Compstat (short for computer statistics or comparative statistics) originated in the new york city police department (NYPD) in 1994 when william bratton was police commissioner. Compstat is a comprehensive, city-wide database that records all reported crimes or complaints, arrests, and summonses issued in each of the city’s 76 precincts.
City officials had previously believed that crime could not be prevented by better information and analytical tools but instead by using more foot patrols in neighborhoods along with the concept of “community policing” in which efforts were made to strengthen the involvement of community groups. In contrast, bratton and rudy giuliani, then the mayor of new york city, believed that police could be more effective in reducing crime if operational decisions took place at the precinct level and if decision makers had better information.
Precinct commanders were in a better position than police headquarters to understand the spesific needs of the communities they served and to direct the work of the 200 to 400 police officers they managed. Compstat gave precinct commanders more authority and responsibility, but also more accountability. At weekly meetings, representatives from each of the NYPD’s precincts, service areas, and transit districts are put on the “hot seat’ at police headquarters and required to provide a statistical summary of the week’s crime complaint, arrest and summons activity, as well as significant cases, crime patterns, and police activities.
The Essay on Police and City Preventive Patrol
This experiment started in October 1972 and continued throughout 1973. This was administered by the Kansas City Police Department and evaluated by the Police Foundation. Patrols were varied within 15 police beats. Routine patrol was eliminated in five beats, labeled “reactive” beats. Normal routine patrol was maintained in five “control” beats. Patrol was then increased by two times in five “ ...
Commanders must explain what has been done to reduce crime in the districts under their command, and if crime has gone up, they must explain why. Commanders are held directly accountable for reducing crime in their area of command. In the past, they were evaluated primarily on the basis of their administrative skills, such as staying within budget and deploying resources efficiently. The data these commanders provide, including spesific times and locations of crimes and enforcement activities, are forwarded to the NYPD’s compstat unit where they are loaded into a city-wide database.
The system analyzes the data and produces a weekly compstat report on crime complaint and arrest activity at the precinct, patrol borough, and city wide levels. The data are summarized by week, prior 30 days, and year-to-date for comparison with the previous year’s activity and for establishing trends. The compstat unit also issues weekly commander profile reports to measure the performance of precinct commanders.
The weekly commander profile reports include information on the commander’s date of appointment, years in rank, education and specialized training, most recent performance evaluation rating, the units that person previously commanded, the amount of overtime generated by police under that commander, absence rates, community demographics, and civilian complaints. Using mapinfo geographic information system (GIS) software, the compstat data can be displayed on maps showing crime and arrest location, crime”hot spots”, and other relevant information.
Comparative charts, tables, and graphs can also be projected simultaneously. These visual presentations help precinct commanders and members of the NYPD’s executive staff to quickly identify patterns and trends. Depending on the intelligence gleaned from the system, police chiefs and captains develop a targeted strategy for fighting crime, such as dispatching more foot patrols to high-crime neighborhoods, or isuuing warnings to the public when a particular model of vehicle is susceptible to theft.
During bratton’s 27-month tenure, serious crime in new york dropped by 25% and homicides went down by 44%. Crime in new york city has dropped by 69% in the last 12 years. Skeptics do not believe that compstat was responsible for these results. They point to the decline in the number of young, poor men, an improved economy, programs that reduced welfare rolls while giving poor people access to better housing, increasing the size of the NYC police force, and giving precinct commanders more decision making responsibility and accountability.
The Essay on Crime And Media Police Officer
Corrections has been a field dominated primarily by men. Women entering in this field have had to struggle against the resistance presented when entering these types of jobs. Criminal justice and women have been terms that have not been heavily associated. However women do play a major role in the criminal justice system, whether they are the offenders, victims or criminal justice professionals. ...
Nevertheless, bratton, convinced that compstat was the catalyst for new york’s drop in crime, imlemented the system in los angeles to further prove its worth. Since the introduction of compstat, combined violent and property crimes in los angeles dropped for six consecutive years. Yet the ratio of police officers to residents is only half that of new york and chicago. Compstat has also been adopted in philadelphia, austin, san fransisco, baltimore, and vancouver, british columbia. Skeptics point out that crime has fallen in all urban areas in the united states since 1990 regardless of whether the cities used compstat.
In fact, a critical study of compstat by the police foundation found that compstat encouraged police to be only reactive rather than pro-active in fighting crime. Sending police to where crime has become a problem is, in other words, too late. Compstat encouraged what the police foundation called “whack-a-mole” theory of policing, similar to the game played in amusement parks. Rather than change police departments into nimble crime fighters, the foundation found that a database had been attached to traditional organizations, which themselves remained unchanged.
