The purpose of the virtual classroom system is to integrate the benefits of a physical classroom with the convenience of a “no-physical bar” virtual learning environment. It will usher in the immense flexibility and sophistication in the existing learning platform structures, with the perfect blend of synchronous and asynchronous interaction. It provides a means of collaborative learning for the students.
Scope: This project has a lot of scope for future development. Developing a virtual classroom system to promote a greater count of students to splurge into the field of Education.
Problem Statement:
The question of which teaching methodology is better, traditional or virtual, is always a puzzling one. traditional classroom teaching methodologies are well-tested, and the environment most of us grew up in, but they have some major limitations. Virtual classrooms, on the other hand, are new and high tech.
The term “traditional classroom” brings to mind visions of a classroom of twenty or more children, all roughly the same age, listening raptly to the instructor or teacher, while all working diligently at their studies. The reality is far different.
In a traditional classroom environment, there are usually anywhere from twenty to thirty children and one teacher. In some cases, that teacher might have a “teacher’s aid” or an assistant teacher. This is where the disadvantage starts- it is simply impossible for one person to give each student the one-on-one attention or instruction that may be required. In order to avoid these problem there is need t establish a system which provide luxurious way of teaching. The system which is much flexible for teacher and as well as for students. Our project will also provide help in accordance of this problem.
The Homework on The Perfect Classroom Teacher Make Proper
Making Everyone Happy We all have our own preconceived mindsets of how our educational surroundings should be arranged and how a perfect classroom should be. While preparing for the ultimate classroom we should keep in mind the following conditions. These conditions should involve input from teachers and students alike, while also keeping in mind parent's and school faculty's needs. To a teacher, ...
Overview :
Developing a virtual classroom system to promote a greater count of students to splurge into the field of Education. It integrates the benefits of a physical classroom with the convenience of a ‘no-physical bar’ virtual learning environment, minus the commuting hazards and expenses. It will usher in the immense flexibility and sophistication in the existing learning platform structures, with the perfect blend of synchronous and asynchronous interaction. It provides a means of collaborative learning for the students.
Class Diagram:
A Class is description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, relationships and semantics. Graphically it is rendered as a rectangle. An Attribute is named property of a class thatdescribes a range of values that instances of the property may hold. A class may have many attributes orno attributes at all. An attribute represents some property of the thing you are modeling that is sharedby the objects of the class. They are shown in the compartment under the name of the class. AnOperation is the implementation of a service that can be requested from any object of the class to affectbehavior. They are written in the last compartment in the class depiction.
ER Diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram):
Relational Schema:
Relationship Table:
create table Role (Role_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,Role_name varchar(10) NOT NULL,primary key (Role_id) );
create table Department (Department_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,Department_name varchar(10) NOT NULL,primary key (Department_id) );
create table Course (Course_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT Not NULL,Course_namevarchar(10) NOT NULL,syllabus varchar(10000),primary key (Course_id) );
The Term Paper on Internet Security Overview Public Key
1 Introduction The recent acceleration in the uptake of electronic commerce (e-commerce) over the Internet has focused the need for methods to be developed by which to securely transfer data over what amounts to a worldwide public network. The most commonly cited example of this requirement is the ability of customers to make electronic purchases from company Web sites using debit cards such as ...
create table User (User_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,User_name varchar(10) NOT NULL,User_passwd varchar(30) NOT NULL,Course_id INT NOT NULL,Department_id INT NOT NULL,primary key (User_id) ,FOREIGN KEY (Course_id)REFERENCES Course (Course_id)on DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ,FOREIGN KEY (Department_id) REFERENCES Department(Department_id) on DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE);
create table Attendance (Attendance_no INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,Date date NOT NULL,day varchar(15) NOT NULL,User_id INT NOT NULL,Course_id INT NOT NULL,status varchar(10) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(Attendance_no),FOREIGN KEY (Course_id)REFERENCES Course (Course_id)on DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ,FOREIGN KEY (User_id) REFERENCES User(User_id) on DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE);
create table Assignment (Assignment_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,Given_date date NOT NULL,Due_date date NOT NULL,Course_id INT NOT NULL,Assignment_que varchar(1000) NOT NULL,Assignment_ans_file varchar(10000000)NOT NULL,Assignment_markint not null ,PRIMARY KEY(Assignment_id),FOREIGN KEY (Course_id)REFERENCES Course(Course_id)on DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );
create table Question_bank (Question_bank_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, Question_bank_name varchar(15)NOT NULL,Course_id INT NOT NULL,Question_bank_que varchar(1000) NOT NULL,Question_bank_ans varchar(100000)NOTNULL,PRIMARY KEY(Question_bank_id),FOREIGN KEY (Course_id)REFERENCES Course(Course_id)on DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );
Lectures create table Lectures (Lecture_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,Lecture_name varchar(15) NOT NULL,Course_id INT NOT NULL,Lecture_note varchar(10000000) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(Lecture_id),FOREIGN KEY (Course_id)REFERENCES Course (Course_id)on DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE
At the end of the day, virtual classrooms can save your organization money, allow greater flexibility in the delivery of your training, and make your workforce more productive and effective. This allows for real-time presentations, questions, answers, and peer to peer collaboration. None of the traditional facilitation techniques are lost. Surprisingly, with the use of virtual classroom technology, some of these techniques, like peer to peer interaction, are enhanced. The ability to come together in this virtual way saves organizations tens of thousands of dollars every year.
The Research paper on Age Verification Systems and Closed User Groups in Germany
Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons The Voluntary Self-Regulation of Television Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting and Telemedia Protection of Young Persons Act -Jugendschutzgesetz Telecommunications Act Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media Age Verification System Closed User Group 3 Introduction Media accessibility via internet is rapidly increasing within the ...