1. According to Coelho a personal calling is God’s Blessing, Simply the path that God laid before us for us to follow.
The Main 4 obstacles in the way of achieving our personal calling are simple things. Such as from childhood we are told everything we want to do is impossible, and we should stray away from that path. Eventually through living with these beliefs through our adulthood creates a sense of fear, prejudice, and the guilt of everything that may or may not have anything to do with us. This will eventually hide our destiny deep within our souls, completely invisable due to the feeling of not being worthy enough to obtain it. For those few who manage to get past this obstacle are faced by the second obstacle of life, the simpility and complexity of love. We know what we truly want to happen but we are afraid of leaving those who love us alone, which is another factor of feeling guilty. Because of this many never followed the path to the next turn, but instead simply stopped and settled down. However nobody realizes that those who truly wish for us to be happy are more than willing to accompany us on this journey. The third obstacle is an obstacle that seemingly blocks my own path often. It is the fear that we will fail at what we are going to do, that we will look like a fool and be lead on to our demise.
Even though what most people don’t understand is that on your path you will discover defeat after defeat, but yet there will always be a glistening light gleaming through the pure, black, darkness if life. This is also why Coelho refers to everyone following their path as a warrior of light. Because we race against the darkness and not running from it’s evil intent. Eventually after we beat the darkness of defeat and failure we feel a sense of euphoria, a great sense of pride, joy, and pure happiness. Though one day we will notice the scars from these battles on us, creeping deeper towards our souls blocking the path. There is also one more thing that blocks our path, yet it is a seemingly unexpected until it is presented before us. It is realizing our goal and true destiny, you begin to think “After I realize my destiny what do I do know? “. This is something that makes us begin to wonder “Was this all truly worth it? Or shall we discover something that will bring us to oblivion?”. Also there is the factor of guilt once more, we believe we do not truly deserve what was prepared for us. We believe we are no more than commoners who deserve nothing more than food and a home to live in, while some of us believe we don’t even deserve that.
The Essay on Can Destiny Be Avoided
Many conflicts occur in daily society: between two people, among groups of people, and sometimes between people and their destiny. The most interesting aspect of Oedipus Rex is the conflicts it contains throughout the play: Oedipus Rex is a tragedy of destiny (Dodds 17). There are many conflicts that occur in the play Oedipus Rex; the three most crucial occur between Laius and Jocaste and the ...
In my opinion I still can’t understand my personal calling, even though i truly do desire and seek uncommon knowledge. Such as my expirementing with eletromagnetic fields by pulsing energy, or simlply my desire to understand how something works before I use it. I do believe that creating my own computer from scratch engouraged me onto my path, simply because I was told by everyone, inlcuding my family that I could not do it. That it was far too advanced for me to understand, yet I pressed on and had finished it within a week. Proving everyone wrong, which is a feeling I enjoy, even though that feeling could become more of a curse than a blessing.
The legend of Narcissus is a story of a young man who knelt before a lake everyday, simply to stare at his owny beauty from the reflection of the water. Eventually he fell into the lake and drowned and there grew a beautiful flower which became known as a narcissus. However in The Alchemist’s versions of this story it states a goddess passed through and saw the lake crying for Narcissus, however ironically the lake always looked into Narcisuss’s eyes and contemplated it’s own beauty rather than ever looking at Narcissis.
The Term Paper on Lake Of Fire Hell Eternal Life
Matthew Jay Krachunis May 2000 Hell The idea of heaven entices and encourages believers and non-believers alike. It is enjoyable to envision a place of eternal rest and relaxation, in the presence of God and loved ones. Heaven does exist according to the Bible, and is the destination of the believer in Jesus Christ at the completion of life on this earth. What is not encouraging is the fact that ...
Dally is a narcissistic person because of his personality. He contstantly feels the pain of the world and others beside him, yet will never let it show due to his arrogant pride. However as seen with Johnny’s death he does sometimes let his narcisstic personality disappear and explodes into a frenzy of rage and confusion. His narcisstic personality likely came from when he was abandoned by his nearly worthless parents. Creating a flame inside him to defy everything that stands against pure freedom or succeses. However because of this he always felt that others should envy him, and wish to become him. This, however is not something he truly wants, he just wants others to admire him.
