An Epic is along narrative poem written in an elevated style with a serioustheme at least of national level. As a procedure the poet starts the poem with invocationto the holy spirits to assist him in this task and then plunges into the middle of the story ortheme. The high sounding, bombastic and ornate language, war like speeches, ancientand mythical references and the use of supernatural machinery are some of the mainfeatures or essential ingredients of the epic writing.On the contrary, mock epic, the very word Mock Epic itself suggests the meanings.A mock epic is a type of poetry, which is written in a mocking style or in a ridiculousmanner. In this type of poetry, the poet follows all the rules and convictions of epic writinglaid down by the pioneers except the seriousness of the theme. The intention of the writerof a mock-heroic is not to poke fun at the epics or their conventions and devices thoughthe term “mock epic” or “mock-heroic” suggests such a mockery: he follows instead allthe conventions of the epic in order to point out the discrepancy between the heroic formand the triviality of the subject-matter. The mock epic can be defined as:
“The mock epic is a poetic form, which uses the epic structure, but on a miniaturescale and with a subject that is mean and trivial. Its purpose is satirical to make thesubject look ridiculous by placing it in a frame work entirely inappropriate to it simportance”.
Though this form of epic has rarely been taken up but out of these few, AlexanderPope’s “The Rape of the Lock” is the brilliant example over since it has been produced. The outstanding creator of this mocking poem having gone though the study of ancientepic writers like Homer, Virgil and Milton and was desirous to do something in this form of writing. Pope a profound scholarly person with full command took up the very trivial themeof theft of lock of hair of a beautiful girl, transforming it into an epic just with the intentionto reconcile the two estranged families on the urge of his friend Cyral.
The Essay on Mock-heroic features of Pope’s “The Rape of the Lock”
... Structural Form: Like an epic, this poem is also divided in several Cantos and episodes that filters The Rape of the Lock as a mock-heroic epic. ... Pope also began this poem with an invocation in first stanza, ... features of The Rape of the Lock as a mock-epic, are depicted below: The Title: A mock-heroic poetry must be beautified with ...
Characteristics of “The Rape of the Lock” as a mock-epic poem:
The Title
The pope was fully conscious of his intentions to make the rape of the lock a mock heroicpoem is evident from the title he has given it. Homer’s Iliad, which describes the eventsrising out of Helen’s elopement with a Trojan prince, can be appropriately described as apoem dealing with the “Rape of Helen”. The title of the pope’s poem –the rape of the lock-is thus a parody of the Iliad in this sense; for in this poem the “mighty contest” ensuesfrom the rape or assault on the lock of Belinda. The title evokes nothing but the mockheroic sensation and well indicates the mock-heroic character of Pope’s work. The beginning:As a procedure, Pope, like other epic writers, opens the poem with the lines describing thetheme. He opens the poem thus:
“What dire offence amorous causes springs,What mighty contest rise from the trivial things”
These lines remind us the opening lines of Homer’s “Iliad”. Pope has imitated this epicdevice for the mock heroic purpose i.e. placing the trivial and ridiculous in the contest. These lines themselves are the manifesto of the forth-coming incidents.After this Pope attributes an invocation to his friend, Lord Cyral, on whoseinstigation he has written this epic and then plunges into the middle of the storypresenting the main characters of the poem. First of all Belinda, whose one of the locks israped and whole of the situation arises, is presented.
“Sol through white curtains shot a timorous ray, And oped those eyes that must eclipse a day.”
The Essay on What We Can Learn From The Epic Poem Beowulf
Beowulf, one of the longest poems ever written in the English language is a great epic that allows us as readers to learn many different aspects on life. Although we may not all gather the same information from the poem, it is apparent that everyone will at least learn one thing from Beowulf's epic. As the reader reads this poem, he/she may learn anything from how pride and coward ness can lead to ...
The Structure of the Poem: The whole structure in “The Rape of the lock” is cast in the epic mould, but it could not bea serious epic because the incident is trivial. The poem is divided into cantos like an epicpoem, and there are ironical parallels to the main incident of the epic. The poem beginswith an invocation like in epics. As in epics, in “The Rape of the Lock”, too, divine beingsare portrayed. Belinda is in the divine care of the sylphs. But then the sylphs are fragile,airy beings and they are helpless before the caprice of men. Despite all their concern forBelinda, her beautiful lock is raped by the naughty Baron. There is a mischievous gnome,too, who like Milton’s “Satan” is intent upon making Belinda miserable and thereby all heradmirers.Function of Machinery:Pope following the set convictions of classical epic writings, in place of supernaturalmachinery like gods, angels, good or bad spirits, use sylph, gnomes and Ariel’s etc to fulfillthe essential requirements of epic traditions.War like situations has been created on the table during card game and theflavour of defeat and victory has been elaborated in game very mockingly. War-likebombastic speeches of Ariel and Gnome remind us of the speeches delivered by epicheroes in various epics. For instance in “Paradise Lost” Satan in the deep ditches of hellshows grandeur and leadership quality with his speeches working as whip for the fallenangels. He proves to an un-yielding and undefeatable hero, when he says,
“What though the field be lost All is not lost, the unconquered will,
Ariel and Gnome’s speeches are the parody of the same in “Rape of the Lock”. Theuse of ornate language, imbued with ancient and Biblical phrases, similes, simply reflect,Pope’s knowledge and learning. He has used the words in accordance with the situation. The words and phrases used by Pope some time go beyond the appropriateness.
