1.Introduction-Telivision,one of the wonders of science- a powerful means of Of recreation and propaganda .2.A brief history of television in india. 3.Difficulties in the way of the devlopment of T.V in india –high cost-paucity of foreign exchange. 4. The advantage of telivision –a powerful means of education , propaganda and recreation . 5. Colour Telivision –its advantages and significances. 6. Conclusions-the urgent need of its devlopment to the remote places in india.
Only hear the voice ; but by the telivision we can also see the face of the speaker . we have only to switch on telivision , and at once we can both see and hear a popular leader speaking , or a drama being staged or a cinema film being exhibted at the T.V station or a match being played in any country of the world . In short , in recents times telivision has become one of the most important means of reaction, propaganda and national integration.
The advantages of T.V are so many that every possible effort should be made top provide the country with a nation wide T.V service at the earliest . T.V. is an important means of recreation and entertainment. It is the most suitable medium for mass communication and education. It can be used by the government to give wide publicity to its views , and to the devlopment work done by it . In this way, It can be used as powerful means of propaganda and the formation of public opinion. It can serve as a handmaid to planning . Indeed,by some experts telivision is conssiderd essential for success of planning.
The Essay on Telecommunications Technology Can Provide A Firm With A Competitive Advantage
Describe in detail the ways that telecommunications technology can provide a firm with a competitive advantage. A competitive advantage can be achieved by enhancing the firms ability to deal with customers, suppliers, substitute products and services, and new entrance into its market. A firm may find it difficult to keep informed of all changes taking place within its industry, but with the proper ...
Further, it can perform