Moreover this is supported by Standards of proficiency (SOP) section 14 “Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills to inform practice”. The aim of this essay is to critically appraise one of the research articles and reflect on what is good evidence based social work practice. Therefore it will have two parts. First part will anaylise the strregnth and weakness provided in the article. Second part will look at an overview of EBP how it fits in social work practice.
Critical appraisal is a systematic way of analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of a research article in order to assess the validity and usefulness of it (Young and Solomon, 2009).
Hence to appraise Abendstern et al (2011) article, tools such as Basic Evaluation of a Journal Article (BCU) will be used to guide through the process. The journal clearly indicates that authors of the article have vast experience in this field and is capable and competent in writing on this subject.
According to Conkin & Dale (2005) this information is useful as it could indicate if the researchers have knowledge in the area of study and the ability to ask the appropriate research questions. This was evident in the research question. The title of article is clear, and accurate, which meets the Meehan (1999) set criteria that the title should be about approximately 10 to 15 words long, so that readers are able to understand the nature and purpose of the study. Parahoo (2006) supports this statement and adds that if titles are too long or too short, it could cause confusion and possibly mislead the reader.
The Research paper on Critical Evaluation Of Selected Papers On Qualitative Research part 1
Critical Evaluation of Selected Papers on Qualitative Research Paper I: Gephart on Qualitative Research Paper I is an editorial column written by noted author Robert P. Gephart, Jr.widely considered as an authority on the subject of qualitative researchfor Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) in 2004. Described as longer than usual by Sarah Rynes (the then Incoming Editor, AMJ), the editorial ...
The abstract offers a clear overview of the study including the research problem; there are finding and recommendations. However their specific study or how they were going to research this were not mentioned. According to Dale (2005) an abstract should provide and overview of the research and research methods including sample size and selection. However Parahoo (2006) argue the abstract should enable the reader to determine if the study is of interest and whether or not to continue reading, which this article falls in the view of the latter.
Introduction is very comprehensive, gives a good insight into collaboration work and sets the scene using good evidence with up to date references from other authors in this field. Ruane (2005) states that introduction is the literature review in the subject, where authors have excellent understanding of the issues raised by other researchers and opportunity to enhance other studies that were carried out in the past. This allows building on evidence that already exists. Therefore it could safe time and money, which is crucial in today’s climate.
Abendstern et al (2011) used data from national survey conducted in 2006, which is fairly recent this indicates that it is appropriate and relevant for today’s issues. The purpose of the research is clearly identified and they present the information throughout the article consistently backed up with evidence such as the National Service Framework for Older people, NHS Care Records Service, NHS Continuing care, Registered Nursing Care Contribution (RNCC) and Care Program Approach.
The researchers referencing were very comprehensive and accurately referenced to the study. The research study should conclude with an accurate list of all the books; journal articles, reports and other media that were referred to in the work (Polit and Beck, 2006) Bassett and Bassett (2003) states good research article should have all of those in the introduction. Furthermore Polit and Beck (2006) adds that some researchers will refer this as the purpose of the study however, either way the introduction should at least generally indicate to the reader what is to be studied.
The Research paper on Fundamentals of Nursing Research: evaluation of the evidence for nursing practice
1.How do nurses and doctors interact in acute settings? In this study, I would like to use ethnography. When compared to other qualitative methods like ;phenomenology or grounded theory,ethnography is a systematic approach,which includes observing,detailing,describing,and analyzing the patterns of culture(Leininger,1985).The key feature of ethnography as a qualitative research methodology is that, ...
The researchers have stated the funders of the research, which is funded research by Department of Health, which could suggest to be biased politically, however the motive is difficult to frame. The methodology was described with the data collection method. Quantitative and qualitative questionnaire which consisted of closed questions with a choice of fixed answers and free text to enhance qualitative data were sent out in the form of mailshot, followed by telephone call to non-respondents and it was repeated for more wider sample results to gain more evidence to reduce bias (Parahoo, 2006).
The data was analysed by a computer program, which was identified but not clarified the reason used. Polit and Beck (2006) argue researchers should clarify that the chosen instrument is the most appropriate for their study with evidence of validity and reliability. Futhermore if an established computer program that has already has established validity and reliability is used this should be outlined as stated by Wood et al, (2006) and in this case were not. Data is presented in detail with data tables. The researchers enhanced the readability according to Russell (2005) by presenting their findings under research questions with analysis.
As this can help the reader determine if results are presented clearly. The methodology was described with the data collection method. Quantitative and qualitative questionnaire which consisted of closed questions with a choice of fixed answers and free text to enhance qualitative data were sent out in the form of mailshot, followed by telephone call to non-respondents and it was repeated for more wider sample results to gain more evidence to reduce bias (Parahoo, 2006).
The data was analysed by a computer program, which was identified but not clarified the reason used.
The Research paper on Research Study on Gender Bias in Education
These instructions were used as a form of deception to prove my hypothesis. My hypothesis was that women would be more affected by this deception than would the men. My results proved otherwise. Results showed there was little difference in the way the women and men performed on these tests on either version. The ANOVA testing showed these clear results. Does Performance Reflect Success? Gender ...