Dialectical Journal Entries 1-30
Entry 1
“But…was Narcissus beautiful? I find this passge to be quite
The lake asked.” “Who better ironic in it’s own way.
than you to know that?” the goddeses Narcsissus died from drowning
said in wonder, “After all, it was by In a lake he looked upon daily.
your banks that he knelt each day Yet the lake was looking not
to contemplate himself!”…. back at his beauty, but rather
“I could see, in the depths of It’s own beauty never noticing
his eyes, my own beauty how Narcissus looked.
reflected.” ~ Page X The Irony is that they both
were both obsessed with
Entry 2
“It’s this: that at a certain point in our Melchizedek Is trying to make
lives we lose control of of what’s Santiago return back to the path
happening to us,and our lives become of his calling by telling him he
controlled by fate. That’s the worlds Still controls his own destiny.
greatest lie. ~ Page 18 Rather than him becoming a
mindless wandering sheperd.
The Essay on September Eleventh Life World People
A Day to Remember I awoke the morning of September eleventh like any other day. Comfortably lying in my bed, warm and snug. I was dreaming and at total peace, oblivious to the world around me. Suddenly, I sprang up to the blaring sound of my pulsating alarm clock. The sun was up and shining into my bedroom window. I got up, looked around, and observed the horizon with a disgruntled look on my ...
Entry 3
“If someone isn’t what others want This is a thought that everyone
them to be, the others would become should be a certain way, even if
angry. Everyone seems to have a their personality shows them as
clear idea of how others live there lives a completely differen person.
, but none about his or her own.” However going against this
~ Page 16 thought welcomes succesful
Entry 4
“People learn, early in thier lives, I feel that this passage tells why
what is their reason for being,” said some people give up on their
the old man with a certain bitterness. personal calling. It is that
Maybe that’s why they give up so early the mystery for your reason of
, too. But that’s the way it is.” being is revealed and you no
~ Page 24 longer feel the excitement of
Entry 5
“Treasure is uncovered by the force This reminds me of how when
of flowing water, and it is buried by something is kindly given to you,
the same currents,” ~Page 24 it can be ripped away from you
by the same exact person for little
reason at all.
Entry 6
“The secret of happiness is to see I took this as a message saying
all the marvels of the world, and never I should focus on my dreams ,but
forget about the drops of oil on the yet I should always take a step
spoon’.” ~ Page 32 back and think of my home,
family, and my traditions that
The Essay on Ernest Hemingway Life Santiago Goal
"The Old Man and The Sea" Essay Ernest Hemingway, in The Old Man and The Sea, wrote a book about a man with little wealth and little friends, but this man has a very high goal, which he wants to accomplish even if it means he might die in the process. In this story Ernest Hemingway describes struggles between life and death. Those struggles still exist in life today, and people from all over the ...
brought me here.
Entry 7
“Then he realized that he had been This story goes back to the old
distracted for a few moments, looking kings story of the drops of oil on
at the sword. His heart squeezed, as a teaspoon. Santiago realized
if his chest had suddenly compressed that he had been blindsighted by
it. He was afraid to look around, beauty for a single moment, and
because he knew what he would find. then suddenly lost all he had.
~ Page 38
Entry 8
“I’m like everyone else—I see the world To me this is truly a fact, I
in terms of what i would like to happen, always feel I know what people
not what actually does.” ~Page 40 are thinking. Yet my
subconscious always tell me
that I am wrong, and they are
thinking the worst.
Entry 9
“This candy merchant isn’t making Honestly in this thought of
candy so that later he can travel or Santiago’s I believe Santiago
marry a shopkeeper’s daughter. believes the candy merchant is
He’s doing ir because it’s what he truly happy with his life. That
wants to do.” ~ Page 43 there is nothing else he can
obtain to make him become
more pure.
