What is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? ADHD is a behavioral disorder that is neurodevelopmental in origin—meaning it is caused by a biological problem with the brain functions that control emotions and learning (Low Birthweight in Newborns).
Symptoms of this disorder range from mild to severe, and not all children will have the same symptoms. Although no main source is known to cause this disorder, doctors and researchers believe that ADHD symptoms are linked to neurodevelopmental problems (low birth Weight in Newborns).
Studies are being done to conclude other possible causes, including low birth weight. Low birth weight is a term used to describe babies who are born weighing less than three pounds, four ounces, almost four pounds less than the average newborn (Low Birth Weight in Newborns).
We know that babies born with low birth weight face a higher risk of health problems, and researchers are now finding that they are also more susceptible of developing ADHD (O’Brien).
The study of 30,000 children in the Archives of Diseases in Childhood found an increase of ADHD in children with low birth weight. These Danish researchers also found that babies born at less than thirty-four weeks were three times more likely to develop attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder than babies born between thirty-four and thirty-six weeks (ADHD Linked to Premature Birth).
The Essay on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Adhd 2
What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Attention Deficit Disorder is defined as a disorder in individuals who have difficulty maintaining an attention span because of their limited ability to concentrate and who exhibit impulsive actions. There are three sub-categories of attention deficit disorder: a) Attention deficit - Have difficulty focusing consistently. b) Hyperactivity - ...
Up to this point, researches had found a link between low birth weight and ADHD, but the studies had been done on babies born at or before twenty-eight weeks (ADHD Linked to Premature Birth).
The overall weight of the child’s brain at thirty-four weeks is only 65% of what it would weigh at full term; therefore, it is speculated that premature birth results in the disruption to the maturational processes of the brain (O’Brien).
Researchers believe this is the link between low birth weight and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder concerning brain development (O’Brien).
It is important for babies born prematurely to receive the proper care. There are treatments for ADHD, and if not treated properly, the child could develop more problems leading into adulthood (Low Birth Weight in Newborns).
After reading the three separate articles, it is clear that low birth weight does put a child at an increased risk for developing this disorder. Researchers believe ADHD is caused by a biological problem with brain functions, and babies born with low birth weight are also born with a brain that has not fully developed. I agree that this is the main link between low birth weight, ADHD, and brain development.