Friman (2010) also stated that there are different types of content include Short Message System (SMS), Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), mobile applications, mobile websites and web banners as well mobile TV. SMS messages have been generally used in mobile advertising (Wong, 2010).
Jamieson, Phau, and Dix (2010) said that the growth and potential of SMS advertising represents significant opportunities for marketers to reach consumers in the digital age.
Mobile advertising not only involves advertising messages, but also involves the Mobile Electronic Commerce (MEC) which known as mobile e-business is a business transaction approach in which activities exclusively or partly depends on mobile e-commerce (Mir, 2011).
Li, Kwek, Tan and Keoy (2012) mentioned that there are more and more modes being used for the interactive advertising, thus there is a need to measure the effectiveness of Internet advertising. Because of that, positive attitudes towards mobile advertising are important to improve the effectiveness of internet advertising.
Informativeness and entertainment found to be the most important variables in the relation between content and consumer attitude toward mobile marketing (Patat, 2011).
The Essay on Advertising Message
Advertising Messages and Creative Approaches • Whether advertising converts people into becoming brand-loyal customers or acts as a defensive shield to reassure current buyers, and whether central or peripheral cues are required, there still remains the decision about the nature and form of the message to be conveyed: the creative strategy. • In practice, the generation of suitable messages is ...
According to Saadeghvaziri and Hosseini (2011), besides the informativeness and entertainment, it has other positive attitudes toward mobile advertising like personalization, nonirritating, credibility, and monetary benefit. However, the responsiveness depicts the consumer’s willingness to receive and respond to marketing communication and can be viewed as a function of the content and the context of the message (Heinonen & Strandvik, 2010).
Based on genders, men are more frequent users than women and this slows down the possibility of familiarizing themselves with the latest advantages of mobile Internet (San Martin-Gutierrez, Lopez-Catalan & Ramon-Jeronimo, 2012).
The target group of mobile advertising was young adults working in the private sector, or students (Constantiou & Mahnke, 2010).
This category of group also known as the iYGeneration who can access information on demand, and who have intertwined virtual social media networks in their lives (Luck & Mathews, 2010).
Finally, multi-country comparison have to be done to determine the effects of cultural differences calls for further research of mobile advertising (Ghazisaeedi, 2012).
CONCLUSION Based on the literature review, this paper would like to address the following research question: 1) Who are the target group of mobile advertising? 2) What are the positive attitudes of consumer towards mobile advertising? REFERENCES Blanco, C. F. , Blasco, M. G. , & Azorin, I. I. (2010).
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