Because of the emphasis placed on reducing crime and because of the newfound importance of crime statistics to officers careers, compstat has created pressure on some precinct commanders to manipulate crime statistics to produce favorable results. Officers must continue to improve their crime statistics, despite shrinking budgets and dwindling numbers of officers. A study conducted in 2009 via a questionnaire given to 1200 retired police captains and more senior officers concluded that nearly a third of respondents were aware of unethical manipulation of crime data.
More than 100 survey respondents said that intense pressure to produce annual crime reductions led some supervisors and precinct commanders to manipulate crime statistics. For example, officers were known to check catalogs, ebay, and other sites for items similar to those reported stolen, looking for lower prices they could use to reduce the values of the stolen goods for record-keeping purposes. Grand larceny, a felony, is considered to be theft of goods valued at $1000 or more, whereas theft of goods valued at less than $1000 is only a misdemeanor.
The Essay on United States Pakistan Crime Police
Cultural Comparison Essay Law and Order In the United States police are suppose to be honorable and fair. We all know not all of them are. In Malaysia, according to Daphne Chan, you can bribe the police to let you off. "All you have to do is ask 'do you want to settle this now'" she said. In Pakistan, on the other hand, they don't even have minor violations like speeding and seat belt laws. ...
Using this method, precincts could reduce the number of felony thefts, considered an “index crime” and tracked by compstat. Surveys and anecdotal evidence also indicated a lack of receptiveness on the aprt of police in some areas, possibly motivated by a desire to reduce the number of crime incidents reported. Some survey respondents state the precinct commanders or aides dispatched to cime scenes sometimes tried to persuade victims not to file complaints or urged them to change their accounts of what happened in ways that could downgrade offenses to lesser crimes.
Previous studies of compstat encountered an unwillingness by the NYPD to disclose their data reporting methods. A professor performing a study that ultimately praised compstat’s influence on crime on new york city was given full access to NYPD crime data, but the NYPD did not cooperate with the commission to combat police corruption (CCPC), an independent board that monitors police corruption. The commission sought subpoena power to demand the NYPD turn over its data and data collection procedures to uncover potential wrong doing by the police. Unfortunately, the commission was enied access to this data after strong police department opposition. On the other hand, versions of compstat have been adopted by hundreds of other police departments across the united states, and the compstat approach has been credited with improving police work in many cities, in new york city itself, much of the public believes that crime is down, and that the city has become a safer and more pleasant place to live. Case study questions 1. what management, organization, and technology factors make compstat effective? 2. can police departments effectively combat crime without the compstat system?
Is community policing incompatible with compstat? Explain your answer. 3. why would officers misreport certain data to compstat? What should be done about the misreporting of data? How can it be detected? Apakah CompStat mengurangi kejahatan? CompStat (singkatan statistik komputer atau statistik komparatif) berasal york city kepolisian baru (NYPD) pada tahun 1994 ketika william Bratton adalah komisaris polisi. CompStat adalah komprehensif, database yang kota-lebar yang mencatat semua kejahatan yang dilaporkan atau keluhan, penangkapan, dan surat panggilan yang dikeluarkan di masing-masing kota 76 daerah sekitar.
The Term Paper on Hubungan Interdependensi Kompleks Amerika Serikat Dan China
The purpose of this paper it to examine US-‐China relation mostly in economy aspect and how the cooperation work while in the same time competition in spreading influence between two major power are exist. This paper also analyzed whether the US-‐China relation can be categorized as a complex interdependence. To analyze this case, the writer used complex interdependence concept from Robert ...
Pejabat kota sebelumnya percaya bahwa kejahatan tidak dapat dicegah dengan informasi yang lebih baik dan alat-alat analisis melainkan dengan menggunakan patroli kaki lebih di lingkungan bersama dengan konsep “community policing” di mana upaya yang dilakukan untuk memperkuat keterlibatan kelompok masyarakat. Sebaliknya, Bratton dan Rudy Giuliani, maka walikota new york city, percaya bahwa polisi bisa lebih efektif dalam mengurangi kejahatan jika keputusan operasional berlangsung di tingkat polisi dan informasi jika pengambil keputusan lebih baik.
Komandan polisi berada dalam posisi yang lebih baik daripada markas polisi untuk memahami kebutuhan spesifik dari masyarakat yang mereka layani dan untuk mengarahkan pekerjaan polisi 200 hingga 400 mereka berhasil. CompStat memberi komandan polisi lebih wewenang dan tanggung jawab, tetapi juga akuntabilitas. Pada pertemuan mingguan, perwakilan dari masing-masing daerah sekitar NYPD, area layanan, dan kabupaten angkutan diletakkan pada “kursi panas ‘di markas olisi dan diminta untuk memberikan ringkasan statistik pengaduan kejahatan minggu, penangkapan dan aktivitas panggilan, serta kasus-kasus penting, pola kejahatan, dan kegiatan polisi. Komandan harus menjelaskan apa yang telah dilakukan untuk mengurangi kejahatan di distrik-distrik di bawah komando mereka, dan jika kejahatan sudah naik, mereka harus menjelaskan mengapa. Komandan yang bertanggungjawab secara langsung terhadap mengurangi kejahatan di daerah mereka perintah. Di masa lalu, mereka dievaluasi terutama berdasarkan kemampuan administratif mereka, seperti tinggal di dalam anggaran dan menggunakan sumber daya secara efisien.
