I am also grateful to my parents whom supported me throughout the project. May the good lord bless them all? DEDICATION I dedicate this project to the ALMIGHTY GOD who made this work to become a success. To the lord Jesus Christ my redeemer and to the Holy Spirit my ever present companion and friend. To my dearly beloved father Mr. Lazarus madu and my son chukwudubem and all of my well wishers. APPROVAL PAGE This research work have been read and approved as meeting the requirement for the award of bachelor in engineering (B. ENG) in enugu state university of science and technology.
The entire project comprises of the objectives, problems, advantages, and disadvantages of computerized students admission and grading system. Also iven are the suggestion and recommendation to ensure the success of computerized student admission and grading system. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the study Institution usually prosper when their manager act on the basis of relevant information. To generate relevant information efficiently, you need quick access to the data (raw facts) from which the required information is produced. Data management, which focuses on data collection, storage and retrieval, thus constitutes a core activity for any institution. Education plays an important role in the society and communities.
In fact, of all the facilities needed in the society, school are of paramount importance for the provision of services to humanities towards eradicating illiteracy knowing fully well that education is the bedrock of any nation. The reason for undertaking this study is to show tha student admission and grading system can be automated or computerized so that student information can be easily retrieved when needed and to have also a proper and accurate documentation and computation of students records or information. The case study Enugu state university of science and technology.
The Essay on Student Information And Grading System
Student Information and Grading System have increased during the recent years not only in education but also in all areas where resources are managed. Student information and Grading System has always been a difficult task, but it is more so today than ever before, where administrators uses the traditional way of filing records on a cabinet and computing grades in manual procedure. As the ...
It can be quite understood that record keeping facilitates data management and becomes a valuable information generator. On the contrary a poor record keeping is likely to become a breeding ground for redundant data, that is, unnecessary duplicated data. Redundant data are often the source of difficult to trace information errors. Therefore, the existence of redundant data in records keeping makes it possible to have encountered data entries and you probably won’t know which value is correct, report will yield different results. Depending on which version of the data was used.
In short, uncontrolled data redundancies are typical of a poorly design record keeping structures. Computer has proven beyond reasonable doubt, its capability in the area of information management in diverse industries, mining, building, education leading to efficiency. Its leading records of forestalling fast decision making and action by ensuring that information are made available on time on request. Since the advent of computer, the globe had not being the same. We are now in the computer age, where volumes of information are required from different industries to enhanced making the right decision.
The computer has finally edge itself to all human endeavors from concept to simulation and finally to actual production. Statement of the problem The method employed in keeping tracts of records as well as grading/computation of students’ result is the manual system. Such a system was traditionally composed of a collection of file folders containing the records and result of students; each properly tagged and kept in a filing cabinet. As long as the data collection was relatively small and the institution administration had few reporting requirements, this manual system served its role as data repository well.
The Term Paper on Performance of Information Systems through Organizational Culture
The objective of this paper is to determine the importance of the connection between the organizational culture and the information system which can be vital to achieve essential business goals. However the proper definition of information system (IS) is important, as different people create confusion in this respect, which according to Anderson (1992) it is the system which captures, records, and ...
However as the institution grew and the volumes of data become complex, keeping tracks of record in the manualsystem becomes more difficult, slow and cumbersome leading to inefficiency. Infact, finding and using data in this growing collection of file folders become such a slow, time consuming and cumbersome task that it becomes less in generating useful information about students. Objectives of the study This study which geared towards developing a software to man the admission and grading of student result is designed to meet th following objectives; 1.
Efficiency record keeping: this hopes to achieve system tha keeps accurate students on admission and the financial account of the student for the period of his/her study. 2. Fast processing of result: the system is to show the students’ condition in a very shortest possible time thus reducing delay for publishing and issuing students’ result. 3. Quick data retrieval: the student educational history must be available at all times for review in case of emergency. 4. A reliable storage of information: student records need the system for security purpose and also to reduce loss of information or records. . Creating a security system and enforces security and privacy within the database. 6. Maintaining data integrity: provides backup and data recovery procedures to ensure data safety and integrity. 7. Minimize data redundancy: promoting and enforcing integrity rules to eliminate data integrity problems thus allowing us to minimize data redundancy and maximize data consistency. Significance of the study: the computerized grading and admission system is an aid to processing, storage, retrieval and computation. The following depict the significance of this package: . To increase productivity and free the staff from repetitive chores of computation from which they derive no further benefit and experience. 2. To aid effective administration and management and to eliminate avoidable inefficiencies. 3. To explore all the capability of the compute system in the area of speed and accuracy in processing of information and being very aware of the need of security of data. 4. Long term advantage of this package could benefit the establishment because of the tendency of expansion (increase in number of students).