Polit and Beck (2006) argue researchers should clarify that the chosen instrument is the most appropriate for their study with evidence of validity and reliability. Futhermore if an established computer program that has already has established validity and reliability is used this should be outlined as stated by Wood et al, (2006) and in this case were not. Data is presented in detail with data tables. The researchers enhanced the readability according to Russell (2005) by presenting their findings under research questions with analysis. As this can help the reader etermine if results are presented clearly. The participants of study were clearly identified; the samples that were selected were from mainly Local Authorities in the United Kingdom. The sample size could be rather small to generalise findings throughout the country. The researchers made no mention of representativeness of this study to the whole country, though it seems to refer to the United Kingdom most of the time. Representativeness in quantitative research is a decisive factor in determining the adequacy of a study( Polit and Beck, 2006).
Parahoo (2006) argues if a study needs to identify findings be representative of the whole population a probability sample should be used. Which in this research was not mentioned or possibly not used. Furthermore (Burns and Grove (1997) adds to the above that risk of sampling errors decrease when larger sample size are used. Furthermore according to Polit and Beck (2006) the research in this case is less likely to be response bias as it has more than fifty percent participants participated.
The article does not indicate that the participants were fully informed about the nature of the research, furthermore article does not also indicate confidentially were guaranteed. However ethical approval were gained for the study. This may contradict ethical principle as Burns and Grove (1999) argue the role of the ethical committee is to determine that the rights of the individual are being adhered to. The significance of the findings should be stated but these should be considered within the overall strengths and limitations of the study (Polit and Beck, 2006).
Applying findings in practice should be suggested with caution and will obviously depend on the nature and purpose of the study. In addition, the researcher should make relevant and meaningful suggestions for future research in the area (Connell Meehan, 1999).
The Research paper on Business Research Study Of Wal-Mart’s Profitability
When first quarter results came in for Wal-Mart, the new CEO was not too happy and quickly recognized the challenges he would face as he strategized to increase sales. The results showed that profits decreased by 5% and that the future months were not looking good for the organization. Wal-Mart is the world’s largest retailer and has witnessed its fifth straight quarterly decline in U.S. sales ( ...
The referenced material is also a useful source of further information on the subject being studied. The process of critiquing involves an in-depth examination of each stage of the research process. It is not a criticism but rather an impersonal scrutiny of a piece of work using a balanced and objective approach, the urpose of which is to highlight both strengths and weaknesses, in order to identify whether a piece of research is trustworthy and unbiased. As nursing practice is becoming increasingly more evidenced based, it is important that care has its foundations in sound research. It is therefore important that all nurses have the ability to critically appraise research in order to identify what is best practice.. A research study needs to follow the steps in the process in a logical manner.
There should also be a clear link between the steps beginning with the purpose of the study and following through the literature review, the theoretical framework, the research question, the methodology section, the data analysis, and the findings (Ryan-Wenger, 1992).
theoretical framework Following the identification of the research problem and the review of the literature the researcher should present the theoretical framework (Bassett and Bassett, 2003).
Theoretical frameworks are a concept that novice and experienced researchers find confusing.
It is initially important to note that not all research studies use a defined theoretical framework (Robson, 2002).
A theoretical framework can be a conceptual model that is used as a guide for the study (Conkin Dale, 2005) or themes from the literature that are conceptually mapped and used to set boundaries for the research (Miles and Huberman, 1994).
Asoundframeworkalsoidentifiest h evariousconcepts being studied and the relationship between those concepts (Burns and Grove, 1997).
Such relationships should have been identified in the literature. The research study should then build on this theory through empirical observation.
The Research paper on Social Practices Community Fans Team
Argumentation Communities Arguments can Argumentation Communities Essay, Research Paper Arguments can be made anywhere we want them to be made. We can look at some of these arguments that we are making by examining the communities we use to make them in. Perceived in terms of context, argument is discussed in terms of the audience to whom it is addressed or in terms of the community, field or ...
Some theoretical frameworks may include a hypothesis. Theoretical frameworks tend to be better developed in experimental and quasi-experimental studies and often poorly developed or non-existent in descriptive studies (Burns and Grove, 1999).
The theoretical framework should be clearly identified and explained to the reader. The targeted group intended for this research is professionals and agencies and policy makers. The evidence provided in article can provide practitioners the dilemmas of working with SAP in a inter-professional and where more input from ractitioners can help in implementing SAP with certain professionals that were less involved. However it does not provide any anti-discriminatory practice issues. It also does not provide any feedback from service user involvement. As central to SAP is person centred approach. This could demonstrate bias on the part of researchers that they are concerned with professionals outcomes rather than service user outcomes. According to (AUTHER) social work researchers who are concerned with social justice, should consciously be aware of anti-discriminating practice and should be implementing these in to their research.
Researchers should be aware of language that can be powerful in oppression. Data took 5 years to be published, is the results and speculation, findings still relevant? Lots of changes since then, new government, recession, various reforms in social work practice. The authors are academics and social work practitioners in this field of knowledge would fit the criteria for authority in researching this article. Ethical approved was gained from University of Manchester and further supported by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Research Group. s research article has some kind of ethical implications, as the group that is in the study in one or other way will be vulnerable (Parahoo 2006, Ellis 2010).
Therefore, research had to be approved by ethics committee to ensure that fundamental moral principles were met (Newell & Burnard 2011, Beauchamp & Childress 2001).
The article was written to evaluate effective services for older people with health and social needs, with the implementation of policy initiative Single Assessment Process (SAP).