Dep? rtm ent Store X is? US rest? il high-end gene? l march? with? focus on qu? lily customer service. With more th? n 100 stores (mostly in l? re cities), Dep? rtm ent Store X employs 15, 000 people. E? ch store h? s 100 to 150 workers? nd 10 dep? rt ments r? ng ing from clothing? nd toys to h? raw? re? nd electronics. E? ch dep? rtm ent h? s? supervisor who oversees six to 11 people. E? ch new employee is given orient? ti on tr? in ing consisting of? series of video t? pes on customer service, product f? mil i? rita, ? nd inform? ti on systems. In? d dition, supervisors use role pl? y to tr? in new employees individu? lay, ? nd they pl? ce employees with? mentor for their first three months of employment.
C? se Study F? cts The corp or? te vice president of over? t ions h? s recently noticed? n un usu? lay high number of customer service compl? into in three of the l? re ur b? n Midwest stores. The st? nd? rd survey form for me? spring customer s? tis f? ct ion indic? tes th? t customers feel they? re being ignored? nd th? t employees? re not interested in? them. Sever? l customers noted th? t employees seem unwilling to? ppr o? ch them be? use of their? pp? r? nce or ethnicity. ? not her compl? int is th? t employees? re often conversing with e? ch other r? ther th? n? t tempting to help customers. The over? t ions VP c? led? teleconference with the three store m? n? gers to discuss the compl? into.
The Term Paper on Initial Training Employees Store Employee
Critical Thinking Styles and Forces of Influence A major problem facing retailers today is employee retention. Lowe's Home Improvement Centers are no exception to this problem. Every aspect of a store's operation is measured as a percentage against sales. As a new store struggling to capture market share, we were continually at the maximum amount allowed by corporate standards for our payroll. The ...
M? n? gers? ssu red her th? t they would t? ke c? re of the situ? ti on by t? lying with the dep? rtm ent supervisors? nd tr? in ers. ? month l? ter, compl? into h? d incr e? sed 10 percent. The VP decided to hire? tr? in ing ev? lu? ti on spec i? list to study? nd resolve the situ? ti on. The consult? nt? green to devise? pl? n th? t focuses on the extent customers? re s? with their experience? t Dep? rtm ent Store X’s three Midwest stores? nd the extent employees? re using the customer service skills they were tr? in ed on. The consult? nt did the following: 1.
Designed? nd pilot tested? multi-item customer s? tis f? ct ion survey th? t elicits qu? nt it? time? nd qu? lit? time d? t? ? bout the qu? lily of customer service? nd observ? ti on of customer service skills? t the three stores. 2. Cont? c ted the customer service dep? rtm ent? nd request sever? l mystery shoppers, Dep? rtm ent Store X employees who pose? s topic? l customers. E? ch shopper visited e? ch store twice? week over? one-month period? nd completes? survey? fte r e? ch visit. The shoppers were told not to identify? ny employee by n? me.
3. Collected? nd? n? lyle the d? t? , ? nd present the results. Only the three store m? n? gers? nd? few supervisors? re told? bout the ev? lu? ti on; employees? re not told. The results: Ne? ray 70 percent of the mystery shoppers report h? vin g neg? time experiences? nd not observing customer service skills.
? fte r reviewing the results with the over? t ions VP, the consult? nt sh? res them with the store m? n? gers? nd selected supervisors, who re? ct neg? timely? nd s? y the results? re in? c cur? te? nd un represent? time of the qu? lily of customer service? nd tr? in ing in their stores. The consult? nt reit er? tes th? t the d? t? is v? lid, but they? re? d? m? nt. Puzzled? nd concerned by their ze? l, the consult? nt meets? g? in with the over? t ions VP, who insists th? t the consult? nt cont? cts the mystery shoppers? nd finds out the n? mes of the employees who f? i led to provide qu? lily service. Her? ti on is th? t the consult? nt could provide specific feed? ck to the m? n? gers? nd help them find w? ys to red? rd, further develop, re medi? te, or dismiss cert? in employees. The consult? nt remind the Vice President th? t it w? s? greed th? t employees’ n? mes would not be provided on the surveys or fin? l report-? nd th? t her pl? n is? revers? l of wh? t w? s promised to the store m? n? gers? nd supervisors. The VP persists, however, ? nd the consult? nt? sky for 24 hours to consider the issue..
The Essay on Customer Customers Service Business
Demand Replaced by Need; is Technology Viable or a Risk? The customer support and customer service functions are more than departments; they are part of an essential strategy for growing your business. In the modern business climate, customers expect answers to their questions immediately. When the right information is available anytime, from anywhere in the world, customers are more likely to ...