The Term Paper on Learning Strategies and Information Processing Development
Teachers working with these students must implement strategies when presenting new information to their students, determining what helpful strategies should be utilized to help their students attend, recognize and remember this information. A main goal is that learning disabled students will be able to independently utilize these strategies in the future with minimal assistance from others. ...
Finally it stands the school a better stead to face new challenges or to increase productivity. It will be able to reuce operating cost and increasethe rate of information retrieval, storage as well as increasing administration efficiency. Scope of the study: the scope of the project had been limited to the normal operation of data storage, retrieval and processing in terms of student admission and grading. It will monitor students admission and resulting processing in Abuja polytechnic. The following will be implemented A. Registration of student. B. Semester results.
CHAPTER THREE System analysis and design System analysis is the procedural study of the existing system to discover the success, failure and limitations. The method employed towards getting some facts are: 1. Interviewing the register of the institution (ESUT) on the operational procedure and the result grading system. 2. Evaluation of form: that is studying some relevant forms and document that are being used in the manual system. 3. Studying the school handbook which contains the rules and regulation of the school binding to both the college and the students.
After studying the data and information gathered, it was observed that everything are done manually using the traditional filing system for the storage of students records. Disadvantages of manual method Some of the disadvantages that are prevalent with the manual method are: Inaccuracy of information or result. a. Delay in preparing terminal report on the condition of students. b. Inefficiency of result due to the duplication of schedule among staff. c. Due to its slow processes, management information needs for quick decision making is greatly hindered d.
Sometimes, error, pilfering of valuable item and fraud go undetected. In order to evolve a qualitative scheme that would ensure adequate handling of student’s record and grading processes, the present method in use was reviewed critically and analyzed in an attempt to determine its weaknesses. System design: the design effort involves making decision about each of the integral part of the output desired, files to be maintained, planned inputs, data processing method and procedures that link input with output.
The Business plan on Conceptual System Design
During the system analysis, the analysis of system data is very important. Analysis of data is made up of more than one level at the beginning (first level) and different ideas are used at each level. At first level, analyst develops a conceptual system design. Since the conceptual design sets the direction for the management information system (MIS). It is vital that managers participate ...
Actually the output is basically the result of the new system. An integral part of the system design work is answering many of the following questions that are necessary for indent review. 1. Can input, output method and procedures so as to accomplished the institution objectives to the highest degree possible? 2. Are all operation necessary, does this result in duplication or overlapping of operations etc. 3. Is there a faster and more economical way of processing the data? 4. Are the data recorded in a manner that is compatible with their final use? . It is possible to reduce the volume of work by modifying or changing policies, organizational, structure, organizational functions or other established organizational practice. 6. Can the system be improved through work simplification? The above questions were of overriding importance to the writer as it is devised many part of the new system. The new (improved) system There are two conceptions used in the system design phase. 1. Logical model design: which produces and specified the major features of the new system 2. he physical design which takes the logical design blueprint and produces a program specification, physical files and data base definition. The new system will involve the use of micro-computer system to support the processing of grading and condition of students. The new system unlike the old system is computer based and like all computer based system has the following aim: * Increase productivity * Accurate computation * Overall efficiency * Better information management * Access control * Fairness to both parties is its cardinal objectives.
In this system, the data processing, storage, computation and retrieval are now handled by the computer based program designed using the formula and procedure in the present system All information are now stored on disk. Security and safety of information on student has been given due consideration, as unauthorized personnel will be denied access to information computer system. Fig1. 0 logical model of the new system A typical batch processing is shown in fig. 1. 0, the batch run begins by collecting a set of transctions.
