There are many different characteristics a person needs to possess in order to be an effective leader and to be an asset to a company. Besides having a high IQ a leader must be able to evaluate a business environment, manage tasks efficiently, promote strategic thinking and innovation, and manage change. All the traits just mentioned are extremely important, although, recent studies have showed one of the more important characteristics a leader must possess in order to be effective is emotional intelligence.
What is Emotional Intelligence? Imagine if everyone in the workplace was not able to determine when their co-workers were having a bad day, whether they were feeling sad, angry, stressed out, or just having a bad day. It is essential that people are able to express their emotions in a healthy and positive way, but it is extremely important that people are able to determine when other people are emotional and be empathetic to their needs. emotional intelligence is the concept of being able to recognize, control and evaluate emotions.
Some researchers believe that emotional intelligence can be learned, but others believe it is something people are born with. Furthermore, some researchers believe that possessing emotional intelligence is somewhat more important than having a high IQ. John Mayer and Peter Salovey have been the top researchers in emotional intelligence for the last twenty years. They define emotional intelligence as, “the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide ones thinking and actions” (Cherry).
The Essay on Intelligence Is People Enjoy Logical Good
What is intelligence? Scientists characterize intelligence as the capacity to learn or to understand. Intelligent people can attain information quickly and easily, and they can remember what they have learned. Do humans and animals have the same intelligence? Humans are very intelligent. They are intelligent because they built cities, written books, and even been to the moon.Human intelligence is ...
Mayer and Salovey breaks down emotional intelligence into four different categories: perceiving emotions, reasoning with emotions, understanding emotions, and managing those emotions. Perceiving emotions is the first step in Mayer’s and Salovey’s factors in emotional intelligence, which is having the ability to identify emotions. This is not always done by actually speaking to individuals, but done by noticing body language of an individual to determine their mood. The second factor in emotional intelligence is reasoning with emotion, which involves paying attention to ones emotions and reacting to them.
The next factor is understanding the emotions of an individual and understanding what has caused those emotions, so one knows how to react. Mayer’s and Salovey’s last factor in emotional intelligence is managing those emotions. This factor involves being able to manage emotions effectively and acting accordingly to others feelings (Cherry).
Skills Related to Emotional Intelligence When dealing with emotional intelligence there are a few skills that an individual needs to work on in order to be more effective when dealing with their emotions and the emotions of others. Maybe the most important of these skills is self-awareness.
Self-awareness is having the ability to identify the emotions of others as well as identifying the emotions inside you. Having self-awareness will allow you to handle emotions correctly. Another important skill to possess with dealing with emotional intelligence is self-regulation. Self-regulation deals with how long these emotions might last. For instance, if an individual gets a speeding ticket on their way to work, subsequently, making that individual angry; that individual has the option of harnessing that negative energy or be thankful that while they were speeding something more serious didn’t happen.
Taking a negative emotion and putting a positive spin on it usually will play a part in how long one allows that emotion to obstruct their feelings. The next skill important skill to have when dealing with emotional intelligence is motivation, which coincides with self-regulation. This skill also deals with taking negative emotions and turning them into positive ones. Also, it involves making goals and being positive throughout the process. An individual can learn this skill through practice and will help them reach goals in a positive way.
The Essay on Emotional Intelligence 9
Emotional intelligence is used to depict the capacity or skill or a case of a self perceived capacity to recognize, evaluate and control an individuals sentiments, those of others and groups. Diverse forms have been suggested for the definition and disparity exists as to how the term needs to be used. The originality of emotional intelligence is traced from the work of Darwin regarding the ...
Furthermore, studies have showed that taking anger management courses greatly impacts a person’s ability to acquire emotional intelligence. Empathy is the last skill an individual should retain when dealing with emotional intelligence. Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings of others. The more empathetic an individual is towards others feelings the better that individual will be dealing with situations. The skills needed when dealing with emotional intelligence will help an individual connect with coworkers more effectively and ultimately be a leader in the marketplace (Novick).
