what if?
what if you where me ? what if you could feel the pain that i go through? im just a poor boy from a poor family, i live in the place they so call “the hood” gun shots at night and the helpless screams of the people crying for help, this is the life i live. dreaming for a day to come where i can be anything ive wanted, become someone like you who can go to sleep at night full of the food i ate during the day. what if you had the live of mine? you wouldn’t be at school, im to poor for a education, too poor for food more then 3 times a week. yous have tv’s .. well i have a setreo, yous get to go to all the baseball, basket ball games, i dream about doing stuff like that, you grow up beside your dad, i sit beside my dads grave praying that for one day he’d come back and help me become a strong man, you have all the top label clothes well i have clothes that i take from the free clothes bins. your mum goes to work and makes money, my mum cant go to work because she’s sick ..to sick to work to bring home money, she relies on the food banks to feed us. she trys giving us the life she didn’t have but she cant, she gets sicker as the days goes on and only one thing can fix this , this is money