Hazlitt has called the poem ‘the perfection of the mock-epic’. In it, not a single poem, butthe whole type or style of literature is parodied; the language and thought, proper to aserious theme are reproduced in describing something ridiculous or trivial. The eighteenthCentury with its passion for the ancients, was familiar with the whole epic tradition andconventions. Pope makes the framework of his poem a parody of the epic tradition. The
The Term Paper on Rape Of The Lock Pope Finch Poem
Anne Finches Opposition To The Rape Of Anne Finches Opposition To The Rape Of The Lock Anne Finch's Opposition to The Rape of the Lock The Restoration Period (1660-1700) was a period of social, political and philosophical turmoil, which laid the foundation for future centuries. This period was marked by an advance in colonization and trade and by the birth of the Whig and Tory parties. In poetry, ...
most crucial parallel to epic is the scene which occurs just before the cutting of the lock,when Ariel discovers the secret longing of the beautiful Belinda.
“Sudden he viewed, in spite of all her art, An earthly lover lurking at her heart. Amazed, confused, he found his power expired,Resigned to fate, and with a sigh retired.”
The situation is apparently an echo of the moment in “paradise Lost” when, after the fallof Adam and Eve, the angle retire, to heavenly abode feeling sorry for them. Pope called“The Rape of the lock” a heroic-comical poem. Instead of grand passions and great fightsbetween heroes in which the immortals take part, we have as the theme of “The Rape of the lock” a petty amorous quarrel assisted by the spirits of the air. The epic portrays anage round the personality of a god or semi god, and its characters are heroes. “The rapeof the lock”, on the other hand, gives us a picture of fashionable society. The central figurein that picture is a pretty society girl, and the other characters are a rash youth, a foolishdandy and few frivolous women.
Episode in the Mock-epic:
An epic poem must contain episodes also. In keeping with this practice Pope hasintroduced the episodes of the game of Omber which is described in great detail. There isalso the hazardous journey of Umbriel to the Cave of Spleen. Then there is the battlebetween the lords and ladies just like the battles in epic poetry. But in true mock-heroicstyle this battle is fought with fans and snuff instead of with swords and spears. There aresingle combats also between Belinda and the Baron and between Clarissa and Sir Plume.Moral:Every artist is a reformer at heart and Pope following this technique moralizes the societythrough his inventiveness i.e mock-epic. Pope not only both main characters, Belinda andLord Petre, rather present the whole society’s picture very realistically in a way that wefeel that we are passing though that particular period. For instance, Pope portrays theactivities of Blinds and general social and moral attitude of the youth in general.
“With varying vanities from every part,They shift the moving toyshop of their heart,Where wigs with wigs and with sword knot sword knot strive,Beaus banish beaus and coaches coaches drive”
The Essay on Alexander Popes the Rape Of The Lock
... and literary taste of an age.Popesmagnum opus,The Rape of the Lock is the best satirical picture of contemporary society in which he has ... this is all what God greased his palm with. This mock epic is a fine filigree work out of the trivial tempest ... three realms obey, /Dost sometimes counsel take- and sometimes tea. Pope shared with other cultivated Englishmen of the early eighteenth century ...
Pope has very realistically and satirically portrayed the activities of the youth ingeneral. Similarly the activities in Hampton court as described in “The Rape of Lock” byPope are the best example of the trivial and petty attitude of the people of 18
“In various talks, instructive hours they passed,Who gave the ball and paid the visit last,One speaks the glory of the British queen,Other describes the charming Indian screen,Third interprets the motions, looks and eyes, At every word a reputation dies.”
Thus, to conclude, in “The Rape of the Lock” the poet has heightened the title, exalted theinsignificant, in order to make the little and the insignificant look more ridiculous. Heemploys the mock-heroic form, not to mock the epic form, but to show the triviality of mean things by contrasting them with great things. This is the true mock-heroic style.