The Wireless Sensor Network for Home-Care System Using ZigBee
Mao-Cheng Huang, Jyun-Ciang Huang, Jing-Cyun You, Gwo-Jia Jong
Department of Electronic Engineering,
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung, 807 Taiwan, ROC
E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]
In this paper, we presented the wireless sensor
networks (WSN) to observe the human physiological
signals by ZigBee, which is provided with lower power
consumption, small volume, high expansion, stylization
and two-way transmission, etc. ZigBee is generally
used for home care, digital home control, industrial
and security control. This paper developed a suite of
home care sensor network system by ZigBee’s
characteristic, which is embedded three sensors
(temperature sensor, humid sensor, and light sensor).
It is attached to other sensors, such as the biosensor
for observe heart rate and blood pressure. We
implemented Panasonic EW3035 blood pressure
monitor to measure heart rate and blood pressure. The
biosensor transmits measured signals via ZigBee, and
The Term Paper on Lab Report: Blood Pressure
The woozy feeling when standing up too quickly. After going for a run, feeling as if one more beat and the heart would project itself out of the chest. Or quite the opposite and being in a very relaxed state. These are all changes one experiences at some time or another. What causes the different feelings and how each variable affects pulse rate and blood pressure has many wondering. Because of ...
then sends to the remote wireless monitor for
acquiring the observed human physiological signals.
The remote wireless monitor is constructed of ZigBee
and personal computer (PC).
The measured signals
send to the PC, which can be data collection,
analyzing and statistic. When the measured signals
over the standard value, the personal computer sends
Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
short message to the manager. The manager can use
the PC or personal digital assistant (PDA) to observe
the observed human physiological signals in the
remote place.
1. Introduction
In recent years, the world is facing a common
problem that the number of elderly people is increasing
[1]. Hence, the problem of home-care for elderly
people is very important. In recently, wireless sensor
networks are used to structure home-care system in
many researches.
Wireless sensor networks application for
physiological signals communication transmission has
many technologies. Such as the Infrared, Bluetooth
and ZigBee, etc. Because the angle limit problem of
the infrared transmission, and the infrared have not be
used for Physiological signal transmission. Although
Bluetooth is better than ZigBee for transmission rate,
but ZigBee has lower power consumption [2]. Hence,
ZigBee is generally used for 24 hours monitor of
communication transmission systems.
The structure of the wireless sensor network for
home-care system illustrate in Figure 1. The first
procedure of the system that we use the biosensor to
measure heart rate and blood pressure from human
body, the measured signal sends to the end device and
than sends to the router, which is responsible for
transmit the measured signal between end device and
coordinator. When the measured signals send to the PC
via the RS-232 serial port communication interface [3],
the PC can analyze and store signal. We can send the
signal to remote PC or PDA from the internet. In
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particular, when measured signals over the standard
value, the personal computer will send GSM short
message to absent manager’s mobile phone.
2. ZigBee overview
ZigBee takes its name from the zigzag flying of
bees that forms a mesh network among flowers. It is an
individually simple organism that works together to
tackle complex tasks [4]. ZigBee has built on the IEEE
802.15.4 low-rate, wireless personal area networks
(WPAN) standard. The IEEE 802.15.4 defines the
physical layer (PHY) and media access control (MAC)
layer. The physical layer (PHY) supports three radio
bands, those are individually defined 2.4GHz ISM
band (Worldwide) with 16 channels, 915MHz ISM
band (Americas) with 10 channels, and 868MHz band
(Europe) with single channel [5],[6], the data rates are
individually defined 250Kbps at 2.4GHz, 40Kbps at
915MHz, and 20Kbps at 868MHz. The media access
control (MAC) layer controls access to the radio
channel using the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Avoidance (CSMA-CA) mechanism. The
transmission range is 1-100 meters. The ZigBee
defines two types of devices; those are Full Function
Device (FFD) and Reduced Function Device (RFD).
The FFD can serve as a network coordinator or a
regular device. It can communicate with any other
device. The RFD is intended for applications that are
extremely simple, such as a light switch or a passive
sensor device. It can communicate only with the FFD
[4],[7]. Theoretically, ZigBee can support up to 65,536
nodes. For security, ZigBee uses 128-bit Advanced
Encryption Standard cryptography and trust-centerbased authentication [5].
2.1. Network topology
ZigBee supports Star networks, Cluster Tree
networks and Mesh networks illustrate in Figure 2.
ZigBee supports Star networks, Cluster Tree networks
and Mesh networks illustrate in Figure 2.
1) Star networks: The devices in the star topology can
only communicate via the PAN coordinator.
2) Cluster Tree networks: Routers move data and
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control messages through the network using a
hierarchical routing strategy.
3) Mesh networks: It shall allow full peer-to-peer
communication [6].
