Sugar industry is one of the most important agro-based industries in India and ishighly responsible for creating significant impact on rural economy in particular andcountry’s economy in general. Sugar industry ranks second amongst major agro-basedindustries in India. As per the Government of India’s recent liberalised policy announcedon 12th December, 1986 for licensing of additional capacity for sugar industries during 7thfive-year plan, there will be only one sugar mill in a circular area of 40 sq km. Also thenew sugar mill is allowed with an installation capacity of 2500 TCD (Tonne Sugar Cane
crushed per day) as against the earlier capacity norms of 1250 TCD. Similarly, theexisting sugar mills with sugar cane capacity of about 3500 TCD can crush sugar cane tothe tune of 5000 TCD with a condition imposed that additional requirement of sugar canebe acquired through increased productivity and not by expansion of area for growingsugar cane. cane sugar is the name given to sucrose, a disaccharide produced from thesugarcane plant and from the sugar beet. The refined sugars from the two sources are
The Essay on Sugar cane alley
Sugar Cane Alley was filmed during the summer of 1931 in Martinique a time after the abolishment of slavery. This film parallels a time in Southern Rhodesia where there was a compound system that controlled the mining workers just as the overseers in the cane fields controlled the cane workers. Every aspect of daily life is in some way controlled. Sugar Cane Alley is an insightful film that shows ...
practically indistinguishable and command the same price in competitive markets. However, since they come from different plants, the trace constituents are different andcan be used to distinguish the two sugars. One effect of the difference is the odor in thepackage head space, from which experienced sugar workers can identify the source. In the production scheme for cane sugar, the cane cannot be stored for more thana few hours after it is cut because microbiological action immediately begins to degradethe sucrose. This means that the sugar mills must be located in the cane fields. The rawsugar produced in the mills is item of international commerce. Able to be stored foryears, it is handled as raw material – shipped at the lowest rates directly in the holds ofships or in dump trucks or railroad cars and pushed around by bulldozers. Because it isnot intended to be eaten directly, it is not handled as food. The raw sugar is shipped to thesugar refineries, which are located in population centers. There it is refined to a foodproduct, packaged, and shipped a short distance to the market. In a few places, there is arefinery near or even within a raw-sugar mill. However, the sugar still goes through rawstage. The principle by-product of cane sugar production is molasses. About 10 – 15%of the sugar in the cane ends up in molasses. Molasses is produced both in the raw-sugarmanufacture and also in refining. The blackstrap or final molasses is about 35 – 40%sucrose and slightly more than 50% total sugars. In the United States, blackstrap is usedalmost entirely for cattle feed. In some areas, it is fermented and distilled to rum or
industrial alcohol. The molasses used for human consumption is of a much higher grade, and contains much more sucrose. Sugarcane characteristics: Sugarcane contains not only sucrose but also numerous other dissolvedsubstances, as well as cellulose or woody fibre. The percentage of sugar in the canevaries from 8 to 16% and depends to a great extent on the variety of the cane, itsmaturity, condition of the soil, climate and agricultural practices followed. The constituents of ripe cane vary widely in different countries and regions but fall
The Essay on How Does The Temperature Of Water Affect How Fast Sugar Can Dissolve?
Predict We will do three different tests, dissolving the water in boiling, warm and cool water. The sugar in the boiling water will dissolve the fastest. The sugar added to the cool water will dissolve the slowest. Reason According to the state of matter theory, the particles in a gas move faster than in a liquid, which I will use to infer that the hotter the water is and closer to a gas, the ...