Entry 10
“…, one of them had spoken Arabic The reason why they understood
and the other Spanish. And they each other was not because of a
understood each other perfectly physical language but instead a
The Essay on Refer To Page Society Life Time
In the autobiography we learn much about the author and her experience, as about the age and society in which she lives. Discuss this statement with the specific references to the book (Min. 750 words). From the "down the line" to the "first ocean voyage and it's running smoothly." For someone who is not familiar with Janet Frame biography it sounds almost as a fiction, but for everyone who had ...
well.” ~ Page 43 language that the soul translates
into emotions.
Entry 11
“There wa a moment of silence so This is when everything seems
profound that it seemed the city to fall apart for the boy
was asleep. No sound from the bazaars, Santiago, his dreams begin to
no arguments among the merchants, no shatter before him. However
men climbing to the towers to chant. it seems that he begins to
No hope, no adventure, no old kings follow the newly laid path.
or personal legends, no treasure, and Which he then uses to get back
no pyramids. It was as if the world had onto his personal callings path.
fallen silent because the boys soul had.”
~ Page 47
Entry 12
“Because it’s the thought of Mecca Here the merchant faces one of
that keeps me alive. That’s what helps the four obstacles from
me face these days that are all the obtaining your personal legend.
same, these mute crystals on the He speaks of not knowing what
shelves, and lunch at the same to do with himself after his goals
horrible café. I’m afraid if my dream are completed. Which is
is realized, I’ll have no reason to surprisingly a very large
go on living.” ~ Page 54 blockade of personal legends.
Entry 13
“I an always nearby, when someone This sentence makes me believe
wants to realize their Personal the old king is less of a
Legend.” ~ Page 65 physical thing, and more of the
emotion of inspiration.
Entry 14
“We are afraid of losing what we This passage seems to question
have, whether it’s our life or our the old kings words, that you
The Term Paper on The Boy’s Life
You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. ” This quote by Paul Sweeney describes exactly how I felt after reading and watching Tobias Wolff’s memoir This Boy’s Life. After I closed the book and once the credits started to roll, I felt as if something in my life went missing. I speak for everyone when I say that it’s impossible to ...
possesions and property. But control your own fate. As this
this fear evaporates when we states that your path is written
understand our life stories and before your existance and you
the history of the world were have no option to change it.
written by the same hand.”
~ Page 76
Entry 15
“Life will be a party for you, a grand To me i find this passage quite
festival, because life is the moment peacefull. It says that life can
we’re living right now.” ~ Page 85 be wild and fun, but it’s because
it’s the life we’re living at the
moment, not the future.
Entry 16
“At that moment, it seemed to him Here Santiago realized a new
that time stood stil, and the Soul of feeling he had never felt before.
the World surged within him… he This feeling was a universal
learned the most important part of the encoded language that no one
language that everyone was capable completely understood, but
of understanding in their heart. It reconized it.
was love.” ~ Page 92
Entry 17
“Suddenly, one of the hawks made This was the omen that
a flashing dive through the sky, allowed Santiago to change
attacking the other. As it did so, a fate, and save the oasis as
sudden, fleeting image came to the well as earning the oasis’s
boy: an army, with its swords at trust.
the ready riding into the oasis.”
~ Page 100
Entry 18
“It was my fear of failure that first The Englishman is talking
kept me from attemping the Master his fear of failing alchemy
Work. Now, I’m beginning what I again. But he discovers
could have started ten years ago. that if he never fails, he
But I’m happy at least that I didn’t will never reach his true
wait twenty years.” ~ Page 98-99 destination.
Entry 19
“Many lives will be saved, because Santiago thinks he is seeing the
I was able to see through to the to plan of the creator or soul of
the Soul of the World.” ~ Page 110 World. Which he believes
cannot be changed now he
altered it.