2.2. ZigBee stack architecture
ZigBee stack architecture is shown in Figure 3. The
IEEE 802.15.4 defines the physical (PHY) layer and
the medium access control (MAC) sub-layer. The
ZigBee Alliance builds on this foundation by
providing the network (NWK) layer and the
framework for the application layer (APL).
and APL as the following:
1) Application (APL) layer: It includes application
support sub-layer (APS), application framework
and the ZigBee device object (ZDO).
In the
framework are added the user defined application
2) Network (NWK) layer: The network layer (NWK)
handles the network level of the communication. It
is managing the network structure and handles
routing and security functions for the relayed
messages [6].
3. Physiological signals measurement
3.1. Blood pressure
The blood pressure measurement divided invasive
blood pressure measurement and Non-invasive blood
pressure measurement. This paper uses the Oscillation
method of Non-invasive blood pressure measurement.
The method used the inflatable cuff to tie the human’s
arm, and aerated to the inflatable cuff. When the
bladder’s pressure over systolic blood pressure value
about 20~30mmHg, that the method in order to
compress the artery. Then the bladder leaked out air
slowly. We can measure the amplitude of pulsation of
the artery, illustrated in Figure 4. In order to measure
systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure,
we must to find the maximum amplitude value (Amax).
Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure
are individually equal to 0.5Amax and 0.75Amax.
We connect the measured signals to 12-bit analog
to digital converter (ADC) of the sensor board of
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3.2. Heart Rate
We must to find the time interval between two
pulsations, and than heart rate is the product of the
reciprocal of the time interval and 60.
4. Home-care system design
In the home-care system, we use ZigBee which is
Jennic’s JN5121 low power, low cost IEEE802.15.4
compliant wireless microcontroller. Jennic’s JN5121
includes controller and sensor board. The home-care
system is comprised of biosensors, end device, router,
coordinator and PC. In addition, PC sends the signals
to remote PC or PDA via internet. Furthermore, the
end device and router are sensor board of ZigBee; the
coordinator is the controller board of ZigBee. The
transmission method in this system is illustrated in
Figure 1. The design of the structure of system is as
4.1. End device
The end device is the sensor board which connects
biosensors to the 12-bit ADC of the sensor board. In
addition, this sensor board is embedded temperature
sensor, humidity sensor and light sensor. When the 12bit ADC has transformed physiological signals into
digital signals, which are sent to 16MHz 32-bit
Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) CPU, and
then, sent to 2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4 transceiver. The
transceiver will send signals to router. We can expand
many end devices for this system to observe human
health easily.
4.2. Router
The router is used to transmit data between end
devices and coordinator. The router is made by the
sensor board. When the router is received signals from
end devices, another routers and coordinator, it will
transmit signals to the goal. When one of routers is
broken, many routers can be expanded in this system
because they can avoid transmitted signals which are
unable to transmit to the goal.
4.3. Coordinator
The coordinator is the controller board used to
control the sensor networks. The measured data of any
end devices appear on LCD panel of controller board.
The buzzer of the alarm system attached to the
controller board will send the warning, when the
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measured data is over the standard value. The
coordinator stores and analyzes the measured data and
minors for a long period of time by the PC via RS-232
serial. The next section present detail for PC
4.4. Personal computer (PC) application
When the measured data sent to PC, we use the
software to analyze, record and monitor the data.
Therefore, we use National Instruments LabVIEW 7.1
to analyze, record, monitor the data. It can display
blood pressure and heart rate, and it can record
measured results of daily data. In the blood pressure
measurement, we inflate the inflatable cuff until it up
to 180mmHg and deflate at a speed of two-three
seconds per second, and we can find the amplitudes of
systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure
from the waveform. In the heart rate, we can see the
section 3.2. We must to calculate the time interval
between two pulsations, and then the reciprocal of the
time interval multiplies by 60 is heart rate. When the
measured data of any measured person over the
standard value, it can send the warning as well as the
coordinator and sends the GSM short message to
absent manager. The manager can use the remote PC
or PDA to observe the measured data via internet.
5. Conclusion
In Figure 5, it is shown the real-time waveform of
the three times sampled signal, and then to be saved
this signal value by using excel file. In Figure 6, the
excel file is analyzed in the blood pressure amplitude
waveform, it can be obtained the highest amplitude of
the blood pressure, the amplitudes of the systolic blood
pressure, and the diastolic blood pressure. There are
occupied 50% and 75% highest amplitude of the blood
pressure for representing systolic and diastolic pressure
value, respectively. The dashed line is the diastolic
blood pressure, and the solid line is the diastolic blood
The home-care system can be adopted to build the
wireless sensor networks for home or hospital. This
system is very convenient to observe every observed
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member. In the future, we will attach
Electrocardiogram (ECG) to ZigBee to enhance the
function of the Home-care system.
6. References
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End device
Mobile phone
Figure 3. ZigBee stack architecture [6], [8]
Figure 4. The amplitude of cuff pressure oscillations
Figure 1. The structure of the wireless sensor network
for home-care system
Figure 5. The real-time waveform of the three times
sampled signal
Figure 2. ZigBee network topologies [2]
Figure 6. The blood pressure amplitude waveform