bipolar disorder 1 Bipolar Disorder, often called Manic Depression, is a medical condition that involves severe mood swings in an individual. It is a lifetime condition that needs to be treated to keep it in remission (APA).
It is not just a mental illness, but a medical disease involving the brain. 2 The disease progresses as the years pass and the frequency of mood changing episodes becomes more frequent (MHN).
Bipolar Disorder involves depressive and manic phases. With the symptoms presented, clinicians often misdiagnose patients as schizophrenics (Shalala).
3 Bipolar affects an individual’s thoughts, feelings, health, behavior and ability to function. The disease is not a result of a weak personality, as many people believe. Instead, it is a medical condition where there is an instability in the transmission of nerve impulses of the brain (neurotransmitters) that signal appropriate moods (NDMDA).
The bipolar patient responds with inappropriate mood swings independent of what is going on around them (APA).
Bipolar compromises the judgment of those that suffer from it. Some even experience hallucinations (Shalala).
4 The disease of bipolar itself is classified as Type I and Type II. Type I are those that have had prior episodes of mania. One percent of Americans are diagnosed with this. Type II are those that have hypomania phases only (Shalala).
The Essay on Bipolar Disease Description:
What is unipolar illness? When the mood is just depressed. This is far more common than bipolar illness. What is bipolar disease? Bipolar disorders (manic-depressive illness) are marked by periods of manic, greatly elated moods or excited states as well as by periods of depression. Although the manic-depressive psychosis may alternate from one of its phases to the other, one or the other phase is ...
A very small percentage (.
6) of Americans have Type II. 5 Bipolar disorder affects men and women equally. There is no discrimination when it comes to mental illness (MDA).
Cycling is defined by the shifts from one phase to another. Women are more prone to the more rapid cycling.
This is due to the different hormone changes in the female body. A male is apt to cycle every two to four years, while a female may cycle four or more times annually (Shalala).
6 The best way to understand bipolar is to learn about the different phases that an individual experiences. There are four different phases: depressive, manic, hypomania and mixed episode (APA).
7 The depressive phase can last for several months. The patient will show depressed behavior daily, weight loss, diminished pleasure, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, lack of concentration, restlessness, insomnia or (over sleeping), impaired functioning and suicidal thoughts. These symptoms are present without any evidence of drug or alcohol abuse (Long).
Any thoughts of death or suicide should be taken seriously. 8 The word mania comes from the French and means crazed or frenzied (Shalala).
In the manic phase, the individual sleeps only a few hours, yet is feels perfectly rested.
They tend to be talkative, distracted and overly goal-oriented. Unfortunately, they seldom follow through with their goals. Pleasurable activities become very important, particularly those that involve high risk. The ego becomes inflated beyond reality and their thoughts and ideas race continuously (Long).
9 Hypomania is a much milder form of mania. In this phase, the individual can easily fall into a deep depression or escalate into full-blown mania (APA).
10 The last phase, mixed episode, is when an individual shows symptoms from both manic and depressive phases. 11 There are many different theories on what causes bipolar disorder. There seems to be a connection with family prevalence. Those with a parent with the disorder have a one in seven chance of being bipolar themselves. An earlier age of onset is typical in these cases. the typical age of onset is adolescent and earlier adulthood (Shalala).
The Essay on Bipolar Disorders Disorder Patients Manic
... medication compliance among bipolar patients is only about 30%, despite the high efficacy rate of mood stabilizing medications. The third main type of bipolar disorder ... particularly unique to each individual. Because mania is the defining feature of bipolar disorder (i. e. the ... in treating bipolar disorders, especially for rapid cycles and in the manic and hypomanic phases of bipolar types ...
12 Other probable causes are biochemistry, biological clocks and psychological stress. It is known that those with bipolar disorder are more vulnerable to emotional and physical stress (APA).
13 The diagnosis of bipolar disorder typically takes up to eight years. Clinicians mistakenly diagnose depression, anxiety, schizophrenia or paranoia.
Inappropriate treatments only make the disorder worse. Anti-depressants lift the patient into the manic phase and anti-anxiety drugs such as Valium or Xanax depress the patient. Psychotherapy alone does not help (Shalala).
14 There are solutions for the bipolar patient. Education is the most important. Not only the patient needs to be educated, but also those close to them.
Understanding why someone is bipolar and what symptoms to watch for is the first step in helping the individual get better and maintain a healthy balance (Francell).
15 Medications are prescribed to the patients to balance the chemicals in the brain. The most prescribed drug is Lithium. It acts as a mood stabilizer and is often used in conjunction with an anti-depressant such as Paxil or Zoloft. Other mood Stabilizers are Tegretol and Depakote. These medications require close monitoring of the levels in the blood to prevent toxicity (Parikh).
Medications are most likely needed for a lifetime to maintain remission (APA).
16 When medications fail to work, therapy is appropriate. Far from being cruel and inhuman, the electric currents have shown positive responses in patients (Parikh).
17 Psychotherapy in conjunction with medication is a useful aid in helping with emotional and physical stresses. The years lost to the disorder before diagnosis can be dealt with.
Support groups also help the individual share the fears and concerns (Francell).
18 Proper treatment of bipolar disorder prevents suicide, substance abuse and social / personal problems. Eighty percent of bipolar’s can lead healthy, productive lives (NDMDA).
Works Cited (APA) American Psychiatric Association. “Expert Consensus Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families.” Expert Knowledge Systems.
The Essay on Program On Bipolar Disorder
Program on Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a persons mood, energy, and ability to function. Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. They can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide. But there ...
03 February 2000. < web Edward G. Jr. "Medication - The Foundation of Recovery." Internet Mental Health.
03 February 2000. < web Am J Hum. "Evidence for Linkage of Bipolar Disorder." Internet Mental Health. 03 February 2000. < web Philip W.
, MD “Bipolar I Disorder – American Description.” Internet Mental Health. 03 February 2000. < web (MHN) Mental Help. Net.
“Bipolar: Your Complete Well-Connected Guide.” Nidus Information Services, Inc. 03 February 2000. < web bipolar 2. htm> (MDA) Mood Disorders Association.
“Bipolar Affective Disorder.” Disability Information And Resource Center, Inc. 03 February 2000. < web (NDMDA) National Depressive and Manic-Depression, Association. "Overview of Bipolar Disorder and Its Symptoms." National Depressive and Manic-Depression, Association. 03 February 2000.
< web Sagar, MD "Acute Mania." Internet Mental Health. 03 February 2000. < web Donna E. "Mood Disorders." Dept. of Health and Human Services. 03 February 2000.
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