Entry 20
“But that night, as he had watched Finally Santiago abandons
the cobra within the circle, the nearly everything in search of
strange horseman with the falcon his Personal Legend, even his
on his shoulder had spoken of true newly found love and soon to
love and treasure, of the women of be wife. As well as the riches
the desert and his Personal Legend. of the oasis.
‘I’m going with you,’ the boy said.
And he immediately felt peace in
his heart.” ~ Page 120-121
Entry 21
“People are afraid to pursue their At first i found the concept
most important dreams, because of this passage hard to grasp,
they feel that they don’t deserve but after reading it many times I
them, or that they’ll be unable to finally understood it. We truly
achieve them. We, their hearts, wish to obtain our goals but
become fearful just thinking of loved we don’t feel as if we have
ones who go away forever, or of done enough to obtain this.
moments that could have been but Also i find the fact of leaving
weren’t, or of treasures that might behind loved ones to discover
have been found but were forever something is truly a fact of
hidden in the sands. Because, when everyday life.
these things happen, we suffer terribly.
~ Page 130
Entry 22
“The sea has lived on in this shell, I find this important to me,
because that’s it’s Personal Legend. because it symbolizes that
And it will never cease doing so everything shall eventually
until the desert is once again covered come back from wence it
by water.” ~ Page 138 came.
Entry 23
“The boy turnedto the hand that I find this part of the story odd,
wrote all. As he did so, he sensed Santiago all of a sudden learns
hat the universe had fallen silent, how to speak to the world, and
and he decided not to speak.” to the creator himself? This part
~ Page 151 of the story could honestly use
more of a buildup.
Entry 24
“The boy reached through the Soul Thise passage contains one
of the World, and saw that it was simple thought, that everything
part of the Soul of God. And he saw and everything, including the
that the Soul of God was his own soul. creator and God of all. Are
And that he, a boy, could perform the same thing as a simple
miracles.” ~ Page 152 common man living on Earth.
Entry 25
“…the alchemist took from his pouch My curisoity is involved greatly
the strange yellow egg. He scraped here,I wonder what the egg is?
from it a sliver as thin as hair, wrapped Maybe a basic chicken egg fried
it in wax, and added it to the pan in in a batter of pure gold? or
which the lead had melted.” ~ Page 154 perhaps the masterwork of the
Entry 26
“The boy looked at the sands Here Santiago believes his
around him, and saw that, where treasure is directly beneath him.
his tears had fallen, a scarab beetle However this leads nothing more
was scuttling through the sand. than to another clue.
During his time in the desert he had
learned that, in Egypt, the scarab
beetles are a symbol of God.”
~ Page 161
Entry 27
“The boy took out Urium and This is one of the morals of the
Thummim from his bag. he had story. The idea is so simple
used the two stones only once, yet it is also so complexely
one morning when he was at a hidden behind words and
marketplace. His life and his path symbols.
had always provided him with enough
omens.” ~ Page 166
Entry 28
“The boy reached the small, This goes back to the beggining
abandoned church just as night from the story of remeber
was falling. The sycamore was where you came from.
still there i it’s sacristy, and the Ironically Santiago’s treasure
stars could be seen through the was beside a tree he had
half destroyed roof. He remebered passed many times before
the time he had been there with his even knowing of his Personal
sheep; it had been a peacefull night.. Legend.
.except for the dream.” ~ Page 165
Entry 29
“‘You old sorcerer’ the boy shouted Well here I began to wonder if
up to the sky. ‘ You knew the whole the alchemist was also the old
story. You even left a bit of gold at king. It seems to make sense.
the monastery so I could get back to
this church.'” ….” No, he heard a
voice on the wind say. ~ Page 165-166
Entry 30
“Instead, it brough the scent of a I found the ending to this like
perfume he knew well, and the touch any traditional story. The man
of a kiss—a kiss that came from far returns to his wife after finding
away, slowly, slowly, until it rested wealth. However it does make
on his lips. The boy smiled. ‘I’m me wonder, did Fatima send the
coming, Fatima,’ he said.” ~ Page 167 kiss herself? Or was it the wind?