The objectives of this case are to find out the culprit and for the culprit to be punished in order to avoid future reputation of the same event. 3. 4 IDENTIFYING THE AREAS OF CONSIDERATION IN THIS CASE The problem in this case is that jean wants to know the culprit in order for her to punish the person involved to avoid any similar case in the future, but the plant manager regards this as not important if the culprit has realized her mistake, but on the other hand, Jean Safari thinks its important for her to find out the person, and take an action against her.
Jean Safari is a UNIVERSALIST and believes in INDIVIDUALISM also meaning she is concerned about the rules of the firm and the person involved should be punished individually, but the plant manager and the remaining workers are PARTICULARIST and they believe in COMMUNATALISM, they believe in the relationship they have with one another and they work as a group which makes them COMMUNTALIST in nature.
UNIVERSALIST: In Universalist culture, the rules apply equally to the whole ”universe” of members, regardless of relationships General rules, codes, values and standards ”What is good and right can be defined and always applied” In a Universal society such as the U. S. , rules and contracts are developed which can apply in any situation. There is a belief that what is good or true can be discovered, defined, and applied to every situation.
Because of their Universalist approach, in a business situation Americans will want to rely on a contract to communicate the terms of an agreement and to define the relationship between the parties. PARTICULARISM: Particularism is based on logic of the heart and human friendship. China is a particularistic culture where people look at relationships and circumstances in a specific situation to decide what is right. For the Chinese, the legal contract communicates a starting point for an agreement. As circumstances change so too should the terms of the agreement.
The Research paper on Case Study: Rule Utilitarianism or Act Utilitarianism?
This paper examines the procedure that were followed that it is a common sight to see on the street, children and sometimes old, physically handicapped, beggars and sickly people begging for food and some money. It critically examines these procedures in the moral dilemma with reference of applying the concepts: rule and act utilitarianism. Should we give these beggars money or not? In deciding ...
For the Chinese, the situation and the particular individuals involved are what define relationship. INDIVIDUALISM: Individualism is a theory maintaining the political and economic independence of the individual and stressing individual initiative, action, and interests also conduct or practice guided by such a theory. Individualism places great value on self-reliance, on privacy, and on mutual respect. Negatively, it embraces opposition to authority and to all manner of controls over the individual, especially when exercised by the state.
As a theory of human nature, individualism holds that the interests of the normal adult are best served by allowing him maximum freedom and responsibility for choosing his objectives and the means for obtaining them. COMMUNATALISM: Communitarianism is an ideology that emphasizes the connection between the individual and the community. That community may be the family unit, but it can also be understood in a far wider sense of personal interaction, of geographical location, or of shared history. 3. 5 PROPOSING THREE ALTERNATIVE COURSE OF ACTIONS ST ALTERNATIVE: The first alternative would be to use PUNISHMENT (SUSPENSION) because if the culprit is being suspended from work he would not be paid for those days that he wont be around because it would be considered he is not working for the main time he would not be around this would help in disciplining of other workers in the organization and it would avoid further mistakes and lack of concentration and new employees would be watched thoroughly and all the existing workers would help the new ones and get them on track to do the new job. nd ALTERNATIVE: The second alternative could be CONSIDERATION, the culprit could be considered so as to allow the worker with the impression he would not repeat the same mistake again.
The Essay on Sociology Of Movie Individual Actions
"BRAVEHEART" I shall tell you of William Wallace, historians from England will say I am a liar, but history was written from those who have hanged hero's " William Wallace was born in Scotland around 1280 BC during times of great instability. The entire country was in chaos and conflict because of an evil tyrant known as Edward the Longshanks. Longshanks claimed the thrown and entire rule of ...
The advantage of this is the worker would be happy to work in the firm knowing that the firm considered him and this also would motivate him/her and other coworkers but also consideration might also have a negative effect, if the workers know that they are always considered when they make a mistake every worker would make a mistake and would expect to be considered employees will develop a sense of rebellion in response to punishment rather than seeing it as a deterrent to a particular activity. rd ALTERNATIVE: The third alternative should be WARNING a culprit could be seriously warned not to attempt doing such offence again and if he repeats it a serious action would be taken against him/her I this way the culprits and the other co workers would be very careful in their dealings in the firm, the disadvantage of this might be, some workers would not adhere to the rules and regulations of the firm knowing that the highest thing that can happen would be a warning letter. 3. 6 CHOOSING AND RECOMMENDING THE BEST SOLUTION
The best solution to this case is WARNING and SUSPENSION because if the culprit is warned she would not repeat such offence again in future since it would be clearly stated that if the offence is done again a serious action would be taken, if the culprit is punished this would make other workers scared and some might even leave the organization which would be at the risk of the organization in general, and also if the worker is suspended this would bring a huge difference in the attitude of workers in the organization since they know that a serious action would be taken against them therefore they would be more careful when they are doing the job.