Data ini memberikan komandan, termasuk waktu dan lokasi spesifik dari kejahatan dan kegiatan penegakan hukum, akan diteruskan ke unit CompStat NYPD mana mereka dimuat ke dalam database kota-lebar. Sistem ini menganalisis data dan menghasilkan laporan CompStat mingguan keluhan kejahatan dan kegiatan penangkapan di kantor polisi, patroli borough, dan tingkat luas kota. Data dirangkum dalam satu minggu, 30 hari sebelumnya, dan tahun-to-date untuk perbandingan dengan kegiatan tahun sebelumnya dan untuk menetapkan tren. Unit CompStat juga mengeluarkan laporan mingguan komandan profil untuk mengukur kinerja komandan polisi.
The Term Paper on Faktor-Faktor Lain Yang Mendorong Ke Arah Keruntuhan Akhlak Dan Kemerosotan Disiplin Pelajar
FAKTOR-FAKTOR LAIN YANG MENDORONG KE ARAH KERUNTUHAN AKHLAK DAN KEMEROSOTAN DISIPLIN PELAJAR Masalah sosial dan jenayah yang membabitkan murid sekolah semakin meningkat dan membimbangkan kerana sekolah merupakan institusi sosial semakin renggang hubungannya dengan masyarakat setempat. Banyak masalah murid dan masalah masyarakat dengan sekolah khususnya yang bersabit dengan hal-hal peribadi murid ...
Laporan mingguan Komandan profil mencakup informasi tentang tanggal komandan pengangkatan, tahun pangkat, pendidikan dan pelatihan khusus, terbaru kinerja Peringkat evaluasi, unit orang yang sebelumnya diperintahkan, jumlah lembur yang dihasilkan oleh polisi di bawah bahwa komandan, tingkat absensi, demografi masyarakat, dan keluhan sipil. Menggunakan MapInfo sistem informasi geografis (GIS) software, data CompStat dapat ditampilkan pada peta yang menunjukkan kejahatan dan lokasi penangkapan, kejahatan “hot spot”, dan informasi lain yang relevan.
Perbandingan grafik, tabel, dan grafik juga dapat diproyeksikan secara bersamaan. Ini presentasi visual yang membantu komandan polisi dan anggota staf eksekutif NYPD untuk dengan cepat mengidentifikasi pola dan tren. Tergantung pada intelijen yang diperoleh dari sistem, kepala polisi dan kapten mengembangkan strategi ditargetkan untuk memerangi kejahatan, seperti pengiriman patroli kaki lebih ke lingkungan-kejahatan yang tinggi, atau isuuing peringatan kepada masyarakat saat model tertentu kendaraan rentan terhadap pencurian.
Selama masa Bratton 27 bulan, kejahatan serius di new york turun sebesar 25% dan pembunuhan turun sebesar 44%. Kejahatan di new york city telah menurun sebesar 69% dalam 12 tahun terakhir. Skeptis tidak percaya bahwa CompStat bertanggung jawab atas hasil ini. Mereka menunjuk ke penurunan jumlah anak muda, laki-laki miskin, ekonomi membaik, program yang mengurangi gulungan kesejahteraan masyarakat miskin sambil memberikan akses ke perumahan yang lebih baik, meningkatkan ukuran dari kepolisian NYC, dan memberikan komandan polisi lebih pengambilan keputusan dan tanggung jawab akuntabilitas.
Namun demikian, Bratton, yakin bahwa CompStat merupakan katalisator untuk penurunan new york dalam kejahatan, imlemented sistem di los angeles untuk lebih membuktikan nilainya. Sejak diperkenalkannya CompStat, dikombinasikan kejahatan kekerasan dan properti di los angeles turun selama enam tahun berturut-turut. Namun rasio polisi terhadap penduduk adalah hanya setengah dari new york dan Chicago. CompStat juga telah diadopsi di philadelphia, austin, san fransisco, baltimore, dan vancouver, british columbia. Skeptis menunjukkan bahwa kejahatan telah jatuh di semua wilayah perkotaan di negara bersatu sejak tahun 1990 terlepas dari a akah kota digunakan CompStat. Bahkan, sebuah studi kritis CompStat oleh yayasan polisi menemukan bahwa CompStat mendorong polisi untuk hanya reaktif daripada proaktif dalam memerangi kejahatan. Mengirim polisi untuk di mana kejahatan telah menjadi masalah adalah, dengan kata lain, terlambat. CompStat mendorong apa dasar polisi disebut “mendera-a-mole” teori kepolisian, mirip dengan permainan yang dimainkan di taman hiburan. Daripada perubahan departemen kepolisian menjadi pejuang kejahatan gesit, yayasan menemukan bahwa database telah melekat pada organisasi tradisional, yang sendiri tetap tidak berubah.