Attaining Emotional Intelligence in the Office A recent study conducted by the Consortium for Research revealed that the majority of corporations all agree that having emotional intelligence in the workplace is extremely essential when it relates to being successful. Some companies referred to salespeople who have the attribute of emotional intelligence were able to connect with customers better by better understanding their needs, which successively assisted them in building a trusting relationship with them.
They also referred to customer service employees who also had emotional intelligence to handle aggressive situations with angry customers more effectively than those employees who lacked this trait. Furthermore, these corporations spoke about brilliant business individuals who did everything exceptional except lacking the ability to get along with their coworkers and had the ability to handle stress in a productive manner. Consequently, these leaders who lacked emotional intelligence were not always promoted simply due to this single trait.
Some people believe that these traits are learned when an individual is young and are not able to learn emotional intelligence after the age of fifteen, while others believe emotional intelligence can be taught anytime throughout a person’s life. Although, both sides still agree that having emotional intelligence is detrimental in any working environment. Some researchers believe that an individual’s emotional intelligence can be raised in merely an afternoon. Many corporations are implanting workshops and seminars to raise their employees emotional intelligence (Cherniss).
Galvor Company Business Plan
Case 10-3: Galvor Company Background Galvor Company was founded in 1946 by owner, and president M. Georges Latour. The company had acted as a fabricator, buying parts and assembling them into high quality, moderate-cost electric and electronic measuring and test equipment. Latour had always been personally involved in every detail of the firm's operations as in most family businesses. Fiscal ...
The Bottom Line & Emotional Intelligence In the past the custom thing for businesses to do when recruiting individuals for employment was to look at skills such as education, technical knowledge, industry knowledge, and their overall personal traits. The companies in the past rarely recruited individuals based on skills such as how they handle stressful situations, people skills, and overall compassion for the fellow person. The recruitment process primarily focused on a person’s IQ, but times are changing.
After recent studies conducted in the last couple decades show that emotional intelligence plays an important role in a business reaching its full potential; business are now starting to look for other qualities besides basing an individual’s worth strictly on their education. A company who has individuals with a high emotional intelligence has been proven to impact the bottom line. For instance, a recent study conducted by the Hay Group of the a majority of the Fortune 500 companies found that the revenue brought in by employees with higher emotional intelligence nearly doubled that of the revenue of people who lacked emotional intelligence.
Furthermore, software designers with a high emotional intelligence were developing software nearly three times faster than people who lacked this skill. There are many other success stories to prove the fact that emotional intelligence does impact the bottom line. For example, another Fortune 500 company stated that their salespeople with a higher emotional intelligence produced eighteen percent more than the salespeople with a lower emotional intelligence. A company in Texas always used personal assessment when promoting employees to no avail when it came to reducing the turnover rate, which was extremely high.
The Essay on Emotional Intelligence 6
Emotional intelligence is defined as an individual’s ability to perceive, control and appraise emotions. Emotional intelligence can be learned, strengthened or be an inborn characteristic. Emotional intelligence is thus the subject of social intelligence that entails the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s thoughts and emotions, to differentiate among them and to apply information in guiding ...
Recently, that same Texas company has switched to an emotional intelligence based assessment and training; they have now increased their retention rate by sixty-seven percent just after one year, which they say has increased their bottom line be thirty-two million dollars. Implementing emotional intelligence assessments can be beneficial to working environment. For instance, a hospital in the metropolitan area reduced their nursing turnover from sixty-five percent to fifteen percent just after a year and a half.
A bank recently had to layoff thirty percent of their employees due to the economy. They put their remaining employees through emotional intelligence training and now is producing more with less employees. A recent study conducted by ZERORISK, Inc. , revealed that theft within the company was linked to having employees with low emotional intelligence. Furthermore, construction companies with employees with low emotional intelligence reported more on the job accidents than that of companies with employees who had a high emotional intelligence.
I could go on and on about all these success stories about companies who have employees with a high emotional intelligence. It just proves that emotional intelligence does impact the bottom line (Poskey).
Conclusion Many factors come in to play in regards to a business being successful or not. Recent studies have proven that businesses who employ people with emotional intelligence will capitalize on effectiveness, which directly will increase the success of the business. I have been brought to the conclusion that emotional intelligence is crucial in whether a business reaches its full potential or not.