1. If the economic conditions require you to accept a job that is not exactly what you are aiming for, how can you best approach the new job? What are the benefits of doing so?
By accepting the job and having the positive and ambitious outlook, I can show that I am hard working and will to sacrifice. I have the opportunity to show that I am fit for the job, and maybe even a better job than I originally applied for.
2. Is it more advantageous for the applicant or the interviewer to bring up the subject of salary first? Why?
In this situation the interviewer should be the first to bring up the salary, because if the applicant brings up the topic of salary too soon this could move the focus from you and your qualifications which could mean you do not get the job.
3. What is an appropriate response when an interviewer asks what salary you are looking for?
Reply with What range is the company planning to pay for this position? Then if the response is not in your salary range, simply state the salary you were looking for then be sure to close by stating the interest you have in the company as well as the job.
4. Base your answers to the following questions on your salary research:
(a) what is the entry-level salary for the job you are seeking?
$37,000 annually
(b) what salary range do you plan to seek in your job search? What is this range based on?
The Essay on Job Interview Success
Are you looking for a job in this tough economic time? Have you applied at any companies lately? If so, you may be getting a call for an interview any day. If this happens, you need to know how to be successful in the interview from the start. Knowing that you have applied to a company, and realizing that you may be getting a call for an interview, you initially need to get all of your references ...
Between $37,000 and $60.000 this range I would seek this is based on the City & State, I reside in as well as the Certification, Experience, and Degree I will have when I graduate.
5. Why is it important to act professional when turning down a job offer?
It is very important when turning down a job offer because one of the ultimate goals in this process is Respect and you also want to professional which will protect your reputation as well as your relationships with professionals.
Harwood, L. (2013).
Your career: How to make it happen (8th ed.).
Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.