The Term Paper on Taoism and Yang
The later dates of the Eastern Zhou time period marked a great change in the social and political statuses in ancient China. Literacy rates were increasing, upper class individuals and family members were powering over others, and schooling gave people a leading advantage. Both intellectual and moral thoughts were taking over and with this new idea, came a new philosophy. There existed many ...
Karena penekanan pada mengurangi kejahatan dan karena pentingnya baru ditemukan tindak kriminal kepada petugas karier, CompStat telah menciptakan tekanan pada beberapa komandan polisi untuk memanipulasi statistik kejahatan untuk menghasilkan hasil yang positif. Petugas harus terus meningkatkan statistik kejahatan mereka, meskipun menyusut anggaran dan berkurangnya jumlah petugas. Sebuah studi yang dilakukan pada tahun 2009 melalui kuesioner yang diberikan kepada 1200 kapten pensiunan polisi dan perwira yang lebih senior menyimpulkan bahwa hampir sepertiga dari responden menyadari manipulasi etis data kejahatan.
Lebih dari 100 responden survei mengatakan bahwa tekanan kuat untuk menghasilkan pengurangan kejahatan tahunan menyebabkan beberapa supervisor dan komandan polisi untuk memanipulasi statistik kejahatan. Misalnya, petugas diketahui untuk memeriksa katalog, ebay, dan situs lainnya untuk item yang sama dengan yang dilaporkan dicuri, mencari harga yang lebih rendah bisa mereka gunakan untuk mengurangi nilai barang yang dicuri untuk tujuan menyimpan catatan. Pencurian berat, kejahatan besar, dianggap pencurian barang senilai $ 1000 atau lebih, sedangkan pencurian barang senilai kurang dari $ 1000 hanya kejahatan ringan.
Dengan menggunakan metode ini, daerah sekitar dapat mengurangi jumlah pencurian kejahatan, dianggap sebagai “kejahatan index” dan dilacak oleh CompStat. Survei dan bukti anekdotal juga menunjukkan kurangnya keterbukaan di aprt polisi di beberapa daerah, mungkin didorong oleh keinginan untuk mengurangi jumlah insiden kejahatan yang dilaporkan. Beberapa responden survei menyatakan komandan polisi atau pembantu dikirim ke Cime adegan kadang-kadang mencoba membujuk korban untuk tidak mengajukan keluhan atau mendesak mereka untuk mengubah account mereka dari apa yang terjadi dengan cara yang bisa menurunkan tindak pidana kejahatan ringan.
Studi sebelumnya CompStat mengalami keengganan oleh NYPD untuk mengungkapkan data mereka metode pelaporan. Seorang profesor melakukan penelitian yang pada akhirnya memuji pengaruh CompStat pada kejahatan di new york city diberi akses penuh ke data kejahatan NYPD, tetapi NYPD tidak bekerja sama dengan komisi untuk memerangi korupsi polisi (CCPC), suatu lembaga yang independen yang memantau korupsi polisi. Komisi mencari kekuatan subpoena untuk menuntut pergantian NYPD atas data dan prosedur pengumpulan data untuk mengungkap potensi perbuatan salah oleh polisi.
Sayangnya, komisi itu ditolak akses ke data ini setelah oposisi kepolisian yang kuat. Di sisi lain, versi CompStat telah diadopsi oleh ratusan polisi departemen lain di seluruh negara bersatu, dan pendekatan CompStat telah dikreditkan dengan meningkatkan kerja polisi di banyak kota, di kota new york sendiri, banyak masyarakat percaya bahwa kejahatan turun, dan bahwa kota ini menjadi tempat yang lebih aman dan lebih menyenangkan untuk hidup.
Pertanyaan studi kasus 1. faktor apa manajemen, organisasi, dan teknologi membuat CompStat efektif? 2. dapat departemen kepolisian secara efektif memerangi kejahatan tanpa sistem CompStat? Apakah perpolisian masyarakat sesuai dengan CompStat? Jelaskan jawaban Anda. 3. mengapa petugas salah melaporkan data-data tertentu ke CompStat? Apa yang harus dilakukan tentang misreporting data?