The Essay on Information System Data Performance Systems
Information Systems An information system, by it's name, is a system whose aim is to collect, store and maintain data generated by the system in order to process it into accurate and timely information according to the needs of the system users. A cross-section of a typical information system reveals that it consists of People (60%), Equipment (10%) and Procedures (30%). They can be Manual, ...
These transaction are entered into a form and the forms are passed for data entry into machine readable form. The transaction are stored on the input file medium, which goes through an edit run. The correct transaction are then passed to a file update program. The file is then processed by a report program to produce a set of report, which is the output. Basically, the new system is divided into three unit viz. (a) Input unit (b) Processing unit (c) Output unit (A) Input unit: This unit includes the particulars of the students namely: NAME, REG NO. tc. this will be displayed on the screen as it is being keyed in via the keyboard. (B) Processing unit: this unit involves the actual computation and processing of a particular task. It uses the information and supplied at the input unit to achieve the required result. It is not displayed on the screen. (C) Output unit: this unit involves the displayed of the result from the processing unit on the monitor or generally the hardcopy using standard output device (printer).
System flowchart for the new system. KEY-IN-DATA| 4. 4 DESIGN METHODOLOGY
The design techniques employed is the top-down approach, the system as a whole is divided into six (6) main sub-systems. Each of these subsystem perform a unique task, all of which are then integrated to form the main system. This system is designed to be a continuous flow of activity, from one section of the operation to another through the modules. The user is guided through the whole system by menus designed for easy usage and to enable user find his way through the system. DOS/WINDOWS| The systems are: i) Student registration ii) Semester registration ii) Report printing iv) System utility v) Quit 4. 5 field used in the design Files are very important part of a system, this is because all inputs and output into and out of the system are done using the files resident in the data base. In design the computerized grading system, some files were created and used before naming the files, the data type used will be specified. Student file S/NO| FILENAME| FIELD TYPE| FIELD WIDTH| DEC| INDEX| 1| Adm. no| Character| 8| | N| 2| Name| Character| 30| | N| 3| Address| Character| 40| | N| 4| Date of birth| Date| 8| | N| | Place of birth| Character| 18| | N| 6| Age| Numeric| 2| | N| 7| Phone- no| Numeric| 10| | N| 8| State| Character| 6| | N| 9| Sex| Character| 5| | N| 10| Next-of-kin| Character| 30| | | Semester file The same with student file plus addition s/n| Field name | Field type| Field width| Dec| index| 1| Course code| character| 8| | N| 2| Course title| Character| 20| | N | 3| Credit hour| Numeric| 2| | N| 4| Cumulative| Numeric| 6| 2| N| 5| SCGA| Numeric| 6| 2| N| 6| CCGA| Numeric| 6| 2| N| 7| GCGA| Numeric| 6| 2| N| CHAPTER FOUR IMPLEMENTATION AND DOCUMENTATION System testing
The Essay on File System and Configuration File
What command would let you most safely switch to runlevel 2 without rebooting the computer? Pg 431 Telinit 2 7. What type of control does SELinux implement? Pg 414 Mandatory Access Control 8. Know all of the possible states of SELinux . Pg 414 Enforcing Permissive and Disable 9. The files hosts. allow and hosts. deny belong to what security system? Pg 447 TCP Wrappers 10. Given the following ...
Before bringing the data processing system into use, it is of virtual importance that it is both comprehensive within its intended limits and fully correct. Each program will by now have been written according to its specification and tested by the programs to his complete satisfaction. The final responsibility for the correctness of both the suite of program and the system as a whole lies with the system analyst. He must absolutely certain that each run produces exactly what is required of it and that the runs smoothly together to provide the correct output of each routine.
The linking together of runs during the testing procedures ensures that the output of one is entirely correct as the input to the following. Ideally one set of basic data be used to test all the programs in a routine. However, in some cases, the programmer would have created his own test data; the system analyst should create another quite separated lot so that a double check is made. 4. 1. 1 character of test data 1. it must extend the run into its limits with regard to factor such as: (a) the size of input and output fields. (b)the sizes of calculated intermediate values