Creative Writing: Newly Independent Nation Seeks Advice From Other Nations. S. Period 424-Oct-96 A newly independent nation is seeking advice from other nations as it establishes its domestic policies on a variety of issues. Some of the nations and policies are Japan and there education system, Israel and, and England’s health care system.
The first area in which the nation is seeking advise is in the area of education. They are seeking advise from Japan. Japan puts much stress on its education. In Japan there are 240 days / year of school at six days per week (Mon. -Sat. ).
This is part of the reason Japan has a 99% literacy rate. In Japan if a person wants to get a good job then they usually need to have a college degree. The newly independent nation should not choose this system because it puts to much stress and pressure on the students. For example to get into a good high school or college you must pass a difficult exam. Many students who do not get into a good school often turn to suicide, Japan is second in the world behind the U. S.
in teen suicide. I would not choose this because a good system of education is not worth teens killing themselves. The second area in which the nation is seeking advice is in the area rights. They are seeking advice from Israel. In Israel women are given as equal rights as men are. Women are allowed to have the same jobs, education, and also serve in the military under the same conditions of men.
The Essay on Education and Co-education Schooling Systems
Every coin has two sides, and my eye approaches to both of those silvery shiny sides, the positivity of coeducation is that a person learns how to interact and deal with other people and he/she develops her interpersonal skills which becomes a strong stivk to an old man when he/she enters the professional life because in that period of your life it is not necessary that you are only going to deal ...
The nation should choose this policy because women are as equal as men and should have all the same opportunities. Plus during a war or crisis women would have all the same military experience as men. The third area of advise in which the nation is seeking advice is in the area of health care. The nation is seeking advise from England.
In England health care is covered by the NHS. The NHS (National Health Service) is a form of care that has been in place since 1946. Under the NHS all citizens are provided health care on demand. All expences are covered by general taxes fees on prescription drugs and Doctors are paid at a fixed per patient rate. The nation should not choose this policy because all though it provides adequate health care to people and allows people of all money classes to go to the doctors it also costs a lot of money. In 1989 alone more than $42 billion was spent providing health care.
With a little help these other nations the new nation should have a bright future.