Create a Project Charter, Requirements Document & Work Break Down Structure Apply scope change management processes Demonstrate understanding of project planning through the analysis of a case study [Note: Topic Notes 4(Initiation), 5 (Project Planning) and 6 (Scope Management) provide the background to complete this assignment) PART I (68 marks) PROJECT CHARTER, WBS, SCOPE CHANGES [NOTE: Part I is a practical assignment. No academic references are required. It is not as a piece of academic writing. The Charter, Requirements Document and WBS must be written as formal project documents Select a project.
The project can be: One that you are presently involved in or project happening in the future in which you will be involved – either business or social project. A hypothetical but relevant project A. Produce a PROJECT CHARTER, using the template herein (38 marks) Problem / Opportunity Statement (6 marks) strategic alignment (6) Benefits (6), KPIs (6) Deliverables (6), High-level Requirement(s) (6), Exclusions (2) Cost, Timeframe, Risks, (0) (no marks – just provides experience of completing a full charter) B. Produce a REQUIRMENTS TRACEABILITY MATRIX using the template herein, list
4 requirements then trace to features in the final deliverables (8 marks) C. Create a WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE using the template herein: (list format, not chart format).
The Essay on Business Requirements Document
Business requirements are the critical activities of an enterprise that must be performed to meet the organizational objective(s). The BRD should remain solution independent. In the context of the project scoping for hardware procurement and installation, this is about identifying and documenting the business requirements of customers, employees, and vendors early in the development cycle to guide ...
(Note: the WBS must contain at least 15 work packages. If you have a large project, provide the top-level elements, and decompose 1,2 or 3 of these elements so that at least 15 work packages are created (12 marks).
) D. Describe a possible SCOPE CHANGE requested by the sponsor. Fully evaluate the requested change. Produce and explain the revised sections of WBS, assuming that the change is accepted (10 marks) PART II (30 marks)
CASE STUDY: “Goal Definition and Performance Indicators in Soft Projects” (See separate handout) (Approximately 500-1200 words in total for Part II) Part B can be undertaken as a GROUP assignment (in groups of 2 or 3) In answering the case study, make any necessary but reasonable assumptions. Support any answers wil direct reference to the text in the case study 1. What are the (16 marks): Deliverable(s ) (4 marks), benefits (4).
And suggest one suitable KPI for one of the benefits (4) strategic alignment (4) 2.
Describe one specific project planning problem encountered in this project, and how it may have been avoided or better managed. (8 marks) (200-300 words) 3. Describe one specific example of good project planning in the project. (8 marks) (200-300 words) Dates & Penalties. Date given /duesee unit outline. Penalties for late submission see unit outline Format The assignment must be typed on A4 paper (using one side only) in one-and-half typing and presented with a cover sheet setting out your name, lecturer’s name, unit title and the topic of the assignment. Arial Narrow, 12 font
All papers should be numbered. All assignments should be thoroughly checked for typing, spelling and grammatical errors before being submitted. PROJECT CHARTER Sponsor: Project Title: Prepared By: Date: Problem/Opportunity Statement: Key Deliverables: Key Requirements Exclusions BENEFIT KPIs Strategic Alignment Approximate Cost Approximate Timeframe Key Risks APPROVAL Yes/ No Authority:______________________________ Date:____________ Sponsor REQUIREMENTS TRACEABILITY MATRIX Product Requirement Deliverable component PROJECT WBS # WBS – ELEMENT (insert extra rows as needed)