How Does Concept-Based Education Improve Science Learning? Concept-based education appeared as protest to the traditional old-fashioned and conservative system of education, which makes students obey standards. The thing is that every single person is individual and unique, therefore everyone needs a certain unique approach to receive the best result. This is just what concept-based education offers to anyone who wants to be involved. The main point about teaching, according to the concept-based method, is that the teacher is not considered a supervisor or a teacher in the direct meaning of this word. The approach is that the teacher should not overteach his students, he should rather try to show them the way and after that let them go along it on their own, which is very important for personal identification of the students, for the development of their free thinking. The teacher in this case is rather a coach.
Naturally, a coach has to be in the team, that is he is to be equal to the people he is training for them to feel that he is their friend. Talking about science, it is important to mention that it is far not the easiest thing to study. It is considered that one should have strong motivation and ability to learn. However, not all people, who have a desire to study science have the necessary abilities to do it. That’s where the concept-based method comes in handy, as far as one of its main aims is to develop the personality, to make the learner interested in what he or she is studying, to encourage him, which is the key point to success. Teaching science has to be performed very carefully, not to cause a situation in which a student would feel uncomfortable or suppressed, otherwise he or she may lose their motivation and desire to study, which is a fatal mistake for a scientist, who has to be interested in what he is doing, give all his heart and soul to his work. The main advantages of the concept-based method of teaching are the development of the following qualities: critical and creative thinking communication independent learning problem-solving These items are essential for scientists, who really have to be creative enough to carry out new ideas, to be innovative and decisive, to come up with something new, not just study what has already been discovered. As to the methods of studying what has already been discovered, they differ from the traditional method as well.
The Research paper on Steps in a case study method
All studies require that a research problem be identified and stated, and must be simple, concise, and in clear terms. Such problem will be the focus of a case study. IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM OF THE STUDY The General and specific objectives of the study must be categorically expressed. Such objectives will be the bases in conducting research activities. State the Objectives of the Study The research ...
In this case students study real things and situations, which helps to make the knowledge acquired deeper and more long-lasting. It’s common knowledge that it is better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times. Students who study science with the help of this method have the ability to make experiments, to perform their own research, to observe objects. Usually they are asked to classify something in a way they think it is reasonable. Naturally, scientists have their own classification, which they think is most suitable, and often uneasy to understand. Within the concept-based method, students are taught to understand what scientist really mean by dividing something into these categories they don’t just learn the classification by heart.
For example, in biology peanuts are classified as beans (but not nuts), however in medicine people who are allergic to peanuts are usually allergic to nuts and very rarely to beans. This is an example of a classification which needs deeper understanding than the one we have in our daily life and the concept-based method can provide this. Students examine objects and classify them in their own way, after that they are asked to explain why they think this very way is reasonable and after that they are suggested an alternative way and explained why this way is reasonable so that they could compare and understand it. They can also listen to other students’ classifications and take some interesting facts into consideration. In addition, when students are able to perform their own research work, they don’t just learn from their own mistakes, but ask more interesting questions than they would if they just memorized the given material. Therefore, they receive more interesting answers and accordingly they get more profound knowledge.
The Essay on Group Work Students Knowledge Process
The United States has been teaching its students for countless years now. Today's education process in the United States is that of the banking process. Paulo Freire gives light to a new and advanced process by which America should learn by, one that will prove to be an investment for the nations society, and soon will. For years now we have been learning in Americas institutions for the first ...
One more advantage of the concept-based method for students who study science is that getting this sort of education they are able to apply their knowledge in many other (not standard) situations. This means that they are not just taught to solve standardized tasks, but given a possibility to have a non-traditional approach to the problems. This, in its turn, means that they can solve tasks other people are unable to cope with because of their algorithmic mind. The concept-based method is the one to reduce the three main errors in education: over generalization, under generalization and misconception, which are totally unacceptable for scientists. Students are taught to understand the relationship between form and function, which is extremely important. Thanks to this method they are able to do inductive and deductive inferences, which are the main methods in science.
Tennyson and Cocchiarella suggest their own model of concept-based education: establishing a connection in memory between the concept to be learned and the existing knowledge. This means that students are not considered just a mass of people with equal abilities to learn, but each of them is provided with an amount of knowledge he or she is able to perceive at this moment. If all the students were given a certain portion of information to learn, some of them would manage to do this, some wouldn’t, and when the second portion came the student who failed to cope with the first one would have serious problems with the second. Even more, the problems would increase with every next portion, causing terrible gaps in their knowledge, which are almost fatal for scientists, who have to know their subject from the very beginning to the very end. improving the formation of concepts in terms of relations. This is very important too, as well as an educated scientist, especially one that deals with people’s lives, has no right to make mistakes as far as they can influence the well-being of other people. That is why it is important that the future scientist made enough mistakes in the process of studying not to repeat them in the future.
The Research paper on Problem Based Learn Case Learning Cases
... moods" (Cusimano 1995). "Problem-based learning (PBL) is an instructional method that challenges students to 'learn to learn,' working cooperatively in groups ... reconsider their initial responses. confirm that the key concepts are significant and important to the case topic. ... loud," as that slows down their reasoning and enables people to check for errors of understanding" (Ommundsen 1996). ...
To provide this, students have to learn not only from their own mistakes, but form the mistakes of their colleagues. This is achieved by means of socialization of students and establishing a certain kind of relationship between them. They get new knowledge not just while communicating with their teacher, but while communicating with each other as well. facilitating the development of classification rules. As it has already been mentioned, students have to learn how to classify things by observing them and getting a more vivid image of what they are actually studying. All in all, the concept-based method helps students to learn unconsciously.
The process of learning is more like a game or usual leisure-time students have. The thing is that students are young people and they would, of course, rather spend some time hanging out with their friends than studying the boring science. The method of learning makes studying almost as interesting as the things mentioned. The process of education here includes dialogs, debate, reading, outdoor study and even performance. It lifts students’ life out of the ordinary. There is one more thing about concept-based education it educates not only the students but the teachers as well they get to know a lot more by communicating with young people and have the fertile soil for new ideas and innovation, in which science has a strong necessity.
The concept-based method challenges the tradition. Young people usually like to do that too. If young people do what they like to do, what is their cup of coffee, they are more likely to achieve success than if they are forced to learn what they have to learn. In science-learning it is very important to feel that this very thing is your vacation in life and to enjoy doing it, otherwise one will be no success. Wang Zezhao, who is a Chinese concept-based method teacher explains the meaning of his method by a short story: A man who had lost his key is looking for it on the road. A policeman comes up to him and asks if the man is sure he lost the key in that very place. The man replies that actually he lost the key on the other side of the road, but there is no light over there.
The Review on Students’ Perception on Separating Class Based on Learning Style
... stimulus refers to new method applying in that course by separating students based on their learning style. ... something, they will connect and related the things to something they have already known because ... November 25. 2012, form www. infed. org/biblio/b-learn. htm. Last update: May 29, 2012. Sudjana, ... color and sometimes they make flashcard of key information with words, symbols, or diagrams. Auditory ...
by this example Zezhao shows that using the concept-based method of education and challenging the tradition is like finding the key in the dark. It is better to look for the key in the dark than in a place where it never was and never will be. The main thing, actually, is to find the key in the end..