I am pursuing a college education because I would like to become a teacher. I plan to major in history and take education courses to become a secondary teacher after graduation. After teaching approximately two or three years, I would like to begin my masters in education. At this time, I also plan to take classes in administration and guidance so that I can be an administrator or guidance counselor if the opportunity becomes available. My career goals can only be accomplished with the aide of a college education.
My first year college expenses for Murray State University should total approximately $9,000, $7,500 of which goes toward tuition, books, housing and a meal plan. The remaining $1,500 will be used to pay for personal items and car maintenance. My hopes are to finance my education through scholarships and grants. However, if this is not possible, I plan to take out a student loan through MSU. While in college, I intend to earn extra income by serving as a student worker for MSU’s history department. As of February 24, 2004, I have received one scholarship from Phi Delta Kappa totaling $250. I have also applied for several scholarships through Murray State University, but results are still pending.