vitamin E| Antioxidant| *It Supports with blood clotting.* It guarantees healthy bones, essential for the synthesis of the sphingo lipids.* It prevents calcium from forming in tissue.| Loss of muscular coordination, hemolysis of red blood cells resulting in anemia| Excessive bleeding as a result of interfering with vitamin K metabolism | Vitamin K| Production of active blood-clotting factors| | Excessive bleeding | Unknown | (Crandell, n.d)
High Nutrient Sources of Water-soluble Vitamins
Vitamins considered water-soluble include; Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C. As the name suggests, water-soluble vitamins get dissolved within water and blood inside the human body.
Thiamin| Pork, wheat germ, enriched breads and cereal, brewer’s yeast| Riboflavin| Milk, yogurt, and other dairy products. Mushrooms, broccoli, asparagus, and spinach and other green leafy vegetables| Niacin| Chicken, tuna, peanuts, turkey roast, white rice, whole grain total cereal, raisin bran cereal| Vitamin B-6| All bran cereal, tuna, beef liver, potato, chicken, beef, pork, salmon, banana, pinto beans, sweet potato| Vitamin C| Peppers, citrus fruit, papaya, broccoli, cabbage, and berries| (Anderson & Young, 2008)
Roles, Benefits, Risks, Toxicity of Water-soluble Vitamins
Vitamins| Role| Benefits| Insufficiency Risks| Toxicity Risks| Thiamin(B-1)| * It assists to produce neurotransmitters. * It is division of coenzyme which is required for carbohydrate metabolism and the metabolism of certain amino acids.| * It maintains appetite, * It helps normal muscle function as well as the heart muscle.| Beriberi and Wernicke-korsakoff syndrome. Weakness, abnormal nervous system.| None| Riboflavin| * It is a part of coenzyme which is required for carbohydrate metabolism, amino acid, and lipid metabolism.|
The Essay on Heart Disease Blood Attack Risk
What is The Health Problem? Heart disease is a large health problem affecting the United States today. It is the leading cause of death of American's today. It is the number one killer of both men and women in the US. Each year more than 500, 000 people die of heart attacks caused by chronic heart failure. Half of all patients diagnosed with heart failure will die within 5 years. It is estimated ...
* It supports healthy hair, skin, eyes, and liver. * It also assists to burn carbohydrates in order to produce glucose to fuel the body.| Inflammation of the mouth and tongue, eye disorder.| None| Niacin| * It is a part of coenzyme which is required for energy metabolism.| * It reduces cholesterol. * It aids and protects atherosclerosis and diabetes. * It also treats for osteoarthritis.| Diarrhea, dermatitis, dermentia, death.| Flushing of facial skin, itchy skin, nausea and vomiting, liver damage.| Vitamin B-6| * It is required for amino acid metabolism. * It is also concerned with neurotransmitter and hemoglobin.|
* It supports cell formation, carbohydrates, immunity, nerve system, health blood, and sulfur and methyl metabolism. * It also benefits from having anti-inflammatory.| Dermatitis, anemia, diarrhea, neural tube defects in embryos.| Nerve destruction.| Vitamin C| * Connective tissue synthesis and maintenance. * Antioxidant, synthesis or neurotransmitters and certain hormones. * Immune system. | * It supports with common colds, immunity, hypertension, antioxidants, blood vessels, and cataracts.| Poor wound healing, pinpoint hemorrhages, bleeding gums, bruises, depression.| Diarrhea and GI tract discomfort.| (Anderson & Young, 2008)
It has been proven that a diet rich with fruits, vegetables, and legumes may help reduce the potential risk of cancer, CVD, and many other serious chronic diseases.
Anderson, J. & Young, L. (2008) Water-Soluble Vitamins Retrieved from
Crandell, Kathleen. (N.D) Fat Soluble Vitamins Retrieved from