Infanticide in China There are many socio-political phenomenons in the Third World countries that shock Western people. This is due to the fact that we still largely apply a conventional Christian morality, while trying to analyze ethical issues abroad. One of such issues is the practice of killing baby girls in China female infanticide. Sociologists point out to the huge misbalance between male and female population in China, in 1990 there were 111 million more men in this country, which is a proof that the policy of female infanticide in China is given almost an official status. According to Culture of Life Foundation: in 1997 in China among 3-year-olds, there were 119 boys per 100 girls; among 2-year-olds, 121 boys; and among children less than a year old, 116 boys. People in ancient times used to associate the high birth rate among males with an impending war The government of Peoples Republic denies allegations of infanticide, but were well aware of the value of such denials, especially knowing that Chinese government discourages parents from having more than one child.
There are just simply way too many people in China and if the population growth continues to gain momentum, it will inevitably lead to famine. There is an undeniable logic in parents trying to insure that they only have sons males can enjoy much better prospects in life and theyre more likely to be able to help their parents, when they get old. The political scientists explain this by the low social status, which is prescribed to women in China. Yet, they only refer to economical factors, while the problem appears to be much more complex. As practice shows, there is very little respect towards women within Chinese families, even in America. Therefore, it has more to do with peoples biological predisposition towards killing unwanted children, then with anything else. As a matter of fact, it is not just a China, where women are regarded as inferior members of society. In every non-white country their social status is being severely limited.
The Term Paper on China’s One-Child Policy: Should It Be Abolished?
... that is hurting the country if it was not needed in the first place? China’s One-Child Policy needs to ... has been implicated in forced abortions and female infanticide. One of the biggest problems with the policy ... four-two-one problem. There are also some people who say, even though the policy seems to ... this into perspective, there are about 23 million boys age 20 and under in Germany, France, and ...
Many Muslims go far as denying women having a soul I think, it is wrong to impose our notions of what is right and what is wrong upon people in foreign countries. In my opinion, female infanticide might be morally questionable, but biologically justifiable. Europeans used to practice eugenics even as far back as in times of ancient Sparta. This guaranteed the survival of the fittest and eliminated the possibility of genetic deceases being passed from generation to generation. Apparently, the female infanticide is socially acceptable China, since it was first being reported a long time ago. In the same way, it is acceptable to eat cats there In India it is acceptable to take urine showers and eat fresh cows excrements. Still, Arabs are going to be disgusted with Europeans, who think of lobsters as delicacy and who extend the sufferings of their children with incurable genetic diseases, with the means of sophisticated medicine, as the ultimate gesture of love. Female infanticide in China has a strong historical tradition and there is nothing we can do about it.
Numerous Western help the needy children funds are trying to raise public concern about this issue, yet it appears as very doubtful that Western governments are ever going to officially criticize the practice of female infanticide in China. It is just the matter of very short time, before this country will become the biggest economic power in the world. Any attempt to question any of its internal policies, on the part of Western countries, results in replies that China can successfully deal with its own internal affairs. This country pursues an aggressive demographic policy it only tries to control its population within. At the same time, Chinese men are encouraged to have sexual affairs, while abroad, so that this country has more and more agents of influence in foreign states. Chinese government uses men as the demographic secret weapon. We cant say that female babies in China are unwanted; its just unlike Western states, China functions as one homogenous social organism.
The Essay on Western World China Chinese Country
China is the perfect example of what happens when one leader is given to much power. The leaders of China were each very afraid of social reform, and the consequences that outside influence may have on their customs. As a means of initiating reform, they shut the entire Western world out almost completely. At the time it was a move that served China well but in the long run it was the downfall of ...
By controlling the birth tendencies, it can strategically plan ahead
Female Infanticide. 2000. Case Study. Gendercide Watch. March 5, 2005. Mass Infanticide in China. 2000. Culture of Life Foundation.
March 5, 2005. 4211|CHID102759|CIID268916%2C00.html.