Rape is the crime and these days it is going on increasing and becoming numerous these days, the rapist have no sense of age limit. In these generation there is no place which is safe for living being around as we come across day today news happening in this world. Rape is more about of power then about sexual attraction or desire for sexual gratification, it may be also definded as a process by which people feel that they do not have the rights to say no and have their rights respected, it is not only physically damaged it can be emotionally traumatic.
Rape culture: in which rape is prevalent and is maintained through fundamental attitudes and belifes about gender, sexuality and voilence. The mind of rape attackers what is it that makes them animals when they see a women alone?
Expert divided rapists based on four criteria:
1. Power assertive rapist: about 44% of rapes are committed by power assertive rapist, he is physically aggressive and will use the amount of force needed to control degrading or obscence language, slapping, punching but does not intend to all.
2. Anger retaliation rapist: this type hates women to the point that he will injure victims to the point where they require medical intervention or hospitalisation he often uses drugs or alcohol.
3. Oppurtunistic rapist: he lacks self confidence and interpersonal skill to develop relationship with women.
4. Sadistic rapist: he is typically charming and intelligent, the crime is premeditated methodically in his mind before, it is attempted most often they kill their victims.
The Essay on Effects Of Rape On Women
Webster's Dictionary describes rape as the crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse. Rape is a crime in which most women cannot defend themselves. The fear of rape plagues every woman at some point or another in her life. The traumatic effects of rape vary from mild to severe, from psychological to physical. This paper will evaluate rape, as well as the ...
The causes:
1. Most of crimes commited under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
2. Seminaked style of dress and non modest clothes are an indirect temptation to opposite sex for teasing, molestation and rape.
3. Lady who travels alone without accompanying close relatives.
The remidies:
1. Men should lower their gaze and guad their modestry.
2. Control the pornographies, vulgarity in name of anti.
3. Women should lower their gaze and guard their modestry.
4. They should not display their beauty and ornaments.
The right thing to do if you’ve been rapied is taking care of oneselves in best way for you. For some people that means reporting crime immediately and fighting to see the rapist brought to justice, for others seeking medical or emotional care, every person are different. If any individual has been raped then it is better to seek medical care, one has to consult a good doctor and speak to him about the medical care because a doctor need to cheak you for sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and internal injuries anytime after being raped.
As we know the most essential one is most obvious the overwhelming majority of rapists are male, if we want to discover how to reduce rape, we have to be willing to fingure out what the hell is going wrong wit men and how to change it.
The thinking about teenager is different they just try for passion by following other followers and some rapers seems to have experience with their lovers. But friends remember “Rape is not about passion and has nothing to do with love, Rape is an act of only aggression and voilence”.