I think legalizing drugs is an excellent idea, for several reasons. Less Violence Violence in America would drop dramatically. As I understand it, most drug-related violence does not consist of somebody becoming violent after shooting up. Most drug-related violence consists of (in hypothetical order): People who use violence while stealing to support their habit. With a free market in drugs, prices would drop dramatically, thus making it possible for most addicts to support their habit via lawful work. Drug deals gone bad.
When a deal goes bad in an open market, there are peaceful means of recourse for the victim. One could complain to the Better Business Bureau or Consumer Reports; one could file a lawsuit; one could just do business with somebody else. These options aren’t open to black market dealers, so they are far more likely to resort to violence when a deal goes bad. Gangs and syndicates who battle over turf. Open market competitors also battle over turf, but their weapons are advertising, sales gimmicks, and just plain providing a better product at a lower price. At their most violent, they might use lawsuits or government regulations to protect their turf.
Any of these options is preferable to the weapons of choice that black marketeers use when fighting over turf. Legalizing drugs would put an end to turf wars. (Some claim that drugs dealers would continue to use violence even if drugs were legal, but I doubt it. After all, alcohol was once illegal; when was the last time you heard of a turf war over alcohol) Criminals out on the street due to lack of prison space. Prison space is a finite resource. When you put a drug user in a cell, you have one less space for a murderer, or a rapist, or some other violent criminal.
The Business plan on Jsb Market Research – Pharmapoint: Ulcerative Colitis – Global Drug Forecast and Market Analysis to 2022
MediPoint: Companion Diagnostic Tests in Oncology - Global Analysis and Market Forecasts Released On 7th June 2014 A companion diagnostic test is defined as an in vitro diagnostic device or an imaging tool whose use allows the safe application of a therapy. In-vitro Companion Diagnostic tests measure the expression or presence of a specific biomarker that is linked to a disease condition or ...
By legalizing drugs and granting amnesty to all prisoner whose only crime was drug use (or possession or trafficking), we would have plenty of space to put the violent criminals- without raising taxes or building new jails. More violent criminals in jail means fewer on the streets, and fewer on the streets means safer streets. How much prison space would be freed I recall a study done in Florida which showed that of 45, 000 prisoners in jail on drug-related charges, 40, 000 of them were in solely for drug-related charges. If that pattern holds for all 50 states, then legalizing drugs would free up hundreds of thousands of cells which could then be used to house violent criminals. (I’ll try to track down the source of that study, if anybody’s interested. ) Dealers who use violence to avoid being caught.
Currently, dealers have to use violence (or at least the threat of it) to prevent citizens and police from interfering in their trade. If drugs were legal, there would be no need to do so. Legalizing drugs would help to make drug use safer. The War on Drug Users has two side effects that make drug use even more dangerous than it would normally be. They are: The Drug War makes it difficult to obtain pure, high-quality samples of the drugs in question.
For one thing, the clandestine nature of drug manufacturing makes it impossible to build a high-quality facility for making drugs. Instead, drug makers must do their work hurriedly, leading to carelessness in the manufacturing process. There is no time for quality control procedures or product testing. Another problem is that high profits that come from the drug trade, coupled with the fact that most dealers have a near monopoly on their turf, encourages dealers to dilute their drugs with impurities to increase the number of “servings” that can be made from the same amount of raw drug.
The Term Paper on Do Professional Athletes Make To Much Money
Are professional athletes overpaid? This question continues to permeate conversations from the board rooms to locker rooms; to street corners and beyond. How much is too much money for an athlete to earn. Folks will argue that the money could be spent on increasing teachers salaries as they are responsible for sculpting the minds of the American youth. Athletes make more money in one day than most ...
These impurities are often responsible for drug-related deaths, since The impurities may themselves be toxic, the impurities may react with the drug to form toxic substances, and it is impossible to know how much drug (or even which drug, if the dealer uses other drugs for the dilution) one is taking. The Drug War has halted all progress towards the creation of safe recreational drugs. For one thing, the lack of competition in the underground drug manufacturing industry leaves drug makers with little incentive to improve their product. For another, it is impossible to carry out scientific research on recreational drugs: No scientist would participate for fear of ruining his or her career, and it would be impossible to use modern laboratory facilities for doing the research. In an open market, however, there would be fierce competition among drug manufacturing companies for customers. A company that could manufacture safe (or at least safer) versions of recreational drugs would make a fortune.
