On the news broadcast all that was shown was chaos, which was truly understandable. There would need to be a plan generated and questions answered. The company that employed the workers that were trapped below needed to reach the family members of the victims. They also needed to contact their staff, and address the media. The company needed to create a team of workers to get the trapped victims freed and they also needed to create a sure-fire plan that can assure that their plan is successful. The first course of plan would be to get a team at the site to answer the questions of the media and the family members who would arrive.
The Minera San Esteban Primera Company formed a team of executives trained to handle such matters to partner with the Chili government officials. The team was briefed and distributed to the site to answer questions and maintain damage control. The company also needed to establishment a team of internal teams within the company to address the questions and the concerns of the employees of the company. There needed to be a plan in place that gave their employees guidance with handling the media. The company was about to be criticized from all angles from safety to empathy and any wrong answer can end up being a huge setback.
Their last but most important form of action was to understand the best method to address the family members of the victims. They needed to be stern, strong, but sympathetic to the needs of the family members. It must be understood that 2,300-feet below surface lies somebodies husband, father, son, or friend. The consideration that must be remembered is the different roles of the audience that needs to receive the messages. The audiences consist of family members with concerns and in pain about love ones. The audience also includes employees of the company and the government anxious to complete a task in a timely manner.
The Essay on The Loss Of A Family Member
It was a time for me when life was like one of those T.V. shows that have perfect families and nothing bad ever happens. I liked it that way so when my father came home with a sad look on his face I have to say it scared me more then a little bit but I had no idea that the news he would present would change my life forever. My mom came out of her room and my dad called us to him. He started to say ...
Also you must consider the roles of the media. The media will be the staff of people who may be the most challenging. The media wants answers to generate a story they have no personal connection to the matter other than relaying the message to their viewers. They will be aggressive and demanding with their needs and the answers that they are expecting. There may be times when you are attacked, accused, and criticized. This is the nature of the media. They are given access to the scene that has been shut down to the rest of the community.
Although they are challenging the company needs to be cooperative with getting them accurate and assuring information. The information given to the media is also being read and heard by the family of the victims. The family members will require the truth of what is going on with their loved ones. They need to know the shape of their loved ones health and how long it will take to free them. The family will also need to have a facility that allows them to receive information before the media, and they require a place to eat and sleep while they await the release of their family members.
The executives of the company is placed in a difficult place because they need to stay true to the company but also provide information as they would want it if they were the people being updated of family members. This is never easy but the company has needs to be fulfilled just like the family members. The company will be faced with legal actions that will need to be addressed. Therefore, the company must be mindful of how things are worded. They want to make sure the 33 people are rescued, but they do not want the company to suffer greatly from this accident.
The company needs to be prepared to answer all questions concerning safety. They will be responsible for completing and investigation to assure no negligence was involved. The company would be required to allow funding to supply the needs required by the family member, rescue workers, the company staff, and the 33 men trapped below. They will supply a team of counselors to assist those struggling with handling this ordeal. Some will be traumatized by all that has happened. In the beginning, you gathered your thoughts and prepared yourself to deliver a message that may or may not be received as you plan.
The Research paper on Should Companies Embrace Social Media
The title of this particular case study is Should Companies Embrace Social Business? There are companies out there that understand the power of social networking. The social networking could occur on Facebook or Twitter. It has been stated, “Over half of all adults visit social networking sites at least once a month, and many of today’s employees are already well versed in the basics of public ...
In the end you must take the same approach, because you must understand that you will not please everybody. So get prepared for the questions that insinuate things could have been done better. In the end, it is about what happened on October 13, 2010 to have the 33 miners return to the surface of Chili alive (, 2011).
According to “World Record Academy” (2012), “The Chilean President Sebastian Pinera, who mobilized national resources, deserved high appraisal and admiration (para. 2).
I say good job! References (2011, October 12).
Chile Mining Accident (2010).
The New York Times, p. http://topics. ytimes. com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/c/chile_mining_accident_2010/index. html Juan Weik. (2010).
Over 30 workers trapped after Chilean copper mine collapse.. Retrieved from Juan Weik, BCOM275 website. World Record Academy. (2012).
Retrieved from http://www. worldrecordacademy. com/society/longest_time_survived_underground_Chile_miners_sets_world_record_101928. html Yang, J. (2010, October).
From collapse to rescue: Inside the Chile mine disaster. The Star, (), 1. http://www. thestar. com/news/world/chile/article/873382–from-collapse-to-rescue-inside-the-chile-mine-disaster