I deliver training in project management and use variety of strategies e.g. lecturing, questioning and answer, and brainstorming. I also use discussion and demonstrations, workshops and seminars. I use these learning and teaching strategies to engage learners and facilitate learning by sight, hearing and doing. Learners are able to “hear it, do it, link theory to practice and reflect on what they learn” (Kolb, 1984).
It also captures the different preferred learning styles e.g. activist, reflectors, theorist, and pragmatist. 1:2 I use discussions because it engages people and enable them share their views. I use demonstrations to get learners practice a concept using own initiative. It is appropriate because “learners learn by doing, and engage learners enable them to ‘make sense’ of what they learn and to develop personal conceptualisations of what they learn” (Petty, 2004).
I use presentation and seminars to help learners develop good communication skills. I use question and answer approach to identify what learners know, their experiences and what they have learnt. I also give group or individual project to encourage team spirit. 1:3 Inclusive learning is about “widening access to and participation in learning and incorporating measures that accommodates the different views, learning style, abilities and experiences of the learner in such a way the learner is actively included and fully engaged in their learning” (Tomlinson, 1996).
The Essay on Foreign Language Errors Learner Learning
Introduction It is commonly assumed that where there are differences between L 1 and L 2, the learner's L 1 will probably interfere with the L 2 (negative language transfer), whereas, when L 1 and L 2 are similar, the L 2 will assist the L 2 learning (positive language transfer) (Ellis, 1994). Therefore, we tend to believe that most of the errors are account of negative transfer. This is partly ...
It is about creating different learning opportunities, recognising individual rights, differences and views, and giving learners opportunity to learn in the best appropriate and suitable way. 2:1 I identify individual needs, learning styles, and possible barriers to learning. This could be disability, emotional, language, technology, and ability. In designing lecture notes and handouts, I use accessible fonts and font size, appropriate colour and background. I convey information using different ways e.g. texts, pictures, diagrams. I speak clearly and not too quickly and avoid slangs. I make sure that all abbreviations are explained. I use individual and group activities, and provide additional support to those with special needs. I maintain good eye contact and if possible call learners by name. 2:2: I use various resources e.g. textbooks, handouts, worksheets, flipchart paper and pen, computer and projector, people (specialist), audio and video equipment. I select a resource based on how well it provide description of issues either by audio, visual or facilitate activity engagement. 2:3 I make sure that the assessment is specific, based on achievable learning outcome, reliable and timely.
I usually tell learners they will be assessed and I specify the criteria and scope of the assessment, when and the type of assessment e.g. initial, formative or summative to expect (e.g. exam, homework, demonstration, or presentation).
I make sure the assessment is within the boundaries of the lesson content. I sometimes provide tutorials to guide them. 2.4 Reading and writing skills in used preparing project proposal, reports, and communication with team members. When preparing project plans and analysis of costs and expected benefits of a project, learners need to do mathematical calculations. Learners and I need to know ICT/technology software packages e.g. Excel, Microsoft word, PowerPoint, are very useful in documenting and presenting projects activities and reporting progress. In addition, I use Microsoft Project to support the learning and teaching of project design and scheduling, monitoring and evaluation. 3:1 I use a variety of teaching methods to engage and motivate learners. I use field trip to a project site to teach them how project work on the ground. I ask learners to make presentation.
The Term Paper on Brained Learner Learning Styles Style
When I was in second grade I had the worst time learning how to tell time. In fact, to this day I still have a little trouble. Clearly, I didn't have trouble reading a digital clock, but when it came to reading the hand of a clock I failed miserably and usually was reduced to tears. At the time I couldn't understand why I was having so much trouble. I was in the top reading group in my class, and ...
This is followed by self and peer assessment. It provides avenue for learners to build communication skills and identify through feedback their strengths and areas that need further development. 3:2: In small groups, learners come up with rules they consider appropriate, discuss, negotiate, and agree on the rules. Then I introduce rules vital to delivering the lesson and those related to organisational code of practice. I discuss other rules as expected by the certificate awarding body. Ground rules help learners to respect one another, promote effective classroom management and lesson delivery. Involving learners in setting ground rule promote ownership and accountability. As a reminder, I ask learners to write the rules on a flipchart and display it in class. 3:3: I begin with positive comments i.e. what the learner has done well.
I provide constructive comments about opportunities the learner has not explored. I use verbal (e.g. on-to-one discussion) or written methods to provide feedback. I sometimes print out hard copy or email feedback to learners. I arrange a meeting to discuss with the learner to make sure the learner understood the feedback. During the meeting, I observe learner attitude, clarify issues, motivate, and reinforce their ability to do better. When used constructively, feedback, “improves learner’s confidence, self-awareness, enthusiasm when used constructively” (Bellon et al, 1991).
I use feedback to ensure learner maintain acceptable and quality of work. I give feedback based on specific to task, in an articulate manner and within set time.
Bellon, J., Bellon, E & Blank, M (1991) Teaching from a research knowledge base: a development and renewal process, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Kolb, D. A (1984) Experiential learning: experience as a source of learning and development, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Petty, G. (2004) Teaching Today: A Practical Guide, 3rd edition, Nelson ThornesTomlinson, J (1996) Inclusive Learning; the report of the Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities, Committee of the Further Education Funding Council (FEFC), London.
The Essay on Summarise the relevant policy and age-related expectations of learners relevant to literacy development
When students start in year 7 at my school the national curriculum age-related expectations are that the students will be working at a level 4 for Literacy. However this is not always the case. We regularly have students working at a level 3 or lower and a few students working above the expected level for their age. The ability level of the students is extremely varied and this can be due to many ...