Thus, companies would be strongly motivated to make safer drugs. Further, since research could be done out in the open, it would be possible to get good researchers and good facilities to do the job. The end result is that users would have safer drugs to use. (“Safer” could mean several things in this context.
It could mean drugs that aren’t as likely to kill or permanently debilitate you; it could mean drugs that don’t interfere with the user’s reflexes, vision, or motor coordination; it could mean drugs that don’t cause paranoia, violent impulses, or flashbacks; it might even mean drugs that have desirable side effects, like improving mental clarity or the body’s resistance to disease. And who knows what we might learn from the research We might even find a cure for cancer, or AIDS, or Rush Limbaugh mania. ) A Stronger Economy The Drug War hinders the economy. Hiring police officers, purchasing new weapons, printing up propaganda- these things cost money, and that money comes from taxes. Any money I spend on taxes is money I can’t spend on food, or clothes, or education, or CDs, or any of a thousand things I might purchase.
The Term Paper on War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning 2
* Author has experienced war and conflict his entire adult life. * War forms its own culture. * Even with destruction and carnage, war can give us what we long for. * Enticing elixir that gives warmth and resolve and a cause to believe. * War is a crusade (Bush said people fight terror or are our enemies) * War gives us a supreme worth in our lives. * Corpses deliver a message in wartime. * ...
That lowers my standard of living, and it also lowers the standard of living of the farmer, or the tailor, or the teacher, or the musician, or whoever makes the products I would have bought. Now multiply that by 240 million Americans and you get thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of farmers, tailors, teachers, musicians, and others who cannot enjoy the standard of living they otherwise might have had. Since they now have less money, they can’t afford to purchase as much, and so the people they buy from are now worse off, and so on ad infinitum. And of course, corporations and businesses are also taxed, which leaves them with less money to create more jobs, or to do research to improve their product, etc. Not to mention that legalizing drugs would also create thousands of new jobs, thus helping many of the currently unemployed, and making it possible to cut taxes further as there would be fewer people on welfare. More Freedom, part I The Drug War is endangering freedoms Americans once took for granted.
By far the scariest is the current search and seizure policy, in which the government can confiscate your property without first finding you guilty of (or even charging you with) a crime. All they have to do is arrest you on a drug-related charge, at which time they can confiscate your property. If you are later found innocent (or released without ever going to trial) you have to sue the government to get your property back. The burden of proof is now on you to prove that your property was wrongly taken. This hits the poor especially hard, as they can’t afford to lose what little property they have, and can’t afford to hire lawyers or take time off work to go to court. Less scary, but still disturbing, is the way the criteria for legal searches has been broadened over the last few decades.
These changes were made primarily to accomodate the people who complained that the police “had their hands tied behind their backs” by laws which protected a person’s right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. Less Hatred The Drug War has turned drug users, most of whom are ordinary people “just like us”, into second-class citizens. We have enough artificial distinctions- race, gender, sexual preference, religious affiliation, etc. – to divide us against ourselves and keep us hating one another for years to come.
The Term Paper on The War Of Freedom Of Expression
The War of Freedom of Expression 'Taking on anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers in the sanctified courtroom environment is like responding to someone who calls your mother a prostitute. By defending you raise the question that maybe she really was' Anonymous source drawn from We iman and Win, 1986. The right to freedom of expression can be described as a war. It is a war that has lasted for ...
So why bother adding yet another useless prejudice to the list More Freedom, part II The Drug War is likely to keep expanding to cover drugs that are currently legal. You may find out you don’t like the Drug War so much once they come for your drug. Conclusion For the record, I don’t use recreational drugs- not even politically correct drugs such as alcohol, tobacco or caffeine. I like the feeling of knowing my mind is functioning at peak capacity, without being disturbed by any alien molecules in my bloodstream. But I really don’t feel like paying more taxes for somebody else’s holy war, and I certainly don’t feel like losing my life, or the life of a loved one, to the violence which that holy war causes. If you don’t like drugs, don’t use them.
If you don’t like drug users, don’t associate with them. But trying to control the bloodstreams of everybody in America is worse than useless- it engenders violence, causes death and injury, drags down the economy, endangers freedom, and promotes hatred. All without even achieving its goal.